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Startup Draft - Phase Two - Part Two

Game Night League

In order to complete rosters, we go through a second phase of the draft - kind of an enhanced free agency.  Each team has the opportunity to select eight rounds of players.  Transaction order is determined by cash remaining - with teams with the most cash left drafting first - as total team salary is a rough measure of team strength in the startup phase.  The order is changed after each round.


The results below show only the players signed.  They do not indicate players listed who were already selected or could not be placed due to salary or roster limitations.  "Original Pick" indicates if the player was an alternate pick ("A") or was moved up from a later round, otherwise it's left blank.


Phase Two Rules

League Draft Index

Round 1

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
Level Eleven Jacob Stallings Pit C   634 Pick awarded
Qwyjibo Stefan Crichton Ari RP   1295 Pick awarded
Fantasy Michael Chavis Bos 1B, OF   902 Pick awarded
Eastwick Nomar Mazara Det OF   1089 Pick awarded
Tennessee Marcell Ozuna Atl OF   6958 Pick awarded
Sorryton Bryan Garcia Det RP   1165 Pick awarded
Boom!!! Tetris Paul DeJong StL SS   1700 Pick awarded
Portland Vidal Brujan TB 2B   100 Pick awarded
SoCal Josh Lowe TB OF   100 Pick awarded
Atlanta Nick Gonzales Pit SS   100 Pick awarded
Light's Ildemaro Vargas ChC 2B   198 Pick awarded
Kentucky Fried Logan Webb SF SP   1166 Pick awarded
Pittsburgh Josh Harrison Was 2B, 3B   420 Pick awarded
Late Night Trevor Larnach Min OF   100 Pick awarded
Knoxville Zack Collins CWS C   103 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cash Remaining Total Players
Level Eleven Revelers 37973 13027 31
Qwyjibo Disestablishmentarianists 40993 10007 31
Fantasy Baseball 40995 10005 27
Eastwick Diamond Kings 42747 8253 27
Sorryton Aggravators 45234 5766 31
Portland Pickles 46181 4819 32
SoCal Blue Dogs 46250 4750 32
Boom!!! Tetris for Jeff 46625 4375 32
Atlanta Robot Baseball 46813 4187 31
Light's Out 48710 2290 27
Tennessee Zinfandels 49606 1394 30
Pittsburgh Buccos 49936 1064 26
Late Night Owls 50226 774 32
Kentucky Fried Foghorn Leghorn 50652 348 31
Knoxville Knights 50935 65 30
Minnesota Moose 50970 30 31

Round 2

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
Level Eleven Logan Allen Cle RP   125 Pick awarded
Qwyjibo Jeter Downs Bos SS 2A 100 Pick awarded
Fantasy Cedric Mullins Bal OF   682 Pick awarded
Eastwick Gregory Polanco Pit OF   853 Pick awarded
Sorryton Wilson Ramos Det C   1093 Pick awarded
Portland Keibert Ruiz LAD C   100 Pick awarded
SoCal Geraldo Perdomo Ari SS 5A 100 Pick awarded
Boom!!! Tetris Madison Bumgarner Ari SP 3 1412 Pick awarded
Atlanta Emerson Hancock Sea SP   100 Pick awarded
Light's Hunter Harvey Bal RP   111 Pick awarded
Tennessee Jake Lamb Atl 1B, 3B   455 Pick awarded
Pittsburgh Michael Feliz Pit RP   223 Pick awarded
Late Night Miguel Amaya ChC C   100 Pick awarded
Kentucky Fried Brandon Bielak Hou SP 2A 297 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cash Remaining Total Players
Level Eleven Revelers 38098 12902 32
Qwyjibo Disestablishmentarianists 41093 9907 32
Fantasy Baseball 41677 9323 28
Eastwick Diamond Kings 43600 7400 28
Portland Pickles 46281 4719 33
Sorryton Aggravators 46327 4673 32
SoCal Blue Dogs 46350 4650 33
Atlanta Robot Baseball 46913 4087 32
Boom!!! Tetris for Jeff 48037 2963 33
Light's Out 48821 2179 28
Tennessee Zinfandels 50061 939 31
Pittsburgh Buccos 50159 841 27
Late Night Owls 50326 674 33
Knoxville Knights 50935 65 30
Kentucky Fried Foghorn Leghorn 50949 51 32
Minnesota Moose 50970 30 31

