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Startup Draft - Phase Two - Part Two

Cleveland Rocks League

In order to complete rosters, we go through a second phase of the draft - kind of an enhanced free agency.  Each team has the opportunity to select eight rounds of players.  Transaction order is determined by cash remaining - with teams with the most cash left drafting first - as total team salary is a rough measure of team strength in the startup phase.  The order is changed after each round.


The results below show only the players signed.  They do not indicate players listed who were already selected or could not be placed due to salary or roster limitations.  "Original Pick" indicates if the player was an alternate pick ("A") or was moved up from a later round, otherwise it's left blank.


Phase Two Rules

League Draft Index

Round 1

Team Name Tm Prim Original Pick Sal
Paradise Theatre Felix Hernandez Sea SP   7114
Parma Ryan Braun Mil OF   8151
Shaky Heights Gio Gonzalez Was SP   5636
The Flats Matt Carpenter StL 1B, 3B, OF   609
California Jamie Shields KC SP 1A 5737
Wonton Jonny Gomes Bos OF   913
Kentucky Juan Pierre Mia OF   1571
Rock-n-Roll Billy Butler KC 1B   4314
Cedar Point Carlos Pena Hou 1B   1719
Not So Hot Freddie Freeman Atl 1B   3060
Cuyahoga Andrew Oliver Pit SP 1A 100
Cincinnati Shin-Soo Choo Cin OF   2859
Paradise Ohio Chris Nelson Col 2B, 3B 3 772
Lake Erie Vinnie Pestano Cle RP 2 1834
Calloway Deven Marrero Bos SS   100
Toledo Carter Capps Sea RP   151

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
The Flats ! 33601 19399 18
Paradise Theatre Styx 36946 16054 22
Wonton Soup 37259 15741 16
Shaky Heights Bombers 37633 15367 20
Parma Mafia 38049 14951 20
Kentucky Sluggers 38161 14839 18
Cuyahoga Cardinals 40018 12982 18
Cedar Point Coasters 40345 12655 27
California Ball Busters 41225 11775 29
Not So Hot In Cleveland 41766 11234 27
Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famers 42656 10344 21
Cincinnati Hall of Fame 43523 9477 22
Paradise Ohio Teenage Angst 43708 9292 25
Lake Erie Storm 45413 7587 21
Calloway Clowns 49112 3888 32
Toledo Torpedoes 52011 989 30


Round 2

Team Name Tm Prim Original Pick Sal
The Flats Andrew Cashner SD RP   232
Paradise Theatre Grant Balfour Oak RP   2647
Wonton Domonic Brown Phi OF   279
Shaky Heights Jason Kubel Ari OF 2A 1933
Parma Danny Espinosa Was 2B, SS   2423
Kentucky Skip Schumaker LAD 2B, OF   676
Cuyahoga Mark Teixeira NYY 1B 2A 3069
Cedar Point Ryan Vogelsong SF SP   3647
California Paul Konerko CWS 1B   2959
Not So Hot Alex Avila Det C   1186
Rock-n-Roll Bubba Starling KC OF   100
Cincinnati Derek Holland Tex SP   2585
Paradise Ohio Jason Castro Hou C 4 350
Lake Erie Ryan Ludwick Cin OF 3 1634
Calloway Allen Webster Bos SP   100
Toledo Christian J. Garcia Was RP 3 100

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
The Flats ! 33833 19167 19
Wonton Soup 37538 15462 17
Kentucky Sluggers 38837 14163 19
Shaky Heights Bombers 39566 13434 21
Paradise Theatre Styx 39593 13407 23
Parma Mafia 40472 12528 21
Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famers 42756 10244 22
Not So Hot In Cleveland 42952 10048 28
Cuyahoga Cardinals 43087 9913 19
Cedar Point Coasters 43992 9008 28
Paradise Ohio Teenage Angst 44058 8942 26
California Ball Busters 44184 8816 30
Cincinnati Hall of Fame 46108 6892 23
Lake Erie Storm 47047 5953 22
Calloway Clowns 49212 3788 33
Toledo Torpedoes 52111 889 31


