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Redistribution Draft 2022

Players Selected Most Often

The table below shows players listed by the most teams this year in the draft.  The players are only counted once per team (perhaps used more than once as an alternate) and only for picks with valid round and pick listed.  Obviously, except for all the players just added to the list in January, these counts are dependent upon who is available in each league.


The list shows 37 players selected by 60 or more teams (1068 teams submitted draft lists)



First Last MLB Team Pos Salary # of Teams
Julio Rodriguez Sea OF 100 670
Camilo Doval SF RP 137 433
Corey Knebel Phi RP 245 268
Drew Waters Atl OF 100 267
Jose Miranda Min 2B 100 193
Ronny Mauricio NYM SS 100 182
Jeremy Pena Hou SS 100 158
Tucker Davidson Atl SP 117 133
M.J. Melendez KC C 100 118
George Valera Cle OF 100 113
Oswald Peraza NYY SS, x 100 109
Yoshitomo Tsutsugo Pit 1B, OF 593 105
Giovanny Gallegos StL RP 1632 101
Rowan Wick ChC RP 302 100
Nick Yorke Bos 2B 100 100
Robinson Cano NYM 2B 664 99
Lane Thomas Was OF 314 95
Lucas Sims Cin RP 513 93
Chad Pinder Oak OF, 2B, 3B, SS 384 87
Robert Suarez SD RP 100 86
Andres Munoz Sea RP 103 82
Pierce Johnson SD RP 1162 80
Roansy Contreras Pit SP 100 75
A.J. Alexy Tex SP 100 73
A.J. Puk Oak RP 100 73
Anthony Alford Pit OF 157 67
Marcell Ozuna Atl OF 2515 67
Zac Lowther Bal SP 100 66
Jordan Montgomery NYY SP 2185 66
Cal Raleigh Sea C 143 65
Spencer Howard Tex SP 239 64
Jordan Walker StL 3B 100 64
Mickey Moniak Phi OF 100 63
Drew Steckenrider Sea RP 1661 62
J.J. Bleday Mia OF 100 61
Kody Clemens Det 2B 100 61

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