Round 3

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
Level Eleven Kendall Graveman Sea RP   204 Pick awarded
Qwyjibo Jay Bruce NYY OF   697 Pick awarded
Fantasy Josh Fleming TB SP   710 Pick awarded
Eastwick Kyle Farmer Cin 2B, SS 3A 228 Pick awarded
Portland Quinn Priester Pit SP   100 Pick awarded
Sorryton Harold Castro Det OF   322 Pick awarded
Atlanta Leury Garcia CWS SS   633 Pick awarded
Boom!!! Tetris Yadier Molina StL C 4 1076 Pick awarded
Light's Ryan Helsley StL RP   133 Pick awarded
Tennessee Zach McKinstry LAD 2B   100 Pick awarded
Pittsburgh Jose Urena Det SP   590 Pick awarded
Late Night Jake Bauers Cle 1B, OF 4 343 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cash Remaining Total Players
Level Eleven Revelers 38302 12698 33
Qwyjibo Disestablishmentarianists 41790 9210 33
Fantasy Baseball 42387 8613 29
Eastwick Diamond Kings 43828 7172 29
SoCal Blue Dogs 46350 4650 33
Portland Pickles 46381 4619 34
Sorryton Aggravators 46649 4351 33
Atlanta Robot Baseball 47546 3454 33
Light's Out 48954 2046 29
Boom!!! Tetris for Jeff 49113 1887 34
Tennessee Zinfandels 50161 839 32
Late Night Owls 50669 331 34
Pittsburgh Buccos 50749 251 28
Knoxville Knights 50935 65 30
Kentucky Fried Foghorn Leghorn 50949 51 32
Minnesota Moose 50970 30 31

Round 4

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
Level Eleven Keynan Middleton Sea RP 5 201 Pick awarded
Qwyjibo Nick Wittgren Cle RP   1114 Pick awarded
Fantasy Tyler Duffey Min RP   900 Pick awarded
Eastwick Erik Gonzalez Pit 3B, SS   865 Pick awarded
Portland Daniel Lynch KC SP 4A 100 Pick awarded
Sorryton Pete Crow-Armstrong NYM OF 4A 100 Pick awarded
Atlanta Pavin Smith Ari 1B, OF 5A 131 Pick awarded
Light's Rex Brothers ChC RP   101 Pick awarded
Boom!!! Tetris Joe Ross Was RP 5 319 Pick awarded
Late Night Mickey Moniak Phi OF 5 100 Pick awarded
Pittsburgh Wil Crowe Pit SP   100 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cash Remaining Total Players
Level Eleven Revelers 38503 12497 34
Qwyjibo Disestablishmentarianists 42904 8096 34
Fantasy Baseball 43287 7713 30
Eastwick Diamond Kings 44693 6307 30
SoCal Blue Dogs 46350 4650 33
Portland Pickles 46481 4519 35
Sorryton Aggravators 46749 4251 34
Atlanta Robot Baseball 47677 3323 34
Light's Out 49055 1945 30
Boom!!! Tetris for Jeff 49432 1568 35
Tennessee Zinfandels 50161 839 32
Late Night Owls 50769 231 35
Pittsburgh Buccos 50849 151 29
Knoxville Knights 50935 65 30
Kentucky Fried Foghorn Leghorn 50949 51 32
Minnesota Moose 50970 30 31

