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New Position Assignments This Season

Players are assigned positions for the current season based on where they played the previous season in MLB games.  As new players are entered into the system during the winter or during the season, their listed position at Baseball America provides their initial authorized position.

For lineup purposes, a player cannot be placed in a fielding position for which he is not authorized.

During the regular season, positions can be added to hitters for one of two reasons:

  • Plays 10 total games at a given position
  • Plays 5 consecutive games at a given position (Games as DH, or as only a PH/PR do not break a 5-game streak)

Pitchers are listed as either SP or RP, but that position designation is only meant as a guideline.  To provide better guidance for lineups, BWB will update positions during the season for these situations:

  • Starting Pitcher with 3 or more relief appearances will have "RP" added to his position
  • Relief Pitcher with 2 or more starts will have "SP" added to his position
    • In a 2022 change, BWB will be looking more closely at relievers who have starts. In the age of the opener and the bullpen game, adding "SP" to bullpen guys who don't pitch more than an inning or two doesn't provide much help to you. It's not a perfect number, but for the most part we're looking for 2 or more starts that last greater than 2 IP.

New positions are typically updated for players every 2-3 days.  Players can only be placed into their new positions once the player list on the website has been updated - and only for the current week - they cannot retroactively be applied to previous weeks.  However, once the player qualifies for a new position, if he is listed as a bench player or your team's DH, he can sub into the lineup using the new position.

