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Startup Draft - Phase Two - Part Three

American Association

In order to complete rosters, we go through a second phase of the draft - kind of an enhanced free agency.  Each team has the opportunity to select eight rounds of players.  Transaction order is determined by cash remaining - with teams with the most cash left drafting first - as total team salary is a rough measure of team strength in the startup phase.  The order is changed after each round.


The results below show only the players signed.  They do not indicate players listed who were already selected or could not be placed due to salary or roster limitations.  "Original Pick" indicates if the player was an alternate pick ("A") or was moved up from a later round, otherwise it's left blank.


Phase Two Rules

League Draft Index

Round 1

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
Oklahoma Adrian Gonzalez LAD 1B   5392 Pick awarded
New York D.J. LeMahieu Col 2B   1204 Pick awarded
Fillmore Dillon Gee NYM SP   1361 Pick awarded
Grocery Store John Jaso TB C   696 Pick awarded
San Diego Wily Peralta Mil SP   2449 Pick awarded
Quick Draw Andrew Miller NYY RP   1711 Pick awarded
Tulsa Matt Garza Mil SP   2077 Pick awarded
Trained Kendrys Morales KC 1B   1372 Pick awarded
Kingston Emilio Bonifacio CWS 2B, OF   898 Pick awarded
Arkansas Brandon Beachy LAD SP   281 Pick awarded
Mt. Olympus Jonathan Villar Hou SS 2 359 Pick awarded
English Jeff Locke Pit SP   1136 Pick awarded
Buckeye Jeff Beliveau TB RP   164 Pick awarded
Iowa Wilin Rosario Col C   1258 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
New York Supermen 38197 4803 23
Fillmore West 38205 7295 34
Grocery Store Streakers 39105 5895 30
Throwback All-Stars 39696 8304 37
San Diego Longshots 40499 6001 30
Oklahoma Black Gold 41413 6587 21
Quick Draw McGraw 42316 2684 29
Tulsa Twominators 42510 3990 27
Trained Chimps 43084 1416 30
Kingston Bad Bwoys 43220 1780 27
Punxsutawney Philistines 43941 3559 40
Arkansas Travelers 43972 1528 28
Mt. Olympus Prophets of Apollo 44308 1192 23
English Country Gentlemen 44672 328 32
Buckeye Bombers 44729 271 27
Iowa Caucuses 44765 2235 31

Round 2

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
New York Juan Lagares NYM OF   1007 Pick awarded
Fillmore Kyle Gibson Min SP   1324 Pick awarded
Grocery Store Justin Maxwell SF OF 3 231 Pick awarded
San Diego Trea Turner SD SS   100 Pick awarded
Oklahoma Dexter Fowler ChC OF   1311 Pick awarded
Quick Draw Michael Choice Tex OF   293 Pick awarded
Tulsa Jeremy Hellickson Ari SP   1056 Pick awarded
Trained Evan Scribner Oak RP 3 137 Pick awarded
Kingston Michael Saunders Tor OF   703 Pick awarded
Arkansas Odubel Herrera Phi 2B   100 Pick awarded
Mt. Olympus Carter Capps Mia RP 3 159 Pick awarded
Buckeye Chasen Shreve NYY RP   100 Pick awarded
Iowa Everth Cabrera Bal SS   742 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
New York Supermen 39204 3796 24
Grocery Store Streakers 39336 5664 31
Fillmore West 39529 5971 35
Throwback All-Stars 39696 8304 37
San Diego Longshots 40599 5901 31
Quick Draw McGraw 42609 2391 30
Oklahoma Black Gold 42724 5276 22
Trained Chimps 43221 1279 31
Tulsa Twominators 43566 2934 28
Kingston Bad Bwoys 43923 1077 28
Punxsutawney Philistines 43941 3559 40
Arkansas Travelers 44072 1428 29
Mt. Olympus Prophets of Apollo 44467 1033 24
English Country Gentlemen 44672 328 32
Buckeye Bombers 44829 171 28
Iowa Caucuses 45507 1493 32

Round 3

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
New York Scott Van Slyke LAD 1B, OF   338 Pick awarded
Grocery Store Willie Bloomquist Sea SS 4 243 Pick awarded
Fillmore Brandon League LAD RP   975 Pick awarded
San Diego Carl Crawford LAD OF   1082 Pick awarded
Quick Draw Kevin Pillar Tor OF   140 Pick awarded
Oklahoma Jarrod Saltalamacchia Mia C   1089 Pick awarded
Tulsa John Holdzkom Pit RP   100 Pick awarded
Kingston Brad Miller Sea SS 3A 759 Pick awarded
Arkansas Evan Marshall Ari RP   381 Pick awarded
Mt. Olympus Corey Knebel Mil RP 4 100 Pick awarded
Buckeye Phil Klein Tex RP 3A 137 Pick awarded
Iowa Lucas Sims Atl SP   100 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
New York Supermen 39542 3458 25
Grocery Store Streakers 39579 5421 32
Throwback All-Stars 39696 8304 37
Fillmore West 40504 4996 36
San Diego Longshots 41681 4819 32
Quick Draw McGraw 42749 2251 31
Trained Chimps 43221 1279 31
Tulsa Twominators 43666 2834 29
Oklahoma Black Gold 43813 4187 23
Punxsutawney Philistines 43941 3559 40
Arkansas Travelers 44453 1047 30
Mt. Olympus Prophets of Apollo 44567 933 25
English Country Gentlemen 44672 328 32
Kingston Bad Bwoys 44682 318 29
Buckeye Bombers 44966 34 29
Iowa Caucuses 45607 1393 33

