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Resolving Contested Draft Picks

Startup Draft - B Movie Actor League

See the Draft Rules for how these players were awarded.  Remember, that all contested players are placed first - so at the beginning, all teams have 37 million in unused salary cap cash - regardless of how many uncontested draft picks they had.

Salary 100: 9-4 Teams + Ranked #1 Salary 100: 3-2 Teams 8-7 Teams + Ranked #1 6-5 Teams 4-3 Teams 2 Teams
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Resolving Players with Salary > 100 - Picked by 6 to 5 teams

4 players were picked by 6 teams


First up, Adam Wainwright (Salary 2296)

Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
Lord Boulder's 35347 2 500 10
Creature 34864 1 500 6
Rough 37000 0 0 999
Savannah 37000 0 0 999
St. Vincent 36365 1 0 999
Die Hard 35641 2 0 18


Two teams with 500 bids, Lord Boulder's has the most cap space left


Ken Giles (2092)

Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
Creature 34864 1 500 8
Cyborg 37000 0 0 12
Savannah 37000 0 0 999
Vatican City 36863 1 0 999
The Thing 36857 1 0 30
Lord Boulder's 33051 3 0 6


Creature is the only team with an auction bid

Roberto Osuna (1489)

Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
Cyborg 37000 0 0 13
Franken 37000 0 0 13
Rough 37000 0 0 999
Vatican City 36863 1 0 999
The Thing 36857 1 0 12
St. Vincent 36365 1 0 999


No extra auction bids - 3 teams have full cap space left...2 with an identical draft rank.  In a now-rare random draw, Franken gets him

Marcus Stroman (408)
Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
Vatican City 36863 1 500 3
Franken 35511 1 500 12
Perfection 37000 0 0 999
Mole 35715 2 0 7
Cincinnati 33738 3 0 6
Lord Boulder's 33051 3 0 28

2 teams with identical 500 bids - Vatican City has the most cap space left.

14 players picked by 5 teams

Nolan Arenado (Salary 5265)

Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
Cyborg 37000 0 1000 18
Creature 32772 2 1000 2
Perfection 37000 0 500 999
St. Vincent 36365 1 0 999
San Francisco 36004 1 0 5


2 teams with bids of 1000 - Cyborg has more cap space

Anthony Rendon (1719)

Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
Mole 35715 2 500 6
Savannah 37000 0 0 999
Vatican City 36455 2 0 999
St. Vincent 36365 1 0 999
Cincinnati 33738 3 0 32


Mole wins out with the only auction bid

Jung-Ho Kang (993)
Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
San Francisco 36004 1 0 9
Die Hard 35641 2 0 13
Mole 33996 3 0 16
Cincinnati 33738 3 0 37
Cyborg 31735 1 0 28

San Francisco based on cap space

Yu Darvish (975)
Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
Long Island 37000 0 0 39
Savannah 37000 0 0 999
St. Vincent 36365 1 0 999
Lord Boulder's 33051 3 0 7
Cyborg 31735 1 0 14

2 teams with full cap space, Long Island gave him a rank (even #39) while Savannah didn't - so he goes to Long Island

Francisco Lindor (883)

Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
Mole 33996 3 500 5
Long Island 36025 1 0 7
Die Hard 35641 2 0 20
Cincinnati 33738 3 0 12
Lord Boulder's 33051 3 0 8


Mole gets him with the only extra cash bid

Corey Dickerson (760)

Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
Perfection 37000 0 500 999
Cyborg 31735 1 500 9
Rough 37000 0 0 999
St. Vincent 36365 1 0 13
Cincinnati 33738 3 0 15


2 teams with 500 bids - Perfection wins out based on cap space remaining

Maikel Franco (648)

Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
The Thing 36857 1 500 2
Long Island 36025 1 0 16
Die Hard 35641 2 0 10
Cincinnati 33738 3 0 17
Lord Boulder's 33051 3 0 23


The Thing gets him with the only bid

Andrew Heaney (600)

Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
Savannah 37000 0 500 9
Perfection 36240 1 0 999
Die Hard 35641 2 0 28
Franken 35511 1 0 22
Cincinnati 33738 3 0 19


Savannah wins out with the extra bid

Luis Severino (475)
Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
Perfection 36240 1 0 999
Die Hard 35641 2 0 6
Cincinnati 33738 3 0 21
Mole 33113 4 0 23
Cyborg 31735 1 0 30

Perfection has the most cap space remaining

Aaron Nola (471)
Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
Don't Let 37000 0 0 999
The Thing 36209 2 0 19
Perfection 35765 2 0 999
Cincinnati 33738 3 0 22
Creature 32772 2 0 17

Don't Let based on cap space

Ketel Marte (273)
Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
The Thing 36209 2 500 6
Don't Let 36529 1 0 999
Franken 35511 1 0 6
Creature 32772 2 0 14
Cyborg 31735 1 0 29

The Thing with the auction bid

Rich Hill (223)
Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
Don't Let 36529 1 0 999
Vatican City 36455 2 0 5
The Thing 35936 3 0 23
Franken 35511 1 0 31
San Francisco 35011 2 0 28

Don't Let with cap space

Brandon Finnegan (200)
Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
Vatican City 36455 2 0 9
The Thing 35936 3 0 13
Franken 35511 1 0 36
San Francisco 35011 2 0 11
Mole 33113 4 0 9

Via cap space, it's Vatican City

Zack Godley (187)
Team Cap Left Total Players Bid Rank
Don't Let 36306 2 0 999
The Thing 35936 3 0 39
Die Hard 35641 2 0 39
San Francisco 35011 2 0 14
Mole 33113 4 0 27

Don't Let wins out based on cap space remaining


Salary 100: 9-4 Teams + Ranked #1 Salary 100: 3-2 Teams 8-7 Teams + Ranked #1 6-5 Teams 4-3 Teams 2 Teams
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