See BWB Rules on positions


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Position Additions


NameML TeamNew PositionReasonDate QualifiedDate Posted
Ehire AdrianzaLAA3B5 consecutive games5/4/20245/6/2024
Eddy AlvarezNYM2B5 consecutive games9/17/20249/19/2024
Nacho AlvarezAtl2B5 consecutive games7/29/20248/1/2024
Brooks BaldwinCWS2B5 consecutive games7/23/20247/26/2024
Addison BargerTorOF10 total games7/1/20247/5/2024
Tyler BlackMil1B5 consecutive games6/22/20246/24/2024
Ryan BlissSea2B5 consecutive games6/2/20246/3/2024
Xander BogaertsSD2B5 consecutive games3/30/20243/31/2024
Jake BurgerMia1B10 total games5/22/20245/24/2024
Byron BuxtonMinOF5 consecutive games4/6/20244/8/2024
Oswaldo CabreraNYY2B10 total games8/7/20248/8/2024
Oswaldo CabreraNYY1B10 total games9/20/20249/23/2024
Victor CaratiniHou1B10 total games9/24/202410/1/2024
Andres ChaparroWas1B5 consecutive games8/20/20248/24/2024
Jazz ChisholmNYY3B5 consecutive games8/3/20248/6/2024
Kody ClemensPhi2B5 consecutive games5/19/20245/22/2024
Kody ClemensPhi3B10 total games9/14/20249/15/2024
Oneil CruzPitOF5 consecutive games9/3/20249/4/2024
Henry DavisPitC5 consecutive games4/3/20244/5/2024
Paul DeJongCWS3B5 consecutive games7/24/20247/26/2024
Zach DezenzoHou1B5 consecutive games8/14/20248/17/2024
Brandon DruryLAA3B10 total games8/11/20248/13/2024
Mauricio DubonHou1B10 total games6/23/20246/24/2024
Mauricio DubonHou3B10 total games9/15/20249/19/2024
Oliver DunnMil3B5 consecutive games4/7/20244/8/2024
Ezequiel DuranTex1B10 total games6/3/20246/7/2024
Xavier EdwardsMiaSS5 consecutive games7/3/20247/5/2024
Tyler FitzgeraldSFSS10 total games6/8/20246/10/2024
Tyler FreemanCleOF5 consecutive games4/2/20244/5/2024
Maikel GarciaKC2B5 consecutive games6/28/20247/1/2024
Mickey GasperBos2B5 consecutive games8/29/20249/2/2024
Romy GonzalezBosSS10 total games5/27/20245/30/2024
Romy GonzalezBos1B10 total games7/21/20247/22/2024
Romy GonzalezBos3B10 total games9/20/20249/23/2024
Hunter GoodmanColC5 consecutive games6/22/20246/24/2024
Tristan GrayMia3B5 consecutive games6/8/20246/10/2024
Vladimir Guerrero Jr.Tor3B10 total games9/4/20249/9/2024
Darrel HernaizOak3B5 consecutive games4/10/20244/12/2024
Keston HiuraLAA2B5 consecutive games7/21/20247/22/2024
Jackson HollidayBal2B5 consecutive games4/15/20244/17/2024
Spencer HorwitzTor2B5 consecutive games6/19/20246/20/2024
Andy IbanezDet1B10 total games7/14/20247/17/2024
Jose IglesiasNYM2B10 total games6/29/20247/1/2024
Jahmai JonesNYYOF5 consecutive games6/11/20246/17/2024
Jace JungDet3B5 consecutive games8/21/20248/24/2024
Isiah Kiner-FalefaTor2B10 total games4/21/20244/22/2024
Isiah Kiner-FalefaTorSS5 consecutive games6/19/20246/20/2024
Charles LeblancLAA3B5 consecutive games9/8/20249/9/2024
Brooks LeeMin3B5 consecutive games7/8/20247/9/2024
Brooks LeeMin2B10 total games9/26/202410/1/2024
Brandon LoweTB1B10 total games9/1/20249/2/2024
Marco LucianoSF2B5 consecutive games9/10/20249/15/2024
Angel MartinezCleOF5 consecutive games7/13/20247/17/2024
Whit MerrifieldPhi3B10 total games6/22/20246/24/2024
Jackson MerrillSDOF5 consecutive games3/30/20243/31/2024
Jose MirandaMin1B10 total games9/1/20249/2/2024
Dylan MooreSea3B10 total games6/7/20246/10/2024
Christopher MorelChC3B5 consecutive games4/7/20244/8/2024
Jhonkensy NoelCleOF5 consecutive games7/3/20247/5/2024
Connor NorbyMia3B5 consecutive games8/24/20248/28/2024
Richie PalaciosTB2B5 consecutive games5/10/20245/12/2024
Wenceel PerezDetOF5 consecutive games4/16/20244/17/2024
Bryan RamosCWS3B5 consecutive games5/8/20245/12/2024
Ben RiceNYY1B5 consecutive games6/22/20246/24/2024
Leo RivasSea2B10 total games9/27/202410/1/2024
Miguel RojasLAD2B10 total games6/6/20246/7/2024
Miguel RojasLAD3B10 total games8/17/20248/19/2024
Amed RosarioTBOF10 total games4/17/20244/19/2024
Amed RosarioTB3B10 total games6/22/20246/24/2024
Daniel SchneemannCleOF10 total games6/27/20247/1/2024
Daniel SchneemannCleSS10 total games7/20/20247/22/2024
Max SchuemannOak2B5 consecutive games4/29/20245/2/2024
Max SchuemannOakSS5 consecutive games5/11/20245/12/2024
Max SchuemannOak3B5 consecutive games8/31/20249/2/2024
Aaron SchunkCol2B10 total games9/14/20249/15/2024
Edmundo SosaPhi2B10 total games8/6/20248/8/2024
Bryson StottPhiSS10 total games5/24/20245/27/2024
Chris TaylorLAD2B10 total games7/11/20247/13/2024
Abraham ToroOak2B5 consecutive games5/5/20245/6/2024
Jared TrioloPitSS5 consecutive games7/12/20247/13/2024
Cole TuckerLAA3B5 consecutive games5/9/20245/12/2024
Miguel VargasLADOF5 consecutive games5/29/20245/30/2024
Miguel VargasCWS3B5 consecutive games8/9/20248/13/2024
Tyler WadeSD2B10 total games7/2/20247/5/2024
Eric WagamanLAA3B5 consecutive games9/16/20249/19/2024
Shay WhitcombHou3B5 consecutive games8/21/20248/24/2024
Alika WilliamsPit2B5 consecutive games4/25/20244/26/2024
Luke WilliamsAtl2B5 consecutive games9/7/20249/9/2024
Brett WiselySFSS5 consecutive games5/26/20245/27/2024
Connor WongBos1B10 total games8/15/20248/17/2024
Juan YepezWas1B5 consecutive games7/9/20247/13/2024


