2024 Schedule - South Siders League
This Week's Games
Full Season Schedule by Team
Current Standings
All matchups below are 3-game series
Week 1Wimpy's at Freeway | Delphi at Christmas | Harry at El Dorado | Georgia at House | South Pole at Dan Ryan Expressway | The Thing at Bathtub | Melton's at Don't Stop | Machynlleth at Royal | Wimpy's at Delphi | Freeway at Christmas | Harry at Georgia | El Dorado at House | South Pole at The Thing | Dan Ryan Expressway at Bathtub | Melton's at Machynlleth | Don't Stop at Royal |
Week 2Wimpy's at Christmas | Freeway at Delphi | Harry at House | El Dorado at Georgia | South Pole at Bathtub | Dan Ryan Expressway at The Thing | Melton's at Royal | Don't Stop at Machynlleth | Freeway at Wimpy's | Christmas at Delphi | El Dorado at Harry | House at Georgia | Dan Ryan Expressway at South Pole | Bathtub at The Thing | Don't Stop at Melton's | Royal at Machynlleth |
Week 3Delphi at Wimpy's | Christmas at Freeway | Georgia at Harry | House at El Dorado | The Thing at South Pole | Bathtub at Dan Ryan Expressway | Machynlleth at Melton's | Royal at Don't Stop | Christmas at Wimpy's | Delphi at Freeway | House at Harry | Georgia at El Dorado | Bathtub at South Pole | The Thing at Dan Ryan Expressway | Royal at Melton's | Machynlleth at Don't Stop |
Week 4Harry at Wimpy's | Freeway at El Dorado | Delphi at Georgia | Christmas at House | Melton's at South Pole | Dan Ryan Expressway at Don't Stop | The Thing at Machynlleth | Bathtub at Royal | Wimpy's at South Pole | Freeway at Dan Ryan Expressway | Delphi at The Thing | Christmas at Bathtub | Harry at Melton's | El Dorado at Don't Stop | Georgia at Machynlleth | House at Royal |
Week 5Wimpy's at El Dorado | Freeway at House | Harry at Delphi | Georgia at Christmas | South Pole at Don't Stop | Dan Ryan Expressway at Royal | Melton's at The Thing | Machynlleth at Bathtub | Dan Ryan Expressway at Wimpy's | The Thing at Freeway | Bathtub at Delphi | Melton's at Christmas | Don't Stop at Harry | Machynlleth at El Dorado | Royal at Georgia | South Pole at House |
Week 6Georgia at Wimpy's | El Dorado at Freeway | House at Delphi | Harry at Christmas | Machynlleth at South Pole | Don't Stop at Dan Ryan Expressway | Royal at The Thing | Melton's at Bathtub | The Thing at Wimpy's | Bathtub at Freeway | Melton's at Delphi | Don't Stop at Christmas | Machynlleth at Harry | Royal at El Dorado | South Pole at Georgia | Dan Ryan Expressway at House |
Week 7House at Wimpy's | Freeway at Georgia | Delphi at El Dorado | Christmas at Harry | Royal at South Pole | Dan Ryan Expressway at Machynlleth | The Thing at Don't Stop | Bathtub at Melton's | Wimpy's at Bathtub | Freeway at Melton's | Delphi at Don't Stop | Christmas at Machynlleth | Harry at Royal | El Dorado at South Pole | Georgia at Dan Ryan Expressway | House at The Thing |
Week 8Wimpy's at Harry | Georgia at Freeway | Delphi at House | Christmas at El Dorado | South Pole at Melton's | Machynlleth at Dan Ryan Expressway | The Thing at Royal | Don't Stop at Bathtub | Melton's at Wimpy's | Don't Stop at Freeway | Machynlleth at Delphi | Royal at Christmas | South Pole at Harry | Dan Ryan Expressway at El Dorado | The Thing at Georgia | Bathtub at House |