Round 5

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
Level Eleven Greg Holland KC RP 6 2970 Pick awarded
Qwyjibo Heston Kjerstad Bal OF 5A 100 Pick awarded
Fantasy Franklin Barreto LAA 2B   100 Pick awarded
Eastwick Roberto Perez Cle C   562 Pick awarded
Portland Oswald Peraza NYY SS 5A 100 Pick awarded
Sorryton Ryan Weathers SD SP   100 Pick awarded
Atlanta Aaron Sanchez SF SP 6 468 Pick awarded
Boom!!! Tetris Brent Honeywell TB SP 6 100 Pick awarded
Late Night Jimmy Nelson LAD RP 6 211 Pick awarded
Pittsburgh Jose De Leon Cin RP   100 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cash Remaining Total Players
Level Eleven Revelers 41473 9527 35
Qwyjibo Disestablishmentarianists 43004 7996 35
Fantasy Baseball 43387 7613 31
Eastwick Diamond Kings 45255 5745 31
SoCal Blue Dogs 46350 4650 33
Portland Pickles 46581 4419 36
Sorryton Aggravators 46849 4151 35
Atlanta Robot Baseball 48145 2855 35
Light's Out 49055 1945 30
Boom!!! Tetris for Jeff 49532 1468 36
Tennessee Zinfandels 50161 839 32
Knoxville Knights 50935 65 30
Pittsburgh Buccos 50949 51 30
Kentucky Fried Foghorn Leghorn 50949 51 32
Minnesota Moose 50970 30 31
Late Night Owls 50980 20 36

Round 6

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
Level Eleven David Phelps Tor RP 7 240 Pick awarded
Qwyjibo Adam Duvall Mia OF   1856 Pick awarded
Fantasy Austin Dean StL OF   139 Pick awarded
Eastwick Daniel Ponce de Leon StL SP 6A 587 Pick awarded
Portland Edward Cabrera Mia SP 8A 100 Pick awarded
Sorryton Isaac Paredes Det 3B   287 Pick awarded
Atlanta Cesar Valdez Bal RP 9A 200 Pick awarded
Boom!!! Tetris Aristides Aquino Cin OF 8A 237 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cash Remaining Total Players
Level Eleven Revelers 41713 9287 36
Fantasy Baseball 43526 7474 32
Qwyjibo Disestablishmentarianists 44860 6140 36
Eastwick Diamond Kings 45842 5158 32
SoCal Blue Dogs 46350 4650 33
Portland Pickles 46681 4319 37
Sorryton Aggravators 47136 3864 36
Atlanta Robot Baseball 48345 2655 36
Light's Out 49055 1945 30
Boom!!! Tetris for Jeff 49769 1231 37
Tennessee Zinfandels 50161 839 32
Knoxville Knights 50935 65 30
Pittsburgh Buccos 50949 51 30
Kentucky Fried Foghorn Leghorn 50949 51 32
Minnesota Moose 50970 30 31
Late Night Owls 50980 20 36

Round 7

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
Level Eleven Cole Sulser Bal RP 8 189 Pick awarded
Fantasy Jordan Weems Oak RP 8 180 Pick awarded
Qwyjibo Chad Kuhl Pit SP 7A 812 Pick awarded
Eastwick Brad Keller KC SP   1874 Pick awarded
Portland Jhoan Duran Min SP 9A 100 Pick awarded
Sorryton James Kaprielian Oak RP 7A 100 Pick awarded
Atlanta Alex Jackson Atl C 10 100 Pick awarded
Boom!!! Tetris Nathan Jones Atl RP 9A 266 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cash Remaining Total Players
Level Eleven Revelers 41902 9098 37
Fantasy Baseball 43706 7294 33
Qwyjibo Disestablishmentarianists 45672 5328 37
SoCal Blue Dogs 46350 4650 33
Portland Pickles 46781 4219 38
Sorryton Aggravators 47236 3764 37
Eastwick Diamond Kings 47716 3284 33
Atlanta Robot Baseball 48445 2555 37
Light's Out 49055 1945 30
Boom!!! Tetris for Jeff 50035 965 38
Tennessee Zinfandels 50161 839 32
Knoxville Knights 50935 65 30
Pittsburgh Buccos 50949 51 30
Kentucky Fried Foghorn Leghorn 50949 51 32
Minnesota Moose 50970 30 31
Late Night Owls 50980 20 36

