2024 Schedule - Moneyball League
This Week's Games
Full Season Schedule by Team
Current Standings
All matchups below are 3-game series
Week 1Cal at Rich | Blast at Already | Billy's at Paso Robles | The not so Grateful at Crestone | Atlanta at House | Bloom County at Big | TINSTAAPP at Fulbright | Gonna Make at Random | Cal at Blast | Rich at Already | Billy's at The not so Grateful | Paso Robles at Crestone | Atlanta at Bloom County | House at Big | TINSTAAPP at Gonna Make | Fulbright at Random |
Week 2Cal at Already | Rich at Blast | Billy's at Crestone | Paso Robles at The not so Grateful | Atlanta at Big | House at Bloom County | TINSTAAPP at Random | Fulbright at Gonna Make | Rich at Cal | Already at Blast | Paso Robles at Billy's | Crestone at The not so Grateful | House at Atlanta | Big at Bloom County | Fulbright at TINSTAAPP | Random at Gonna Make |
Week 3Blast at Cal | Already at Rich | The not so Grateful at Billy's | Crestone at Paso Robles | Bloom County at Atlanta | Big at House | Gonna Make at TINSTAAPP | Random at Fulbright | Already at Cal | Blast at Rich | Crestone at Billy's | The not so Grateful at Paso Robles | Big at Atlanta | Bloom County at House | Random at TINSTAAPP | Gonna Make at Fulbright |
Week 4Billy's at Cal | Rich at Paso Robles | Blast at The not so Grateful | Already at Crestone | TINSTAAPP at Atlanta | House at Fulbright | Bloom County at Gonna Make | Big at Random | Cal at Atlanta | Rich at House | Blast at Bloom County | Already at Big | Billy's at TINSTAAPP | Paso Robles at Fulbright | The not so Grateful at Gonna Make | Crestone at Random |
Week 5Cal at Paso Robles | Rich at Crestone | Billy's at Blast | The not so Grateful at Already | Atlanta at Fulbright | House at Random | TINSTAAPP at Bloom County | Gonna Make at Big | House at Cal | Bloom County at Rich | Big at Blast | TINSTAAPP at Already | Fulbright at Billy's | Gonna Make at Paso Robles | Random at The not so Grateful | Atlanta at Crestone |
Week 6The not so Grateful at Cal | Paso Robles at Rich | Crestone at Blast | Billy's at Already | Gonna Make at Atlanta | Fulbright at House | Random at Bloom County | TINSTAAPP at Big | Bloom County at Cal | Big at Rich | TINSTAAPP at Blast | Fulbright at Already | Gonna Make at Billy's | Random at Paso Robles | Atlanta at The not so Grateful | House at Crestone |
Week 7Crestone at Cal | Rich at The not so Grateful | Blast at Paso Robles | Already at Billy's | Random at Atlanta | House at Gonna Make | Bloom County at Fulbright | Big at TINSTAAPP | Cal at Big | Rich at TINSTAAPP | Blast at Fulbright | Already at Gonna Make | Billy's at Random | Paso Robles at Atlanta | The not so Grateful at House | Crestone at Bloom County |
Week 8Cal at Billy's | The not so Grateful at Rich | Blast at Crestone | Already at Paso Robles | Atlanta at TINSTAAPP | Gonna Make at House | Bloom County at Random | Fulbright at Big | TINSTAAPP at Cal | Fulbright at Rich | Gonna Make at Blast | Random at Already | Atlanta at Billy's | House at Paso Robles | Bloom County at The not so Grateful | Big at Crestone |
Week 9Paso Robles at Cal | Billy's at Rich | The not so Grateful at Blast | Crestone at Already | Fulbright at Atlanta | TINSTAAPP at House | Gonna Make at Bloom County | Random at Big | Fulbright at Cal | Gonna Make at Rich | Random at Blast | Atlanta at Already | House at Billy's | Bloom County at Paso Robles | Big at The not so Grateful | TINSTAAPP at Crestone |
Week 10Cal at The not so Grateful | Crestone at Rich | Blast at Billy's | Paso Robles at Already | Atlanta at Gonna Make | Random at House | Bloom County at TINSTAAPP | Big at Fulbright | Cal at Gonna Make | Rich at Random | Blast at Atlanta | Already at House | Billy's at Bloom County | Paso Robles at Big | The not so Grateful at TINSTAAPP | Crestone at Fulbright |
Week 11Cal at Crestone | Rich at Billy's | Paso Robles at Blast | Already at The not so Grateful | Atlanta at Random | House at TINSTAAPP | Fulbright at Bloom County | Big at Gonna Make | Cal at Random | Rich at Atlanta | Blast at House | Already at Bloom County | Billy's at Big | Paso Robles at TINSTAAPP | The not so Grateful at Fulbright | Crestone at Gonna Make |
Week 12Rich at Cal | Already at Blast | Paso Robles at Billy's | Crestone at The not so Grateful | House at Atlanta | Big at Bloom County | Fulbright at TINSTAAPP | Random at Gonna Make | Blast at Cal | Already at Rich | The not so Grateful at Billy's | Crestone at Paso Robles | Bloom County at Atlanta | Big at House | TINSTAAPP at Gonna Make | Random at Fulbright |
