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What is Benchwarmer Baseball?

Or, maybe the question is: Who is Benchwarmer Baseball?


Thanks for taking a look at BWB as a potential new owner.  Or, for some of you, thanks for signing on and sticking through our early days and rule changes and web site upgrades.


Since its origin in 2000, over 434,000 individual games have been played.  We've crowned 362 league champions in 54 different leagues.  We've grown from hand-scored games that involved a lot of copying and pasting to an automatic system that can score a full week's worth of games in just minutes.  From a mish mash of web pages and rough submission forms cobbled together to a full-functioned web site. From 12 brave souls to 100+ active owners at the beginning of 2018.

But who are we?  Visit these pages to learn a little bit more about Benchwarmer Baseball:

  • People - Who is behind Benchwarmer Baseball?
  • Heritage - Where did Benchwarmer Baseball get its format?
  • Comparison - How does Benchwarmer Baseball stack up against other games?

Sign up now! Or Email with any requests for more information.

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