BWB Players
Free Agent Players
BWB Player information last updated: 2/24/2024
Major league information* current as of: 3/8/2025
All salaries are listed in thousands.
Primary and Secondary Positions are important only for start-up
drafts. "SP" and "RP" designation are
only suggestions - based on 2024 stats.
Status = "m" means currently in the minors. "IL" signifies
player is on the injured list. "Susp/Restr" indicates the player is
suspended or on the restricted list. In order to
search for a player name with an apostrophe, enter 2 consecutive apostrophes
into the search box. For example, to find O'Malley, type in O''Malley. *Player
information, such as ML Team, DL, or minor-league status, is
updated about 2-3 times per week, and is only guaranteed by BWB to be
semi-accurate. Please use other resources for definitive