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Resolving Contested Draft Picks

Startup Draft - Perfect World League

See the Draft Rules for how these players were awarded.  Remember, that all contested players are placed first - so at the beginning, all teams have 46 million in unused salary cap cash - regardless of how many uncontested draft picks they had.


For resolution purposes, any player rank left at zero was changed to "999" (to allow for sorting).

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We resolve in order of the count of teams selecting a player - starting with the ones picked most often.


Jason Heyward – was selected by 12 Teams

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Midwest 46000 0 1
Crater Lake 46000 0 1
Classical 46000 0 1
California 46000 0 1
Arkansas 46000 0 2
Commerce Michigan 46000 0 2
Oklahoma 46000 0 11
Mississippi 46000 0 23
Minnesota 46000 0 999
Texas 46000 0 999
Long Island 46000 0 999
Niagara Falls 46000 0 999


Four teams ranked him #1, and of those teams, California gets him based on random draw.


Two players were selected by 9 teams.  In that case, we resolve in descending order of salary.


First up, Tommy Hanson (Salary 1332)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Arkansas 46000 0 1
Niagara Falls 46000 0 2
Oklahoma 46000 0 3
Commerce Michigan 46000 0 3
Mississippi 46000 0 5
Westside 46000 0 14
Claremont's 46000 0 14
Crater Lake 46000 0 14
Texas 46000 0 999


Arkansas was the only team to rank him first, so they get him.


Stephen Strasburg (100)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Ehime 46000 0 1
Niagara Falls 46000 0 1
Classical 46000 0 2
Commerce Michigan 46000 0 16
Claremont's 46000 0 25
Minnesota 46000 0 999
Texas 46000 0 999
California 45900 1 999
Arkansas 44668 1 6


It's down to two teams who ranked him as their top priority...goes to Ehime in a random draw.


Wade Davis was picked by 8 teams.

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Classical 46000 0 10
Midwest 46000 0 10
Oklahoma 46000 0 12
Commerce Michigan 46000 0 15
Mississippi 46000 0 20
Niagara Falls 46000 0 999
Ehime 45900 1 2
Arkansas 44668 1 19


The first tiebreaker is salary cap room left, so for example that puts Ehime out of the running.  Classical gets him in a random draw between them and Midwest (full cap left - highest rank).


Four players picked by 7 teams...


First is Elvis Andrus (Salary 995)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Crater Lake 46000 0 6
Oklahoma 46000 0 10
Claremont's 46000 0 10
Westside 46000 0 12
Midwest 46000 0 14
Commerce Michigan 46000 0 31
Niagara Falls 46000 0 999


Crater Lake gets him due to draft rank.


Next, Matt Wieters (644)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Commerce Michigan 46000 0 7
Oklahoma 46000 0 8
Mississippi 46000 0 8
Claremont's 46000 0 9
Niagara Falls 46000 0 999
Ehime 45900 1 5
Crater Lake 45005 1 2


Among teams with full cap left, Commerce Michigan has him ranked highest.


Two players have salary 200.  When the salary is the same we resolve in order of position in baseball scoring (all OF = 7, DH = 8)

If the position is the same, we go in alphabetical order.


Neftali Feliz (200, P, "F")

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Oklahoma 46000 0 7
Mississippi 46000 0 14
Claremont's 46000 0 19
Niagara Falls 46000 0 999
Classical 45798 1 9
Commerce Michigan 45356 1 14
Arkansas 44668 1 4


For teams with no players yet, Oklahoma gets him based on rank.


Brian Matusz (200, P, "M")


Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Mississippi 46000 0 13
Niagara Falls 46000 0 999
California 45900 1 3
Oklahoma 45800 1 9
Classical 45798 1 8
Commerce Michigan 45356 1 30
Arkansas 44668 1 5


Mississippi gets him based on draft rank.


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