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2024 Schedule - Reality Bites

This Week's Games

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All matchups below are 3-game series


Week 1

Arachnophobe at MinneapolisSilver at Pawn StarsOne Day at GashouseInterlaken at Sea Isle CityNew York at America'sMemphis at CarmelParkville at RealFrostbite Falls at Kingston
Arachnophobe at SilverMinneapolis at Pawn StarsOne Day at InterlakenGashouse at Sea Isle CityNew York at MemphisAmerica's at CarmelParkville at Frostbite FallsReal at Kingston

Week 2

Arachnophobe at Pawn StarsMinneapolis at SilverOne Day at Sea Isle CityGashouse at InterlakenNew York at CarmelAmerica's at MemphisParkville at KingstonReal at Frostbite Falls
Minneapolis at ArachnophobePawn Stars at SilverGashouse at One DaySea Isle City at InterlakenAmerica's at New YorkCarmel at MemphisReal at ParkvilleKingston at Frostbite Falls

Week 3

Silver at ArachnophobePawn Stars at MinneapolisInterlaken at One DaySea Isle City at GashouseMemphis at New YorkCarmel at America'sFrostbite Falls at ParkvilleKingston at Real
Pawn Stars at ArachnophobeSilver at MinneapolisSea Isle City at One DayInterlaken at GashouseCarmel at New YorkMemphis at America'sKingston at ParkvilleFrostbite Falls at Real

Week 4

One Day at ArachnophobeMinneapolis at GashouseSilver at InterlakenPawn Stars at Sea Isle CityParkville at New YorkAmerica's at RealMemphis at Frostbite FallsCarmel at Kingston
Arachnophobe at New YorkMinneapolis at America'sSilver at MemphisPawn Stars at CarmelOne Day at ParkvilleGashouse at RealInterlaken at Frostbite FallsSea Isle City at Kingston

Week 5

Arachnophobe at GashouseMinneapolis at Sea Isle CityOne Day at SilverInterlaken at Pawn StarsNew York at RealAmerica's at KingstonParkville at MemphisFrostbite Falls at Carmel
America's at ArachnophobeMemphis at MinneapolisCarmel at SilverParkville at Pawn StarsReal at One DayFrostbite Falls at GashouseKingston at InterlakenNew York at Sea Isle City

Week 6

Interlaken at ArachnophobeGashouse at MinneapolisSea Isle City at SilverOne Day at Pawn StarsFrostbite Falls at New YorkReal at America'sKingston at MemphisParkville at Carmel
Memphis at ArachnophobeCarmel at MinneapolisParkville at SilverReal at Pawn StarsFrostbite Falls at One DayKingston at GashouseNew York at InterlakenAmerica's at Sea Isle City

Week 7

Sea Isle City at ArachnophobeMinneapolis at InterlakenSilver at GashousePawn Stars at One DayKingston at New YorkAmerica's at Frostbite FallsMemphis at RealCarmel at Parkville
Arachnophobe at CarmelMinneapolis at ParkvilleSilver at RealPawn Stars at Frostbite FallsOne Day at KingstonGashouse at New YorkInterlaken at America'sSea Isle City at Memphis

Week 8

Arachnophobe at One DayInterlaken at MinneapolisSilver at Sea Isle CityPawn Stars at GashouseNew York at ParkvilleFrostbite Falls at America'sMemphis at KingstonReal at Carmel
Parkville at ArachnophobeReal at MinneapolisFrostbite Falls at SilverKingston at Pawn StarsNew York at One DayAmerica's at GashouseMemphis at InterlakenCarmel at Sea Isle City

Week 9

Gashouse at ArachnophobeOne Day at MinneapolisInterlaken at SilverSea Isle City at Pawn StarsReal at New YorkParkville at America'sFrostbite Falls at MemphisKingston at Carmel
Real at ArachnophobeFrostbite Falls at MinneapolisKingston at SilverNew York at Pawn StarsAmerica's at One DayMemphis at GashouseCarmel at InterlakenParkville at Sea Isle City

Week 10

Arachnophobe at InterlakenSea Isle City at MinneapolisSilver at One DayGashouse at Pawn StarsNew York at Frostbite FallsKingston at America'sMemphis at ParkvilleCarmel at Real
Arachnophobe at Frostbite FallsMinneapolis at KingstonSilver at New YorkPawn Stars at America'sOne Day at MemphisGashouse at CarmelInterlaken at ParkvilleSea Isle City at Real

Week 11

Arachnophobe at Sea Isle CityMinneapolis at One DayGashouse at SilverPawn Stars at InterlakenNew York at KingstonAmerica's at ParkvilleReal at MemphisCarmel at Frostbite Falls
Arachnophobe at KingstonMinneapolis at New YorkSilver at America'sPawn Stars at MemphisOne Day at CarmelGashouse at ParkvilleInterlaken at RealSea Isle City at Frostbite Falls

Week 12

Minneapolis at ArachnophobePawn Stars at SilverGashouse at One DaySea Isle City at InterlakenAmerica's at New YorkCarmel at MemphisReal at ParkvilleKingston at Frostbite Falls
Silver at ArachnophobePawn Stars at MinneapolisInterlaken at One DaySea Isle City at GashouseMemphis at New YorkCarmel at America'sParkville at Frostbite FallsKingston at Real