Week 13Already at Cal | Blast at Rich | Crestone at Billy's | The not so Grateful at Paso Robles | Big at Atlanta | Bloom County at House | TINSTAAPP at Random | Gonna Make at Fulbright | Cal at Rich | Blast at Already | Billy's at Paso Robles | The not so Grateful at Crestone | Atlanta at House | Bloom County at Big | TINSTAAPP at Fulbright | Gonna Make at Random |
Week 14Cal at Blast | Rich at Already | Billy's at The not so Grateful | Paso Robles at Crestone | Atlanta at Bloom County | House at Big | Gonna Make at TINSTAAPP | Fulbright at Random | Cal at Already | Rich at Blast | Billy's at Crestone | Paso Robles at The not so Grateful | Atlanta at Big | House at Bloom County | Random at TINSTAAPP | Fulbright at Gonna Make |
Week 15Random at Cal | Atlanta at Rich | House at Blast | Bloom County at Already | Big at Billy's | TINSTAAPP at Paso Robles | Fulbright at The not so Grateful | Gonna Make at Crestone | Crestone at Cal | Billy's at Rich | Blast at Paso Robles | Already at The not so Grateful | Random at Atlanta | TINSTAAPP at House | Bloom County at Fulbright | Big at Gonna Make |
Week 16Gonna Make at Cal | Random at Rich | Atlanta at Blast | House at Already | Bloom County at Billy's | Big at Paso Robles | TINSTAAPP at The not so Grateful | Fulbright at Crestone | The not so Grateful at Cal | Rich at Crestone | Billy's at Blast | Already at Paso Robles | Gonna Make at Atlanta | House at Random | TINSTAAPP at Bloom County | Big at Fulbright |
Week 17Cal at Fulbright | Rich at Gonna Make | Blast at Random | Already at Atlanta | Billy's at House | Paso Robles at Bloom County | The not so Grateful at Big | Crestone at TINSTAAPP | Cal at Paso Robles | Rich at Billy's | Blast at The not so Grateful | Already at Crestone | Atlanta at Fulbright | House at TINSTAAPP | Bloom County at Gonna Make | Big at Random |
Week 18Cal at TINSTAAPP | Rich at Fulbright | Blast at Gonna Make | Already at Random | Billy's at Atlanta | Paso Robles at House | The not so Grateful at Bloom County | Crestone at Big | Billy's at Cal | Rich at The not so Grateful | Crestone at Blast | Paso Robles at Already | TINSTAAPP at Atlanta | House at Gonna Make | Random at Bloom County | Fulbright at Big |
Week 19Big at Cal | TINSTAAPP at Rich | Fulbright at Blast | Gonna Make at Already | Random at Billy's | Atlanta at Paso Robles | House at The not so Grateful | Bloom County at Crestone | Cal at Crestone | The not so Grateful at Rich | Paso Robles at Blast | Billy's at Already | Atlanta at Random | Gonna Make at House | Fulbright at Bloom County | TINSTAAPP at Big |
Week 20Cal at Bloom County | Rich at Big | Blast at TINSTAAPP | Already at Fulbright | Billy's at Gonna Make | Paso Robles at Random | The not so Grateful at Atlanta | Crestone at House | Cal at The not so Grateful | Rich at Paso Robles | Blast at Crestone | Already at Billy's | Atlanta at Gonna Make | House at Fulbright | Bloom County at Random | Big at TINSTAAPP |
Week 21Cal at House | Rich at Bloom County | Blast at Big | Already at TINSTAAPP | Billy's at Fulbright | Paso Robles at Gonna Make | The not so Grateful at Random | Crestone at Atlanta | Paso Robles at Cal | Crestone at Rich | Blast at Billy's | The not so Grateful at Already | Fulbright at Atlanta | Random at House | Bloom County at TINSTAAPP | Gonna Make at Big |
Week 22Atlanta at Cal | House at Rich | Bloom County at Blast | Big at Already | TINSTAAPP at Billy's | Fulbright at Paso Robles | Gonna Make at The not so Grateful | Random at Crestone | Cal at Billy's | Paso Robles at Rich | The not so Grateful at Blast | Crestone at Already | Atlanta at TINSTAAPP | Fulbright at House | Gonna Make at Bloom County | Random at Big |
Week 23Cal at Rich | Blast at Already | Billy's at Paso Robles | The not so Grateful at Crestone | Atlanta at House | Bloom County at Big | TINSTAAPP at Fulbright | Gonna Make at Random | Cal at Blast | Rich at Already | Billy's at The not so Grateful | Paso Robles at Crestone | Atlanta at Bloom County | House at Big | TINSTAAPP at Gonna Make | Fulbright at Random |
Week 24Cal at Already | Rich at Blast | Billy's at Crestone | Paso Robles at The not so Grateful | Atlanta at Big | House at Bloom County | TINSTAAPP at Random | Fulbright at Gonna Make | Rich at Cal | Already at Blast | Paso Robles at Billy's | Crestone at The not so Grateful | House at Atlanta | Big at Bloom County | Fulbright at TINSTAAPP | Random at Gonna Make |
Week 25Blast at Cal | Already at Rich | The not so Grateful at Billy's | Crestone at Paso Robles | Bloom County at Atlanta | Big at House | Gonna Make at TINSTAAPP | Random at Fulbright | Already at Cal | Blast at Rich | Crestone at Billy's | The not so Grateful at Paso Robles | Big at Atlanta | Bloom County at House | Random at TINSTAAPP | Gonna Make at Fulbright |