Round 3

Team Name Tm Prim Original Pick Sal
The Flats David Hernandez Ari RP   1765
Wonton Jonathon Niese NYM SP   3404
Kentucky Alexi Amarista SD 2B, OF   360
Shaky Heights Nick Swisher Cle 1B, OF   3321
Paradise Theatre Mark Reynolds Cle 1B 4 2066
Parma Tyler Clippard Was RP   2524
Rock-n-Roll Ruben Tejada NYM SS   958
Not So Hot Tyler Greene Hou 2B, SS   482
Cuyahoga J.P. Arencibia Tor C   973
Cedar Point Shaun Marcum NYM SP   2014
Paradise Ohio Lorenzo Cain KC OF 5 300
California Rickie Weeks Mil 2B   2613
Cincinnati A.J. Pierzynski Tex C 4A 1789
Lake Erie Brett Wallace Hou 1B 4A 437
Calloway Matt Barnes Bos SP   100
Toledo Jordany Valdespin NYM OF 4 246

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
The Flats ! 35598 17402 20
Kentucky Sluggers 39197 13803 20
Wonton Soup 40942 12058 18
Paradise Theatre Styx 41659 11341 24
Shaky Heights Bombers 42887 10113 22
Parma Mafia 42996 10004 22
Not So Hot In Cleveland 43434 9566 29
Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famers 43714 9286 23
Cuyahoga Cardinals 44060 8940 20
Paradise Ohio Teenage Angst 44358 8642 27
Cedar Point Coasters 46006 6994 29
California Ball Busters 46797 6203 31
Lake Erie Storm 47484 5516 23
Cincinnati Hall of Fame 47897 5103 24
Calloway Clowns 49312 3688 34
Toledo Torpedoes 52357 643 32


Round 4

Team Name Tm Prim Original Pick Sal
The Flats Michael Cuddyer Col 1B, OF   1623
Kentucky Logan Morrison Mia 1B, OF 5A 828
Wonton Kyle Kendrick Phi SP   2211
Paradise Theatre Jorge De La Rosa Col SP 5 393
Shaky Heights Adam Dunn CWS 1B   2997
Parma Doug Fister Det SP   3536
Not So Hot Brayan Villarreal Det RP   635
Rock-n-Roll Wilton Lopez Col RP 4A 1862
Cuyahoga Jeff Locke Pit SP 4A 130
Paradise Ohio Josh Edgin NYM RP 6 100
Cedar Point Nathan Eovaldi Mia SP   677
California Chris Iannetta LAA C 5 540
Lake Erie Drew Pomeranz Col SP 5A 521
Cincinnati Mike Aviles Cle SS 5 1258
Calloway Brandon Duckworth Bos SP   101
Toledo Eduardo Nunez NYY SS 5 248

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
The Flats ! 37221 15779 21
Kentucky Sluggers 40025 12975 21
Paradise Theatre Styx 42052 10948 25
Wonton Soup 43153 9847 19
Not So Hot In Cleveland 44069 8931 30
Cuyahoga Cardinals 44190 8810 21
Paradise Ohio Teenage Angst 44458 8542 28
Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famers 45576 7424 24
Shaky Heights Bombers 45884 7116 23
Parma Mafia 46532 6468 23
Cedar Point Coasters 46683 6317 30
California Ball Busters 47337 5663 32
Lake Erie Storm 48005 4995 24
Cincinnati Hall of Fame 49155 3845 25
Calloway Clowns 49413 3587 35
Toledo Torpedoes 52605 395 33


Round 5

Team Name Tm Prim Original Pick Sal
The Flats Kenley Jansen LAD RP   2291
Kentucky Travis Blackley Oak SP 6 631
Paradise Theatre Brandon Lyon NYM RP 6 1223
Wonton David Phelps NYY RP   830
Not So Hot Jeremy Hefner NYM SP 7 451
Cuyahoga Alfonso Soriano ChC OF 5A 3023
Paradise Ohio Ryan Wheeler Col 3B 7A 127
Rock-n-Roll Chris Johnson Atl 3B   1391
Shaky Heights Ross Detwiler Was SP 5A 2269
Parma Carlos Marmol ChC RP   2177
Cedar Point Joe Kelly StL SP   725
California Michael Young Phi 1B, 3B 6 3786
Lake Erie Sean Rodriguez TB 2B, 3B, SS 6A 677
Cincinnati Wilson Betemit Bal 3B 6 848
Calloway Alex Hassan Bos OF   100
Toledo Hector Ambriz Hou RP 6 127

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
The Flats ! 39512 13488 22
Kentucky Sluggers 40656 12344 22
Paradise Theatre Styx 43275 9725 26
Wonton Soup 43983 9017 20
Not So Hot In Cleveland 44520 8480 31
Paradise Ohio Teenage Angst 44585 8415 29
Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famers 46967 6033 25
Cuyahoga Cardinals 47213 5787 22
Cedar Point Coasters 47408 5592 31
Shaky Heights Bombers 48153 4847 24
Lake Erie Storm 48682 4318 25
Parma Mafia 48709 4291 24
Calloway Clowns 49513 3487 36
Cincinnati Hall of Fame 50003 2997 26
California Ball Busters 51123 1877 33
Toledo Torpedoes 52732 268 34