NameML TeamNew PositionReasonDate Posted
Joan AdonWasRP3 relief appearances8/6/2024
Tyler AlexanderTBSP2 starts4/22/2024
Kolby AllardPhiRP3 relief appearances10/1/2024
Chase AndersonBosRP3 relief appearances4/14/2024
Aaron AshbyMilRP3 relief appearances9/2/2024
Javier AssadChCSP2 starts4/12/2024
Brady BassoOakRP3 relief appearances6/17/2024
Clayton BeeterNYYRP3 relief appearances10/1/2024
Osvaldo BidoOakRP3 relief appearances7/5/2024
Brandon BielakHouRP3 relief appearances4/12/2024
Spencer BivensSFSP2 starts9/9/2024
Ty BlachColRP3 relief appearances5/12/2024
Ronel BlancoHouSP2 starts4/8/2024
Joe BoyleOakRP3 relief appearances10/1/2024
Cody BradfordTexSP2 starts4/8/2024
Jhony BritoSDRP3 relief appearances3/31/2024
Ben BrownChCRP3 relief appearances4/22/2024
Kris BubicKCRP3 relief appearances7/17/2024
Jose ButtoNYMRP3 relief appearances7/13/2024
Jose ButtoNYMRP3 relief appearances7/17/2024
Ben CaspariusLADRP3 relief appearances10/1/2024
Humberto CastellanosAriRP3 relief appearances7/30/2024
Slade CecconiAriRP3 relief appearances8/6/2024
Roansy ContrerasPitRP3 relief appearances4/8/2024
Cooper CriswellBosSP2 starts4/26/2024
Garrett CrochetCWSSP2 starts4/5/2024
Xzavion CurryCleSP2 starts5/22/2024
Davis DanielLAASP2 starts7/5/2024
Noah DavisColRP3 relief appearances7/30/2024
Yilber DiazAriRP3 relief appearances10/1/2024
Dane DunningTexRP3 relief appearances7/5/2024
Kent EmanuelMiaRP3 relief appearances6/20/2024
Alex FaedoDetRP3 relief appearances4/5/2024
Josh FlemingPitSP2 starts6/17/2024
Bowden FrancisTorSP2 starts4/8/2024
Carson FulmerLAASP2 starts7/22/2024
Hunter GaddisCleRP3 relief appearances4/5/2024
Gerson GarabitoTexRP3 relief appearances7/26/2024
Domingo GermanPitRP3 relief appearances8/19/2024
Connor GillispieCleRP3 relief appearances8/28/2024
Jon GrayTexRP3 relief appearances7/22/2024
Michael GroveLADRP3 relief appearances4/5/2024
D.L. HallMilSP2 starts4/8/2024
Hogan HarrisOakSP2 starts6/10/2024
Kyle HendricksChCRP3 relief appearances6/3/2024
Jordan HicksSFSP2 starts4/8/2024
Rich HillBosRP3 relief appearances9/2/2024
Porter HodgeChCRP3 relief appearances5/27/2024
Bryan HoeingMiaSP2 starts7/13/2024
Grant HolmesAtlSP2 starts8/6/2024
Tyler HoltonDetSP2 starts8/6/2024
Adrian HouserNYMRP3 relief appearances5/27/2024
Spencer HowardSFSP2 starts6/17/2024
Brant HurterDetRP3 relief appearances8/17/2024
Jairo IriarteCWSRP3 relief appearances9/15/2024
Daulton JefferiesPitRP3 relief appearances7/30/2024
Jakob JunisCinSP2 starts8/28/2024
Janson JunkMilRP3 relief appearances5/6/2024
Brad KellerCWSRP3 relief appearances5/14/2024
Zack KellyBosSP2 starts8/28/2024
Ray KerrAtlSP2 starts6/3/2024
Michael KingSDSP2 starts4/8/2024
Landon KnackLADRP3 relief appearances10/1/2024
Michael KopechCWSRP3 relief appearances4/5/2024
