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Startup Draft - Phase Two - Part Three

Cleveland Rocks League

In order to complete rosters, we go through a second phase of the draft - kind of an enhanced free agency.  Each team has the opportunity to select eight rounds of players.  Transaction order is determined by cash remaining - with teams with the most cash left drafting first - as total team salary is a rough measure of team strength in the startup phase.  The order is changed after each round.


The results below show only the players signed.  They do not indicate players listed who were already selected or could not be placed due to salary or roster limitations.  "Original Pick" indicates if the player was an alternate pick ("A") or was moved up from a later round, otherwise it's left blank.


Phase Two Rules

League Draft Index

Round 1

Team Name Tm Prim Original Pick Sal
Kentucky David Ortiz Bos 1B   2203
The Flats Matt Joyce TB OF   1285
Not So Hot Mark Buehrle Tor SP   3687
Paradise Theatre Torii Hunter Det OF   2760
Paradise Ohio Cody Ross Ari OF 1A 1759
Wonton Alejandro De Aza CWS OF   1285
Cuyahoga Justin Smoak Sea 1B   1179
Rock-n-Roll Kyle Zimmer KC SP   100
Lake Erie Carlos Gomez Mil OF 1A 1114
Kansas City Kolten Wong StL 2B   100
Cincinnati Chris B. Young Oak OF 1A 1568
California Corey Kluber Cle SP   337
Shaky Heights Jamey Carroll Min 2B, 3B, SS   1181

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
Kentucky Sluggers 43073 9927 25
The Flats ! 44308 8692 25
Paradise Ohio Teenage Angst 46784 6216 31
Paradise Theatre Styx 47699 5301 29
Wonton Soup 47851 5149 24
Not So Hot In Cleveland 48307 4693 33
Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famers 48559 4441 29
Cuyahoga Cardinals 49359 3641 26
Calloway Clowns 49513 3487 36
Kansas City Crushers 49997 3003 35
Lake Erie Storm 50937 2063 28
California Ball Busters 51460 1540 34
Parma Mafia 51824 1176 26
Cincinnati Hall of Fame 52169 831 28
Shaky Heights Bombers 52909 91 28
Toledo Torpedoes 52932 68 36


Round 2

Team Name Tm Prim Original Pick Sal
Kentucky Michael Saunders Sea OF   1229
The Flats Homer Bailey Cin SP   3033
Paradise Ohio Hiroki Kuroda NYY SP   4636
Paradise Theatre Michael Wacha StL SP   100
Wonton Juan Francisco Atl 3B   242
Not So Hot Randall Delgado Ari SP   579
Rock-n-Roll Brandon Maurer Sea SP 3 100
Cuyahoga Joaquin Benoit Det RP   1538
Kansas City Pete Kozma StL SS   104
Lake Erie Mitch Moreland Tex 1B   962
Cincinnati Jeremy Horst Phi RP   591

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
Kentucky Sluggers 44302 8698 26
The Flats ! 47341 5659 26
Paradise Theatre Styx 47799 5201 30
Wonton Soup 48093 4907 25
Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famers 48659 4341 30
Not So Hot In Cleveland 48886 4114 34
Calloway Clowns 49513 3487 36
Kansas City Crushers 50101 2899 36
Cuyahoga Cardinals 50897 2103 27
Paradise Ohio Teenage Angst 51420 1580 32
California Ball Busters 51460 1540 34
Parma Mafia 51824 1176 26
Lake Erie Storm 51899 1101 29
Cincinnati Hall of Fame 52760 240 29
Shaky Heights Bombers 52909 91 28
Toledo Torpedoes 52932 68 36


Round 3

Team Name Tm Prim Original Pick Sal
Kentucky John Mayberry Jr. Phi 1B, OF   959
The Flats Welington Castillo ChC C   208
Paradise Theatre Tyson Ross SD SP   313
Wonton Yasmani Grandal SD C   289
Rock-n-Roll Sergio Santos Tor RP 4 572
Not So Hot Jarrod Saltalamacchia Bos C   1100
Kansas City Rick Porcello Det SP   2341
Cuyahoga Brian Roberts Bal 2B   305
Paradise Ohio Ted Lilly LAD SP   1368
Lake Erie Travis Snider Pit OF   296

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
Kentucky Sluggers 45261 7739 27
The Flats ! 47549 5451 27
Paradise Theatre Styx 48112 4888 31
Wonton Soup 48382 4618 26
Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famers 49231 3769 31
Calloway Clowns 49513 3487 36
Not So Hot In Cleveland 49986 3014 35
Cuyahoga Cardinals 51202 1798 28
California Ball Busters 51460 1540 34
Parma Mafia 51824 1176 26
Lake Erie Storm 52195 805 30
Kansas City Crushers 52442 558 37
Cincinnati Hall of Fame 52760 240 29
Paradise Ohio Teenage Angst 52788 212 33
Shaky Heights Bombers 52909 91 28
Toledo Torpedoes 52932 68 36


