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The Future of Benchwarmer Baseball

What's in store for BWB in 2009 and beyond?

2009 Planned Upgrades and Changes:

  • Some potential rule changes
  • A way to see all your players on all your teams on one single page.
  • The opportunity to visit and look at rosters in leagues where you don't play.
  • An "experts" league.
  • Retooled Links and FAQs pages.
  • "Back-office" upgrades - you won't necessarily see these but they will continue to make life easier and help ensure that BWB continues
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The Future of the Game Itself:

I've had a ball creating and running the game.  And I plan for that to continue and to grow the game.  But I'll be frank in that for the amount of time invested in this each season, I do look toward some return.  (If not, I'd just "settle" for one of our competitors and do without the hassle.  If I can do this and in the meantime help pay off my student loans, credit cards, etc., all the better).  A lot of the behind-the-scenes improvements over the last few years are designed to allow for both expansion into new leagues and to eventually free up my own time - allowing me to have a real life, take vacation in the summer - you know - normal stuff.


To that end, BWB expanded to a second league in 2004 and more in every year since then.  League fees basically cover expenses (or less in the first few years).  The stat services in 2007 & 2008 were very expensive and BWB lost a lot of money (but an alternativeIn order to make this a viable and sustainable corporate exercise, we probably need to grow to at least about 20-24 leagues at minimum.

Other items:

  • Web Advertising.  This started in 2004, though I haven't been as aggressive yet in maintaining and expanding it as originally intended.  Hey, I'm not a big fan of ads myself, but they can be useful.  Currently, I'm using a couple services that line up web sites with advertisers - they provide the content and handle all the details.  I don't get a cut per view like in a standard situation - but I do get a small commission if you actually purchase anything.  So if you're actually going to sign up with Netflix, or buy a book online at B&N, or order some sports equipment from Fogdog anyway, get there through one of my ads and you'll help support the site.
  • Employment.  BWB will provide free teams for help with various tasks (for example, keeping up to date with transactions and providing user assistance).  As far as getting someone else to help run the game / web site...there's a lot of stuff still done by hand and "just because" so I'd need to make the setup a little less Jon-centric to do that.  At some point, if the game grows enough, this may expand to include cash payment.
  • Prizes.  There was never an original intention to have physical prizes, but I decided after that first season to get some small trophies as a small reward.  I fell behind on that after a couple years and am deciding whether or not to continue.

I don't list all this as a warning that BWB is about to go away or is in any danger of that soon (certainly not while soliciting for new owners and expounding on the value of perpetual franchises!).  Just a heads-up for you though that there are some other considerations here that may one day take greater priority


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