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Resolving Contested Draft Picks

Startup Draft - Born to Run League

See the Draft Rules for how these players were awarded.  Remember, that all contested players are placed first - so at the beginning, all teams have 48 million in unused salary cap cash - regardless of how many uncontested draft picks they had.

Salary 100: 6-5 Teams + Ranked #1 Salary 100: 3-2 Teams 7-6 Teams + Ranked #1 5-4 Teams 3 Teams 2 Teams
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Resolving Players with Salary > 100 - Picked by 3 teams

22 players were picked by 3 teams

Aroldis Chapman (Salary 3525)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Saratoga 2118 3 250 250 999
Ricky 4376 3 250 0 11
Cincinnati 200 1 0 0 29

Awarded to: Saratoga -- Reason: Tied on auction bid - goes to team with lower team total salary

Jacob deGrom (Salary 2414)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Central City 1499 2 500 250 21
Red 2475 3 0 0 18
Furtak 7677 1 0 0 7

Awarded to: Central City -- Reason: Auction bid

Kenta Maeda (Salary 2221)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Ricky 4376 3 250 250 12
Escape from New Jersey 3633 2 0 0 999
Only 5909 2 0 0 16

Awarded to: Ricky -- Reason: Auction bid

Michael Fulmer (Salary 2167)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Red 2475 3 250 250 9
Cincinnati 200 1 0 0 7
Only 5909 2 0 0 27

Awarded to: Red -- Reason: Auction bid

Gregory Polanco (Salary 2135)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Gasoline 1426 2 2500 500 8
Runnin' Redbirds 1581 2 250 0 999
Cincinnati 200 1 0 0 34

Awarded to: Gasoline -- Reason: Higher auction bid

Matt Shoemaker (Salary 2026)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
California 348 1 0 0 18
Runnin' Redbirds 1581 2 0 0 999
Red 4642 4 0 0 35

Awarded to: California -- Reason: Lowest team total salary

Brad Miller (Salary 1803)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Gasoline 3561 3 0 0 17
Central City 3913 3 0 0 999
Nebraska 6264 1 0 0 13

Awarded to: Gasoline -- Reason: Lowest team total salary

Yasmany Tomas (Salary 1742)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Ricky 6597 4 250 250 7
Cincinnati 200 1 0 0 23
Furtak 7677 1 0 0 999

Awarded to: Ricky -- Reason: Auction bid

Addison Russell (Salary 1718)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Saratoga 5643 4 250 250 999
Central City 3913 3 0 0 30
Quad Cities 6921 1 0 0 24

Awarded to: Saratoga -- Reason: Auction bid

Jonathan Gray (Salary 1694)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
DeGroot 137 1 500 250 999
Nebraska 6264 1 0 0 7
Quad Cities 6921 1 0 0 23

Awarded to: DeGroot -- Reason: Auction bid

Devon Travis (Salary 980)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
DeGroot 1831 2 250 250 999
Gasoline 5364 4 0 0 999
Saratoga 7361 5 0 0 999

Awarded to: DeGroot -- Reason: Auction bid

James Paxton (Salary 875)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Runnin' Redbirds 1581 2 250 250 999
Saratoga 7361 5 250 0 999
Ricky 8339 5 250 0 15

Awarded to: Runnin' Redbirds -- Reason: All with the same bid - awarded to team with lowest total salary

Sean Manaea (Salary 827)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Hungry 1133 2 0 0 19
California 2374 2 0 0 21
Saratoga 7361 5 0 0 999

Awarded to: Hungry -- Reason: Lowest team total salary

Daniel Norris (Salary 578)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Escape from New Jersey 3633 2 250 250 12
Red 4642 4 0 0 25
Saratoga 7361 5 0 0 999

Awarded to: Escape from New Jersey -- Reason: Auction bid

Joe Musgrove (Salary 364)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
California 2374 2 0 0 16
Only 5909 2 0 0 30
Ricky 8339 5 0 0 30

Awarded to: California -- Reason: Lowest team total salary

Jorge Polanco (Salary 313)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Hungry 1960 3 0 0 33
KFC 3849 1 0 0 28
Quad Cities 6921 1 0 0 29

Awarded to: Hungry -- Reason: Lowest team total salary

Tony Wolters (Salary 268)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Central City 3913 3 0 0 17
Nebraska 6264 1 0 0 19
Ricky 8339 5 0 0 22

Awarded to: Central City -- Reason: Lowest team total salary

Tyler Skaggs (Salary 246)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Runnin' Redbirds 2456 3 0 0 999
California 2738 3 0 0 22
Red 4642 4 0 0 32

Awarded to: Runnin' Redbirds -- Reason: Lowest team total salary

Devin Mesoraco (Salary 220)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Hungry 2273 4 0 0 26
Runnin' Redbirds 2702 4 0 0 999
Red 4642 4 0 0 33

Awarded to: Hungry -- Reason: Lowest team total salary

Chad Green (Salary 200)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Escape from New Jersey 4211 3 0 0 999
Red 4642 4 0 0 34
Quad Cities 6921 1 0 0 36

Awarded to: Escape from New Jersey -- Reason: Lowest team total salary

Raul Mondesi (Salary 146)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Hungry 2493 5 0 0 38
Furtak 7677 1 0 0 999
Ricky 8339 5 0 0 28

Awarded to: Hungry -- Reason: Lowest team total salary

Aaron Judge (Salary 105)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Cincinnati 200 1 0 0 11
California 2738 3 0 0 10
Quad Cities 6921 1 0 0 9

Awarded to: Cincinnati -- Reason: Lowest team total salary


Salary 100: 6-5 Teams + Ranked #1 Salary 100: 3-2 Teams 7-6 Teams + Ranked #1 5-4 Teams 3 Teams 2 Teams
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