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Sample Scoring - Box Score

Right now, we're just showing the possible effects of changing your batting lineup.  Coming in the future, we'll include pitching performances and a sample score from the other team to get a final game result.


Change Batting Order

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Current Batting Order

Order Pos Name Tm Auth Pos AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI BB HBP SB TB* E**
1OFIchiro SuzukiSeaOF310000001010
2SSHanley RamirezFlaSS633101210081
33BAlex RodriguezNYY3B412100200031
41BCarlos PenaTB1B422001500050
5DHMelvin MoraBal3B220000011020
6OFElijah DukesWasOF401000000011
72BKelly JohnsonAtl2B411001200040
8CA.J. PierzynskiCWSC400000000000
9OFFred LewisSFOF512100100141

*In BWB, we count BB, SB, and HBP in the TB value.

**The Errors for the DH are set to 0

Errors come into play for YOUR pitching score (adding .5 to the score for every error), so currently we're not showing the effect of that.


Building the Batting Score

Batting Score Formula


Batting Score = .5 (RR + ATB) + .5 (HR)


RR:  Runs/RBI Factor

Order Name R Run Multiplier Run Score RBI RBI Multiplier RBI Score Sum of RBI Score for Next 3 batters Run Score * RBI Next 3
1Ichiro Suzuki11.31.301011.615.08
2Hanley Ramirez31.23.62129.634.56
3Alex Rodriguez11.
4Carlos Pena21251.4724
5Melvin Mora21201.3024
6Elijah Dukes0100102.80
7Kelly Johnson1112120.80.8
8A.J. Pierzynski00.9000.902.80
9Fred Lewis10.90.910.
Sum of: Run Score * RBI Next 370.98
RR = Sum/323.6600


ATB:  Adjusted Total Bases

Order Name TB TB Multiplier TB Score
1Ichiro Suzuki11.31.3
2Hanley Ramirez81.310.4
3Alex Rodriguez31.13.3
4Carlos Pena515
5Melvin Mora212
6Elijah Dukes111
7Kelly Johnson414
8A.J. Pierzynski00.90
9Fred Lewis40.93.6
Sum of: TB Score30.6
ATB = Sum/310.2000


HR (Team Total HRs) = 3

Putting it all Together

Batting Score = .5 (RR + ATB) + .5 (HR)


Batting Score = .5 (23.6600 + 10.2000) + .5 (3)

Batting Score = 18.4300

This is just half the score for your team in a game.

Your runs scored in a game = .5(Batting Score) + .5(Opponent's Pitching Score) + .33 if you are the home team - Opponents superior pitching performance


At some point, we'll add the ability to choose/view the pitching side of this score, but in the meantime, here are some examples:

Your Batting Score

Opponent's Pitching Score

Are you the home team?

Opponent's Superior Pitching

Total Score

18.4300  -1.43 No 2 (Complete game ShO) 6.5000 
18.4300  -0.955 No 0 8.7375 
18.4300  -0.58 Yes 1 (SP & Bullpen had 0 ER) 8.2550 
18.4300  0.66379 Yes .25 (Complete game) 9.6269 
18.4300  5.37432 No 0 11.9022 
18.4300  10.1744 Yes 0 14.6322 
18.4300  14.04478 Yes 0 16.5674 


Your actual run total would be the total score rounded to the nearest integer (minimum = 0)

If both teams have the same rounded run total, the team with the highest raw score is the winner, and we adjust one of the team's run values up or down a run (and mark the game as an "extra inning" game).

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