Round 4

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
New York Justin Turner LAD 3B   707 Pick awarded
San Diego Chris Hatcher LAD RP   327 Pick awarded
Quick Draw Charlie Culberson Col 2B, 3B, SS 5 232 Pick awarded
Tulsa Alex Rios KC OF   2264 Pick awarded
Oklahoma Tsuyoshi Wada ChC SP   428 Pick awarded
Arkansas Nathan Karns TB SP   100 Pick awarded
Mt. Olympus Jorge Alfaro Tex C 5A 100 Pick awarded
Kingston Joshua Fields Hou RP 5 304 Pick awarded
Iowa Danny Hultzen Sea SP   100 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
Grocery Store Streakers 39579 5421 32
Throwback All-Stars 39696 8304 37
New York Supermen 40249 2751 26
Fillmore West 40504 4996 36
San Diego Longshots 42008 4492 33
Quick Draw McGraw 42981 2019 32
Trained Chimps 43221 1279 31
Punxsutawney Philistines 43941 3559 40
Oklahoma Black Gold 44241 3759 24
Arkansas Travelers 44553 947 31
Mt. Olympus Prophets of Apollo 44667 833 26
English Country Gentlemen 44672 328 32
Buckeye Bombers 44966 34 29
Kingston Bad Bwoys 44986 14 30
Iowa Caucuses 45707 1293 34
Tulsa Twominators 45930 570 30

Round 5

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
New York Tyler Flowers CWS C 5A 813 Pick awarded
San Diego Grant Holmes LAD SP 7 100 Pick awarded
Quick Draw Casey Fien Min RP 6 786 Pick awarded
Oklahoma Kyle Crockett Cle RP   248 Pick awarded
Arkansas Andrew Susac SF C   120 Pick awarded
Mt. Olympus Samuel Tuivailala StL RP 6 100 Pick awarded
Iowa Kyle Zimmer KC SP   100 Pick awarded
Tulsa David Buchanan Phi SP   541 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
Grocery Store Streakers 39579 5421 32
Throwback All-Stars 39696 8304 37
Fillmore West 40504 4996 36
New York Supermen 41062 1938 27
San Diego Longshots 42108 4392 34
Trained Chimps 43221 1279 31
Quick Draw McGraw 43767 1233 33
Punxsutawney Philistines 43941 3559 40
Oklahoma Black Gold 44489 3511 25
English Country Gentlemen 44672 328 32
Arkansas Travelers 44673 827 32
Mt. Olympus Prophets of Apollo 44767 733 27
Buckeye Bombers 44966 34 29
Kingston Bad Bwoys 44986 14 30
Iowa Caucuses 45807 1193 35
Tulsa Twominators 46471 29 31

Round 6

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
New York Danny Otero Oak RP   1111 Pick awarded
San Diego John Hellweg Mil SP 8 100 Pick awarded
Oklahoma Kirby Yates TB RP   229 Pick awarded
Arkansas Philip Gosselin Atl 2B   137 Pick awarded
Mt. Olympus Austin Meadows Pit OF 7 100 Pick awarded
Iowa Levi Michael Min 2B   100 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
Grocery Store Streakers 39579 5421 32
Throwback All-Stars 39696 8304 37
Fillmore West 40504 4996 36
New York Supermen 42173 827 28
San Diego Longshots 42208 4292 35
Trained Chimps 43221 1279 31
Quick Draw McGraw 43767 1233 33
Punxsutawney Philistines 43941 3559 40
English Country Gentlemen 44672 328 32
Oklahoma Black Gold 44718 3282 26
Arkansas Travelers 44810 690 33
Mt. Olympus Prophets of Apollo 44867 633 28
Buckeye Bombers 44966 34 29
Kingston Bad Bwoys 44986 14 30
Iowa Caucuses 45907 1093 36
Tulsa Twominators 46471 29 31

Round 7

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
Oklahoma Daniel Hudson Ari RP   215 Pick awarded
Arkansas Andrew Oliver Phi RP   100 Pick awarded
Mt. Olympus Jonathan Pettibone Phi SP 8 218 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
Grocery Store Streakers 39579 5421 32
Throwback All-Stars 39696 8304 37
Fillmore West 40504 4996 36
New York Supermen 42173 827 28
San Diego Longshots 42208 4292 35
Trained Chimps 43221 1279 31
Quick Draw McGraw 43767 1233 33
Punxsutawney Philistines 43941 3559 40
English Country Gentlemen 44672 328 32
Arkansas Travelers 44910 590 34
Oklahoma Black Gold 44933 3067 27
Buckeye Bombers 44966 34 29
Kingston Bad Bwoys 44986 14 30
Mt. Olympus Prophets of Apollo 45085 415 29
Iowa Caucuses 45907 1093 36
Tulsa Twominators 46471 29 31

Round 8

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
Arkansas Jesus Sucre Sea C   100 Pick awarded
Oklahoma Lisalverto Bonilla Tex SP   103 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
Grocery Store Streakers 39579 5421 32
Throwback All-Stars 39696 8304 37
Fillmore West 40504 4996 36
New York Supermen 42173 827 28
San Diego Longshots 42208 4292 35
Trained Chimps 43221 1279 31
Quick Draw McGraw 43767 1233 33
Punxsutawney Philistines 43941 3559 40
English Country Gentlemen 44672 328 32
Buckeye Bombers 44966 34 29
Kingston Bad Bwoys 44986 14 30
Arkansas Travelers 45010 490 35
Oklahoma Black Gold 45036 2964 28
Mt. Olympus Prophets of Apollo 45085 415 29
Iowa Caucuses 45907 1093 36
Tulsa Twominators 46471 29 31


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