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Draft Samples

For many of you, you're about to enter your first draft experience at BWB, whether through the startup process for new leagues, or the Redistribution Draft for returning leagues.  To give you a feel for what the process is like, and maybe the approach you need to take, here are the results of last year's drafts.

Startup Draft

The initial BWB draft was in 2000 - I don't think I have any written records left from that, plus we've changed the process a little bit since then.  So here's a recap of the draft process for Beatleball:

First Phase Main Index - Includes a listing of all players selected by only one team

Contested Draft Picks - Players listed by more than one team


Second Phase - Part 1 : Phase 2 follows a more traditional draft process, though the draft order is changed on each round based on salary level for the teams. 

Part 2

Part 3

Each "Part" is actually an 8-round draft.  We continue with these as long as any team does not yet have a legal roster.  Once each team is "complete," then normal free agent signings, trades, etc. are used throughout the remainder of the pre-season.  The only difference in process this year will be that all teams get an extra 10 million Benchwarmer Bucks before starting Phase 2.



Redistribution Draft

For returning leagues, the process is quite different.  After each team picks the players they want to keep for next season, all teams get a chance to fill out a wish list for the players in the free agent pool.  Fifteen players can be listed, to be awarded in 5 rounds of 3 players each.  Teams pick in reverse order of finish from the previous season - and the process is intentionally geared to help the teams picking early - as all three picks are awarded to a team before moving on to the next team. 

There's a little bit of a crap shoot nature to this, since you can't change your list in between rounds - thus there's no guarantee to get all the players you want (or even the number of players you want).


We changed things a bit in 2005 by allowing alternate picks for each choice (more to make sure you only get one starting 3B if that's all you really want rather than increasing the number of successful selections).  But here are the results from January 2004 for the Hall of Fame League.


2004 Redistribution Draft Results

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