Round 8

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
Level Eleven Bryan Abreu Hou RP 10 100 Pick awarded
Qwyjibo Nick Pivetta Bos RP 11 496 Pick awarded
Portland D.L. Hall Bal SP 10A 100 Pick awarded
Sorryton Shane Baz TB SP   100 Pick awarded
Eastwick Buck Farmer Det RP 8 867 Pick awarded
Atlanta William Contreras Atl C 11 100 Pick awarded
Boom!!! Tetris Carl Edwards Jr. FA RP 12 189 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cash Remaining Total Players
Level Eleven Revelers 42002 8998 38
Fantasy Baseball 43706 7294 33
Qwyjibo Disestablishmentarianists 46168 4832 38
SoCal Blue Dogs 46350 4650 33
Portland Pickles 46881 4119 39
Sorryton Aggravators 47336 3664 38
Atlanta Robot Baseball 48545 2455 38
Eastwick Diamond Kings 48583 2417 34
Light's Out 49055 1945 30
Tennessee Zinfandels 50161 839 32
Boom!!! Tetris for Jeff 50224 776 39
Knoxville Knights 50935 65 30
Pittsburgh Buccos 50949 51 30
Kentucky Fried Foghorn Leghorn 50949 51 32
Minnesota Moose 50970 30 31
Late Night Owls 50980 20 36

Round 9

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
Qwyjibo Garrett Whitlock Bos SP 12 100 Pick awarded
Portland Luis Medina NYY SP 11A 100 Pick awarded
Sorryton Jackson Rutledge Was SP   100 Pick awarded
Atlanta Ryan Zimmerman Was 1B 12 632 Pick awarded
Eastwick John Gant StL RP   806 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cash Remaining Total Players
Level Eleven Revelers 42002 8998 38
Fantasy Baseball 43706 7294 33
Qwyjibo Disestablishmentarianists 46268 4732 39
SoCal Blue Dogs 46350 4650 33
Portland Pickles 46981 4019 40
Sorryton Aggravators 47436 3564 39
Light's Out 49055 1945 30
Atlanta Robot Baseball 49177 1823 39
Eastwick Diamond Kings 49389 1611 35
Tennessee Zinfandels 50161 839 32
Boom!!! Tetris for Jeff 50224 776 39
Knoxville Knights 50935 65 30
Pittsburgh Buccos 50949 51 30
Kentucky Fried Foghorn Leghorn 50949 51 32
Minnesota Moose 50970 30 31
Late Night Owls 50980 20 36

Round 10

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
Portland Gabriel Moreno Tor C 12 100 Pick awarded
Sorryton Jeren Kendall LAD OF   100 Pick awarded
Eastwick Pat Valaika Bal 1B, 2B, SS 10A 849 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cash Remaining Total Players
Level Eleven Revelers 42002 8998 38
Fantasy Baseball 43706 7294 33
Qwyjibo Disestablishmentarianists 46268 4732 39
SoCal Blue Dogs 46350 4650 33
Portland Pickles 47081 3919 41
Sorryton Aggravators 47536 3464 40
Light's Out 49055 1945 30
Atlanta Robot Baseball 49177 1823 39
Tennessee Zinfandels 50161 839 32
Boom!!! Tetris for Jeff 50224 776 39
Eastwick Diamond Kings 50238 762 36
Knoxville Knights 50935 65 30
Pittsburgh Buccos 50949 51 30
Kentucky Fried Foghorn Leghorn 50949 51 32
Minnesota Moose 50970 30 31
Late Night Owls 50980 20 36

Round 11

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark
Sorryton Akil Baddoo Det OF 12 100 Pick awarded
Eastwick Eric Sogard ChC 3B 11A 666 Pick awarded

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cash Remaining Total Players
Level Eleven Revelers 42002 8998 38
Fantasy Baseball 43706 7294 33
Qwyjibo Disestablishmentarianists 46268 4732 39
SoCal Blue Dogs 46350 4650 33
Portland Pickles 47081 3919 41
Sorryton Aggravators 47636 3364 41
Light's Out 49055 1945 30
Atlanta Robot Baseball 49177 1823 39
Tennessee Zinfandels 50161 839 32
Boom!!! Tetris for Jeff 50224 776 39
Eastwick Diamond Kings 50904 96 37
Knoxville Knights 50935 65 30
Pittsburgh Buccos 50949 51 30
Kentucky Fried Foghorn Leghorn 50949 51 32
Minnesota Moose 50970 30 31
Late Night Owls 50980 20 36

Round 12

Team Name MLB Team Primary Pos Original Pick Salary Remark

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cash Remaining Total Players


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