Week 9El Dorado at Wimpy's | Harry at Freeway | Georgia at Delphi | House at Christmas | Don't Stop at South Pole | Melton's at Dan Ryan Expressway | Machynlleth at The Thing | Royal at Bathtub | Don't Stop at Wimpy's | Machynlleth at Freeway | Royal at Delphi | South Pole at Christmas | Dan Ryan Expressway at Harry | The Thing at El Dorado | Bathtub at Georgia | Melton's at House |
Week 10Wimpy's at Georgia | House at Freeway | Delphi at Harry | El Dorado at Christmas | South Pole at Machynlleth | Royal at Dan Ryan Expressway | The Thing at Melton's | Bathtub at Don't Stop | Wimpy's at Machynlleth | Freeway at Royal | Delphi at South Pole | Christmas at Dan Ryan Expressway | Harry at The Thing | El Dorado at Bathtub | Georgia at Melton's | House at Don't Stop |
Week 11Wimpy's at House | Freeway at Harry | El Dorado at Delphi | Christmas at Georgia | South Pole at Royal | Dan Ryan Expressway at Melton's | Don't Stop at The Thing | Bathtub at Machynlleth | Wimpy's at Royal | Freeway at South Pole | Delphi at Dan Ryan Expressway | Christmas at The Thing | Harry at Bathtub | El Dorado at Melton's | Georgia at Don't Stop | House at Machynlleth |
Week 12Freeway at Wimpy's | Christmas at Delphi | El Dorado at Harry | House at Georgia | Dan Ryan Expressway at South Pole | Bathtub at The Thing | Don't Stop at Melton's | Royal at Machynlleth | Delphi at Wimpy's | Christmas at Freeway | Georgia at Harry | House at El Dorado | The Thing at South Pole | Bathtub at Dan Ryan Expressway | Melton's at Machynlleth | Royal at Don't Stop |
Week 13Christmas at Wimpy's | Delphi at Freeway | House at Harry | Georgia at El Dorado | Bathtub at South Pole | The Thing at Dan Ryan Expressway | Melton's at Royal | Machynlleth at Don't Stop | Wimpy's at Freeway | Delphi at Christmas | Harry at El Dorado | Georgia at House | South Pole at Dan Ryan Expressway | The Thing at Bathtub | Melton's at Don't Stop | Machynlleth at Royal |
Week 14Wimpy's at Delphi | Freeway at Christmas | Harry at Georgia | El Dorado at House | South Pole at The Thing | Dan Ryan Expressway at Bathtub | Machynlleth at Melton's | Don't Stop at Royal | Wimpy's at Christmas | Freeway at Delphi | Harry at House | El Dorado at Georgia | South Pole at Bathtub | Dan Ryan Expressway at The Thing | Royal at Melton's | Don't Stop at Machynlleth |
Week 15Royal at Wimpy's | South Pole at Freeway | Dan Ryan Expressway at Delphi | The Thing at Christmas | Bathtub at Harry | Melton's at El Dorado | Don't Stop at Georgia | Machynlleth at House | House at Wimpy's | Harry at Freeway | Delphi at El Dorado | Christmas at Georgia | Royal at South Pole | Melton's at Dan Ryan Expressway | The Thing at Don't Stop | Bathtub at Machynlleth |
Week 16Machynlleth at Wimpy's | Royal at Freeway | South Pole at Delphi | Dan Ryan Expressway at Christmas | The Thing at Harry | Bathtub at El Dorado | Melton's at Georgia | Don't Stop at House | Georgia at Wimpy's | Freeway at House | Harry at Delphi | Christmas at El Dorado | Machynlleth at South Pole | Dan Ryan Expressway at Royal | Melton's at The Thing | Bathtub at Don't Stop |
Week 17Wimpy's at Don't Stop | Freeway at Machynlleth | Delphi at Royal | Christmas at South Pole | Harry at Dan Ryan Expressway | El Dorado at The Thing | Georgia at Bathtub | House at Melton's | Wimpy's at El Dorado | Freeway at Harry | Delphi at Georgia | Christmas at House | South Pole at Don't Stop | Dan Ryan Expressway at Melton's | The Thing at Machynlleth | Bathtub at Royal |
