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Contract Extensions

Rules for Contract Extensions

Any player may be resigned for an additional season (or more) in order to lock in a lower salary rate.

  • All contract extensions must be completed by Week 17 (see season deadlines for actual date).
  • Funds are deducted immediately, so the team must be able to pay the salary.  This salary will not be deducted again in the following season(s).
  • Once you pay the full contract amount, you will never get any of that cash back, despite what happens to the player in the future.
  • A player may be signed for 2025 at his exact salary rate for 2024, with a minimum of $1,000,000.
  • A player may be signed for 2026 and beyond. The salary for each year beyond 2025 will be calculated with a 33% raise, given the following minimums:

Player signed for: Cost: Minimum Salary Minimum Contract Total
2025 2024 Salary $1,000,000 $1,000,000
2026 2025 + 33% $2,000,000 $3,000,000
2027 2026 + 33% $3,250,000 $6,250,000
2028 2027 + 33% $4,000,000 $10,250,000
2029 2028 + 33% $6,000,000 $16,250,000


Contract Extension Form

Rules - Multiyear Contracts

  • 2023 Changes:
    • Contract minimum salaries were increased for Years 1-2
  • Contract extensions are always executed last in any transaction week
  • If a team attempts to sign a player for multiple years and cannot afford them, BWB will extend the contract for as long as funds allow.
  • If the player is involved in a trade during the life of the contract, the receiving team inherits the contract and does not need to pay any of the salary.  The giving team will not receive a rebate of any portion of the future salary.  However, salary costs/rebates for the current season will apply.
  • If a player is released who was signed to a contract in a previous season, there is no rebate.  If that player returns to the free agent pool, it is at the current season's published salary.
  • If a player is released in the same season as the contract signing, there is no rebate of future salary, but the current season rebate, if applicable, will apply.
  • Players may be placed in the minor leagues if their published salary (not signed salary) for that season meets league guidelines.
  • Players on multiyear contracts may never be left unprotected in expansion, redistribution, or other off-season draft.
  • This is a salary cap move, not a method to keep players for next season.
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Contract Extension Analysis

Rules - Contract Extensions

Blog Entries - Hints, Tips, etc. - about contract extensions

Successful Contract Extensions
Contract Extensions that Didn't Pay Off

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