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Startup Draft Central

Blame Canada League

Check back on this page for information and results of the draft.


View Past Drafts as Examples

Current Status - Draft Complete!

Draft Rules

Startup Draft - Phase One

Financial Balances / Roster Size after Phase Two, Part Three

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
Canadian Socialists 49247 6753 36
Mogadishu Pirates 49478 6522 30
Philadelphia Cleats 50057 5943 26
Cro-Town Crushers 51110 4890 36
Colorado Cows 51323 4677 33
Thunder Bay Voyageurs 52980 3020 40
Point Edward River Rats 53135 2865 39
Ft. Lauderdale Fightin' Blumpkins 53476 2524 29
Shoeless Suckers 54354 1646 38
Leesburg Bulldogs 55066 934 38
South Park Coon and Friends 55147 853 37
Windsor Runaway Shania Trains 55757 243 31
South Alabama Jaggurnauts 55838 162 37
Morgan Team 55859 141 26
Rocky Mountain Avalanche 55957 43 27
Aurora Borealis 55995 5 31


This is the draft order for the first round of Phase Two, Part Three



Phase Two

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Phase Two Rules

We need to run Phase Two drafts until all teams have a legal roster.  To help you determine what your team needs, here's what each team is lacking:


All teams are legal


*Positions must be filled in the startup draft by the Primary Position listed for players.


Notes: This chart refers to meeting the roster minimum requirements and may mean that minor leaguers are being used to qualify you at certain positions. There is also the strong possibility that a player with eligibility at multiple positions is counting at more than one position.  This is just a rough roster check - Please check your own roster to be sure.  You'll get a chance later on through free agency to make sure you have a valid lineup.  Since you can put pitchers in any spot regardless of "SP" or "RP" designation, we're merely counting pitchers, not determining whether or not you have the right mix of starters and relievers.


You may continue to draft as long as you have roster room and cash to spend.  You do not have to stop once you've reached a legal roster.


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