Week 18Wimpy's at Melton's | Freeway at Don't Stop | Delphi at Machynlleth | Christmas at Royal | Harry at South Pole | El Dorado at Dan Ryan Expressway | Georgia at The Thing | House at Bathtub | Harry at Wimpy's | Freeway at Georgia | House at Delphi | El Dorado at Christmas | Melton's at South Pole | Dan Ryan Expressway at Machynlleth | Royal at The Thing | Don't Stop at Bathtub |
Week 19Bathtub at Wimpy's | Melton's at Freeway | Don't Stop at Delphi | Machynlleth at Christmas | Royal at Harry | South Pole at El Dorado | Dan Ryan Expressway at Georgia | The Thing at House | Wimpy's at House | Georgia at Freeway | El Dorado at Delphi | Harry at Christmas | South Pole at Royal | Machynlleth at Dan Ryan Expressway | Don't Stop at The Thing | Melton's at Bathtub |
Week 20Wimpy's at The Thing | Freeway at Bathtub | Delphi at Melton's | Christmas at Don't Stop | Harry at Machynlleth | El Dorado at Royal | Georgia at South Pole | House at Dan Ryan Expressway | Wimpy's at Georgia | Freeway at El Dorado | Delphi at House | Christmas at Harry | South Pole at Machynlleth | Dan Ryan Expressway at Don't Stop | The Thing at Royal | Bathtub at Melton's |
Week 21Wimpy's at Dan Ryan Expressway | Freeway at The Thing | Delphi at Bathtub | Christmas at Melton's | Harry at Don't Stop | El Dorado at Machynlleth | Georgia at Royal | House at South Pole | El Dorado at Wimpy's | House at Freeway | Delphi at Harry | Georgia at Christmas | Don't Stop at South Pole | Royal at Dan Ryan Expressway | The Thing at Melton's | Machynlleth at Bathtub |
Week 22South Pole at Wimpy's | Dan Ryan Expressway at Freeway | The Thing at Delphi | Bathtub at Christmas | Melton's at Harry | Don't Stop at El Dorado | Machynlleth at Georgia | Royal at House | Wimpy's at Harry | El Dorado at Freeway | Georgia at Delphi | House at Christmas | South Pole at Melton's | Don't Stop at Dan Ryan Expressway | Machynlleth at The Thing | Royal at Bathtub |
Week 23Wimpy's at Freeway | Delphi at Christmas | Harry at El Dorado | Georgia at House | South Pole at Dan Ryan Expressway | The Thing at Bathtub | Melton's at Don't Stop | Machynlleth at Royal | Wimpy's at Delphi | Freeway at Christmas | Harry at Georgia | El Dorado at House | South Pole at The Thing | Dan Ryan Expressway at Bathtub | Melton's at Machynlleth | Don't Stop at Royal |
Week 24Wimpy's at Christmas | Freeway at Delphi | Harry at House | El Dorado at Georgia | South Pole at Bathtub | Dan Ryan Expressway at The Thing | Melton's at Royal | Don't Stop at Machynlleth | Freeway at Wimpy's | Christmas at Delphi | El Dorado at Harry | House at Georgia | Dan Ryan Expressway at South Pole | Bathtub at The Thing | Don't Stop at Melton's | Royal at Machynlleth |
Week 25Delphi at Wimpy's | Christmas at Freeway | Georgia at Harry | House at El Dorado | The Thing at South Pole | Bathtub at Dan Ryan Expressway | Machynlleth at Melton's | Royal at Don't Stop | Christmas at Wimpy's | Delphi at Freeway | House at Harry | Georgia at El Dorado | Bathtub at South Pole | The Thing at Dan Ryan Expressway | Royal at Melton's | Machynlleth at Don't Stop |