Round 4

Team Name Tm Prim Original Pick Sal
Kentucky Mauro Gomez Bos 1B   131
The Flats Howie Kendrick LAA 2B   1989
Paradise Theatre Henry Rodriguez Was RP   236
Wonton John Danks CWS SP   1136
Rock-n-Roll Alex Meyer Min SP 6 100
Not So Hot David Dahl Col OF   100
Cuyahoga Aaron Crow KC RP   718
Kansas City Kyle McClellan Tex RP   505

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
Kentucky Sluggers 45392 7608 28
Paradise Theatre Styx 48348 4652 32
Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famers 49331 3669 32
Calloway Clowns 49513 3487 36
Wonton Soup 49518 3482 27
The Flats ! 49538 3462 28
Not So Hot In Cleveland 50086 2914 36
California Ball Busters 51460 1540 34
Parma Mafia 51824 1176 26
Cuyahoga Cardinals 51920 1080 29
Lake Erie Storm 52195 805 30
Cincinnati Hall of Fame 52760 240 29
Paradise Ohio Teenage Angst 52788 212 33
Shaky Heights Bombers 52909 91 28
Toledo Torpedoes 52932 68 36
Kansas City Crushers 52947 53 38


Round 5

Team Name Tm Prim Original Pick Sal
Kentucky Peter Bourjos LAA OF   556
Rock-n-Roll Devin Mesoraco Cin C 7 189
Wonton Zachary Britton Bal SP   748
The Flats Joakim Soria Tex RP   1013
Not So Hot Lucas Giolito Was SP   100
Cuyahoga Todd Helton Col 1B 6 855

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
Kentucky Sluggers 45948 7052 29
Paradise Theatre Styx 48348 4652 32
Calloway Clowns 49513 3487 36
Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famers 49520 3480 33
Not So Hot In Cleveland 50186 2814 37
Wonton Soup 50266 2734 28
The Flats ! 50551 2449 29
California Ball Busters 51460 1540 34
Parma Mafia 51824 1176 26
Lake Erie Storm 52195 805 30
Cincinnati Hall of Fame 52760 240 29
Cuyahoga Cardinals 52775 225 30
Paradise Ohio Teenage Angst 52788 212 33
Shaky Heights Bombers 52909 91 28
Toledo Torpedoes 52932 68 36
Kansas City Crushers 52947 53 38


Round 6

Team Name Tm Prim Original Pick Sal
Kentucky Dylan Axelrod CWS SP 6A 282
Rock-n-Roll Alex White Hou SP 8 444
Not So Hot Francisco Cervelli NYY C 7A 148
Wonton Everth Cabrera SD SS   664
The Flats Cameron Maybin SD OF 6A 1384
Cuyahoga Phillippe Aumont Phi RP 7 100

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
Kentucky Sluggers 46230 6770 30
Paradise Theatre Styx 48348 4652 32
Calloway Clowns 49513 3487 36
Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famers 49964 3036 34
Not So Hot In Cleveland 50334 2666 38
Wonton Soup 50930 2070 29
California Ball Busters 51460 1540 34
Parma Mafia 51824 1176 26
The Flats ! 51935 1065 30
Lake Erie Storm 52195 805 30
Cincinnati Hall of Fame 52760 240 29
Paradise Ohio Teenage Angst 52788 212 33
Cuyahoga Cardinals 52875 125 31
Shaky Heights Bombers 52909 91 28
Toledo Torpedoes 52932 68 36
Kansas City Crushers 52947 53 38


Round 7

Team Name Tm Prim Original Pick Sal
Kentucky Quintin Berry Det OF 7A 469
Not So Hot Chris Stewart NYY C 8 185
Wonton Martin Maldonado Mil C   295

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
Kentucky Sluggers 46699 6301 31
Paradise Theatre Styx 48348 4652 32
Calloway Clowns 49513 3487 36
Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famers 49964 3036 34
Not So Hot In Cleveland 50519 2481 39
Wonton Soup 51225 1775 30
California Ball Busters 51460 1540 34
Parma Mafia 51824 1176 26
The Flats ! 51935 1065 30
Lake Erie Storm 52195 805 30
Cincinnati Hall of Fame 52760 240 29
Paradise Ohio Teenage Angst 52788 212 33
Cuyahoga Cardinals 52875 125 31
Shaky Heights Bombers 52909 91 28
Toledo Torpedoes 52932 68 36
Kansas City Crushers 52947 53 38


Round 8

Team Name Tm Prim Original Pick Sal
Kentucky Adam Rosales Oak 2B   151
Wonton Oliver Perez Sea RP   205

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
Kentucky Sluggers 46850 6150 32
Paradise Theatre Styx 48348 4652 32
Calloway Clowns 49513 3487 36
Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famers 49964 3036 34
Not So Hot In Cleveland 50519 2481 39
Wonton Soup 51430 1570 31
California Ball Busters 51460 1540 34
Parma Mafia 51824 1176 26
The Flats ! 51935 1065 30
Lake Erie Storm 52195 805 30
Cincinnati Hall of Fame 52760 240 29
Paradise Ohio Teenage Angst 52788 212 33
Cuyahoga Cardinals 52875 125 31
Shaky Heights Bombers 52909 91 28
Toledo Torpedoes 52932 68 36
Kansas City Crushers 52947 53 38


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