Week 13

Pawn Stars at ArachnophobeSilver at MinneapolisSea Isle City at One DayInterlaken at GashouseCarmel at New YorkMemphis at America'sParkville at KingstonFrostbite Falls at Real
Arachnophobe at MinneapolisSilver at Pawn StarsOne Day at GashouseInterlaken at Sea Isle CityNew York at America'sMemphis at CarmelParkville at RealFrostbite Falls at Kingston

Week 14

Arachnophobe at SilverMinneapolis at Pawn StarsOne Day at InterlakenGashouse at Sea Isle CityNew York at MemphisAmerica's at CarmelFrostbite Falls at ParkvilleReal at Kingston
Arachnophobe at Pawn StarsMinneapolis at SilverOne Day at Sea Isle CityGashouse at InterlakenNew York at CarmelAmerica's at MemphisKingston at ParkvilleReal at Frostbite Falls

Week 15

Kingston at ArachnophobeNew York at MinneapolisAmerica's at SilverMemphis at Pawn StarsCarmel at One DayParkville at GashouseReal at InterlakenFrostbite Falls at Sea Isle City
Sea Isle City at ArachnophobeOne Day at MinneapolisSilver at GashousePawn Stars at InterlakenKingston at New YorkParkville at America'sMemphis at RealCarmel at Frostbite Falls

Week 16

Frostbite Falls at ArachnophobeKingston at MinneapolisNew York at SilverAmerica's at Pawn StarsMemphis at One DayCarmel at GashouseParkville at InterlakenReal at Sea Isle City
Interlaken at ArachnophobeMinneapolis at Sea Isle CityOne Day at SilverPawn Stars at GashouseFrostbite Falls at New YorkAmerica's at KingstonParkville at MemphisCarmel at Real

Week 17

Arachnophobe at RealMinneapolis at Frostbite FallsSilver at KingstonPawn Stars at New YorkOne Day at America'sGashouse at MemphisInterlaken at CarmelSea Isle City at Parkville
Arachnophobe at GashouseMinneapolis at One DaySilver at InterlakenPawn Stars at Sea Isle CityNew York at RealAmerica's at ParkvilleMemphis at Frostbite FallsCarmel at Kingston

Week 18

Arachnophobe at ParkvilleMinneapolis at RealSilver at Frostbite FallsPawn Stars at KingstonOne Day at New YorkGashouse at America'sInterlaken at MemphisSea Isle City at Carmel
One Day at ArachnophobeMinneapolis at InterlakenSea Isle City at SilverGashouse at Pawn StarsParkville at New YorkAmerica's at Frostbite FallsKingston at MemphisReal at Carmel

Week 19

Carmel at ArachnophobeParkville at MinneapolisReal at SilverFrostbite Falls at Pawn StarsKingston at One DayNew York at GashouseAmerica's at InterlakenMemphis at Sea Isle City
Arachnophobe at Sea Isle CityInterlaken at MinneapolisGashouse at SilverOne Day at Pawn StarsNew York at KingstonFrostbite Falls at America'sReal at MemphisParkville at Carmel

Week 20

Arachnophobe at MemphisMinneapolis at CarmelSilver at ParkvillePawn Stars at RealOne Day at Frostbite FallsGashouse at KingstonInterlaken at New YorkSea Isle City at America's
Arachnophobe at InterlakenMinneapolis at GashouseSilver at Sea Isle CityPawn Stars at One DayNew York at Frostbite FallsAmerica's at RealMemphis at KingstonCarmel at Parkville

Week 21

Arachnophobe at America'sMinneapolis at MemphisSilver at CarmelPawn Stars at ParkvilleOne Day at RealGashouse at Frostbite FallsInterlaken at KingstonSea Isle City at New York
Gashouse at ArachnophobeSea Isle City at MinneapolisSilver at One DayInterlaken at Pawn StarsReal at New YorkKingston at America'sMemphis at ParkvilleFrostbite Falls at Carmel

Week 22

New York at ArachnophobeAmerica's at MinneapolisMemphis at SilverCarmel at Pawn StarsParkville at One DayReal at GashouseFrostbite Falls at InterlakenKingston at Sea Isle City
Arachnophobe at One DayGashouse at MinneapolisInterlaken at SilverSea Isle City at Pawn StarsNew York at ParkvilleReal at America'sFrostbite Falls at MemphisKingston at Carmel

Week 23

Arachnophobe at MinneapolisSilver at Pawn StarsOne Day at GashouseInterlaken at Sea Isle CityNew York at America'sMemphis at CarmelParkville at RealFrostbite Falls at Kingston
Arachnophobe at SilverMinneapolis at Pawn StarsOne Day at InterlakenGashouse at Sea Isle CityNew York at MemphisAmerica's at CarmelParkville at Frostbite FallsReal at Kingston

Week 24

Arachnophobe at Pawn StarsMinneapolis at SilverOne Day at Sea Isle CityGashouse at InterlakenNew York at CarmelAmerica's at MemphisParkville at KingstonReal at Frostbite Falls
Minneapolis at ArachnophobePawn Stars at SilverGashouse at One DaySea Isle City at InterlakenAmerica's at New YorkCarmel at MemphisReal at ParkvilleKingston at Frostbite Falls

Week 25

Silver at ArachnophobePawn Stars at MinneapolisInterlaken at One DaySea Isle City at GashouseMemphis at New YorkCarmel at America'sFrostbite Falls at ParkvilleKingston at Real
Pawn Stars at ArachnophobeSilver at MinneapolisSea Isle City at One DayInterlaken at GashouseCarmel at New YorkMemphis at America'sKingston at ParkvilleFrostbite Falls at Real
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