Peter LambertColSP2 starts5/6/2024
Matthew LiberatoreStLRP3 relief appearances4/5/2024
Reynaldo LopezAtlSP2 starts4/12/2024
Jordan LylesKCRP3 relief appearances4/12/2024
Daniel LynchKCRP3 relief appearances8/28/2024
Kenta MaedaDetRP3 relief appearances7/30/2024
Sean ManaeaNYMSP2 starts4/8/2024
Alec MarshKCSP2 starts4/8/2024
Nick MartinezCinSP2 starts4/8/2024
Steven MatzStLRP3 relief appearances9/23/2024
Darren McCaughanMiaSP2 starts9/9/2024
Mason MillerOakRP3 relief appearances4/8/2024
Anthony MolinaColRP3 relief appearances4/17/2024
Francellis MontasCinSP2 starts4/5/2024
Keider MonteroDetRP3 relief appearances10/1/2024
Jordan MontgomeryAriRP3 relief appearances9/9/2024
Mason MontgomeryTBRP3 relief appearances9/15/2024
Kyle MullerOakRP3 relief appearances4/8/2024
Ryne NelsonAriRP3 relief appearances10/1/2024
Jack O'LoughlinOakRP3 relief appearances6/10/2024
Adam OllerMiaSP2 starts8/28/2024
Luis L. OrtizPitRP3 relief appearances4/5/2024
Chris PaddackMinSP2 starts4/12/2024
Andre PallanteStLSP2 starts6/7/2024
Wes ParsonsCleRP3 relief appearances4/14/2024
Zach PenrodBosRP3 relief appearances9/19/2024
Ryan PepiotTBSP2 starts4/8/2024
Nick PivettaBosSP2 starts4/5/2024
Quinn PriesterPitRP3 relief appearances7/22/2024
A.J. PukMiaSP2 starts4/5/2024
Cole RagansKCSP2 starts4/5/2024
Drew RasmussenTBRP3 relief appearances8/24/2024
Colin ReaMilRP3 relief appearances7/17/2024
Joe RossMilRP3 relief appearances8/17/2024
Landen RouppSFSP2 starts9/19/2024
Bryan SammonsDetRP3 relief appearances8/13/2024
Sixto SanchezMiaRP3 relief appearances4/5/2024
Jared ShusterCWSRP3 relief appearances5/6/2024
Drew SmylyChCRP3 relief appearances4/8/2024
Jose SorianoLAASP2 starts4/17/2024
Michael SorokaCWSRP3 relief appearances5/27/2024
Mitch SpenceOakRP3 relief appearances4/12/2024
Carson SpiersCinRP3 relief appearances5/24/2024
Ross StriplingOakRP3 relief appearances8/28/2024
Albert SuarezBalRP3 relief appearances5/12/2024
Jose SuarezLAARP3 relief appearances4/8/2024
Kai-Wei TengSFRP3 relief appearances4/17/2024
Zack ThompsonStLSP2 starts4/5/2024
Touki ToussaintCWSRP3 relief appearances8/8/2024
Spencer TurnbullPhiRP3 relief appearances5/18/2024
Jose UrenaTexRP3 relief appearances4/12/2024
Louie VarlandMinRP3 relief appearances9/15/2024
Randy VasquezSDSP2 starts4/26/2024
Darius VinesAtlSP2 starts4/22/2024
Taijuan WalkerPhiRP3 relief appearances9/15/2024
Blake WalstonAriRP3 relief appearances9/19/2024
Luke WeaverNYYRP3 relief appearances4/8/2024
Joey WentzDetRP3 relief appearances4/12/2024
Hayden WesneskiChCSP2 starts5/6/2024
Forrest WhitleyHouRP3 relief appearances9/9/2024
Garrett WhitlockBosSP2 starts4/8/2024
Bryse WilsonMilSP2 starts4/26/2024
Cole WinnTexRP3 relief appearances4/26/2024
Alex WoodOakSP2 starts4/5/2024
Simeon Woods RichardsonMinSP2 starts4/26/2024