Round 6

Team Name Tm Prim Original Pick Sal
The Flats Cory Luebke SD SP   553
Kentucky Oswaldo Arcia Min OF 7 100
Paradise Theatre Nathan Jones CWS RP 7 1217
Wonton Pedro Strop Bal RP   815
Not So Hot Max Fried SD SP 8A 100
Paradise Ohio Kevin Jepsen LAA RP 8 440
Rock-n-Roll John Jaso Oak C   741
Cuyahoga Rhiner Cruz Hou RP   233
Cedar Point Andy Dirks Det OF   727
Shaky Heights Aaron Hicks Min OF 6A 100
Lake Erie Patrick Corbin Ari SP 7A 620
Parma Garrett Jones Pit 1B, OF   1881
Cincinnati Ryan Hanigan Cin C 7 598
Toledo Darin Ruf Phi 1B 7 100

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
The Flats ! 40065 12935 23
Kentucky Sluggers 40756 12244 23
Paradise Theatre Styx 44492 8508 27
Not So Hot In Cleveland 44620 8380 32
Wonton Soup 44798 8202 21
Paradise Ohio Teenage Angst 45025 7975 30
Cuyahoga Cardinals 47446 5554 23
Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famers 47708 5292 26
Cedar Point Coasters 48135 4865 32
Shaky Heights Bombers 48253 4747 25
Lake Erie Storm 49302 3698 26
Calloway Clowns 49513 3487 36
Parma Mafia 50590 2410 25
Cincinnati Hall of Fame 50601 2399 27
California Ball Busters 51123 1877 33
Toledo Torpedoes 52832 168 35


Round 7

Team Name Tm Prim Original Pick Sal
The Flats J.J. Hardy Bal SS 8 2958
Kentucky Pat Neshek Oak RP 8 114
Paradise Theatre Justin Turner NYM 2B 8 447
Wonton Lucas Luetge Sea RP   545
Cuyahoga Wilson Ramos Was C   347
Rock-n-Roll Charles Furbush Sea RP   651
Cedar Point Josh Collmenter Ari RP   957
Shaky Heights Casey Janssen Tor RP   2019
Lake Erie Luis Avilan Atl RP 8 521
Parma Ryan Roberts TB 2B, 3B   1234
Toledo Brandon Kintzler Mil RP 8 100

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
Kentucky Sluggers 40870 12130 24
The Flats ! 43023 9977 24
Not So Hot In Cleveland 44620 8380 32
Paradise Theatre Styx 44939 8061 28
Paradise Ohio Teenage Angst 45025 7975 30
Wonton Soup 45343 7657 22
Cuyahoga Cardinals 47793 5207 24
Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famers 48359 4641 27
Cedar Point Coasters 49092 3908 33
Calloway Clowns 49513 3487 36
Lake Erie Storm 49823 3177 27
Shaky Heights Bombers 50272 2728 26
Cincinnati Hall of Fame 50601 2399 27
California Ball Busters 51123 1877 33
Parma Mafia 51824 1176 26
Toledo Torpedoes 52932 68 36


Round 8

Team Name Tm Prim Original Pick Sal
Wonton Tim Collins KC RP   1223
Cuyahoga Luis A. Cruz LAD 3B, SS   387
Rock-n-Roll Kevin Gausman Bal SP   100
Cedar Point Alfredo Simon Cin RP   805
Shaky Heights Brian McCann Atl C   1456

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
Kentucky Sluggers 40870 12130 24
The Flats ! 43023 9977 24
Not So Hot In Cleveland 44620 8380 32
Paradise Theatre Styx 44939 8061 28
Paradise Ohio Teenage Angst 45025 7975 30
Wonton Soup 46566 6434 23
Cuyahoga Cardinals 48180 4820 25
Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famers 48459 4541 28
Calloway Clowns 49513 3487 36
Lake Erie Storm 49823 3177 27
Cedar Point Coasters 49897 3103 34
Cincinnati Hall of Fame 50601 2399 27
California Ball Busters 51123 1877 33
Shaky Heights Bombers 51728 1272 27
Parma Mafia 51824 1176 26
Toledo Torpedoes 52932 68 36


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