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Resolving Contested Draft Picks

Startup Draft - Firemen League

See the Draft Rules for how these players were awarded.  Remember, that all contested players are placed first - so at the beginning, all teams have 42 million in unused salary cap cash - regardless of how many uncontested draft picks they had.

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Six players were selected by 7 teams.


First up, Sergio Santos (Salary 1515)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Death Valley 42000 0 10
BiPolar 42000 0 32
Townsley 42000 0 999
Apocalyptic 41900 1 14
Cincinnati 41900 1 23
Pyongyang 41476 1 14
Kabul 40139 1 10


Among teams with their full salary cap allocation remaining, Death Valley has him ranked highest and gets him.


Dustin Ackley (596)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Ruskin 42000 0 23
Hanoi 41900 1 8
Apocalyptic 41900 1 32
Reggae 41779 1 5
Pyongyang 41476 1 25
Death Valley 40485 1 14
Kabul 40139 1 2


Ruskin is the only team here with their full cash allotment left.


Paul Goldschmidt (221)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
BiPolar 42000 0 37
Townsley 42000 0 999
Hanoi 41900 1 7
Apocalyptic 41900 1 24
Wallin 41900 1 25
Backyard 41648 1 2
Pyongyang 41476 1 8


BiPolar had him ranked...Townsley did not rank him...he goes to BiPolar


Yonder Alonso (121)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Apocalyptic 41900 1 6
Cincinnati 41900 1 7
Banta Inn 41900 1 21
BiPolar 41779 1 36
Backyard 41648 1 8
Ruskin 41404 1 22
Kabul 40139 1 16


3 teams in contention...Tiebreaker #2 (after cap room) is to look at the team with the fewest position players signed.  Banta Inn is eliminated.  Tiebreaker #3 (total players) and #4 (fewest players signed already at Alonso's position) don't solve the situation, so with Tiebreaker #5, Apocalyptic gets him with the higher rank.


Danny Hultzen (100, P, "H")
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Wallin 41900 1 9
Hanoi 41900 1 25
Apocalyptic 41779 2 8
Backyard 41648 1 10
Miami Valley 41560 1 7
Ruskin 41404 1 999
Kabul 40139 1 28

It's between Wallin and Hanoi.  Neither has a pitcher yet, so we cruise through to the draft rank which awards him to Wallin.

Drew Pomeranz (100, P, "P")
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Hanoi 41900 1 12
Banta Inn 41900 1 23
Wallin 41800 2 13
Apocalyptic 41779 2 12
Backyard 41648 1 33
Ruskin 41404 1 999
Kabul 40139 1 20

Again, Hanoi and Banta Inn previously got position players, so when we get to draft rank, it's Hanoi.

Ten players were picked by 6 teams...starting with Troy Tulowitzki (Salary 3860)
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Townsley 42000 0 999
Venice Beach 41900 1 999
Apocalyptic 41779 2 3
BiPolar 41779 1 2
Miami Valley 41560 1 19
Ruskin 41404 1 1

Townsley is the only team here with their full cap space left.


Adam Wainwright (2959)
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Torrance 41847 1 16
Hanoi 41800 2 6
Apocalyptic 41779 2 2
Miami Valley 41560 1 21
Pyongyang 41476 1 13
Townsley 38140 1 999

Torrance based on cap room.  Unless otherwise specified, this is the reason for all player awards below.

Josh Johnson (2637)
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Cincinnati 41900 1 13
Hanoi 41800 2 15
Apocalyptic 41779 2 1
Death Valley 40485 1 6
Torrance 38888 2 11
Townsley 38140 1 999


Andrew Bailey (1545)
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Banta Inn 41900 1 3
Apocalyptic 41779 2 7
Pyongyang 41476 1 29
Death Valley 40485 1 9
Kabul 40139 1 22
Cincinnati 39263 2 22

Banta Inn

Eric Hosmer (1421)
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Venice Beach 41900 1 999
BiPolar 41779 1 7
Banta Inn 40355 2 2
Kabul 40139 1 13
Cincinnati 39263 2 1
Townsley 38140 1 999

Venice Beach

Ike Davis (608)
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Apocalyptic 41779 2 33
BiPolar 41779 1 12
Reggae 41779 1 999
Backyard 41648 1 23
Banta Inn 40355 2 31
Cincinnati 39263 2 15

Kind of an odd tie, with three teams at the same cap space left.  All three have one position player, so we go to Tiebreaker #3 - total signed players, which eliminates Apocalyptic.  BiPolar already has a player at 1B, so with Tiebreaker #4, he goes to Reggae.

Brandon Belt (226)
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Wallin 41800 2 32
BiPolar 41779 1 18
Venice Beach 40479 2 4
Banta Inn 40355 2 34
Cincinnati 39263 2 28
Torrance 38888 2 15


Jason Kipnis (183)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
BiPolar 41779 1 11
Backyard 41648 1 3
Wallin 41574 3 30
Miami Valley 41560 1 22
Reggae 41171 2 999
Cincinnati 39263 2 18




Shelby Miller (100, P)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Hanoi 41800 2 22
Backyard 41648 1 25
BiPolar 41596 2 40
Wallin 41574 3 3
Miami Valley 41560 1 4
Reggae 41171 2 4




Jesus Montero (100, C)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Backyard 41648 1 5
BiPolar 41596 2 24
Wallin 41574 3 2
Reggae 41171 2 2
Death Valley 40485 1 23
Kabul 40139 1 8




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