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Resolving Contested Draft Picks

Startup Draft - Triple Crown League

See the Draft Rules for how these players were awarded.  Remember, that all contested players are placed first - so at the beginning, all teams have 44 million in unused salary cap cash - regardless of how many uncontested draft picks they had.

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Three players were picked by 5 teams.


Alfonso Soriano (Salary 3038)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Blaine 44000 0 999
Mars 43391 1 5
Raging 43182 1 9
Kylertown 42773 2 999
Ohio 42711 1 38


Blaine gets their first player, based on salary cap space left (unless otherwise noted, that's the reason for all the remaining awards).


Frank Francisco (603)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
PA 43302 1 999
Backwoods 43049 2 25
Nash 42811 1 10
Guadalajara, Mexico 2011 42563 1 33
Oakdale 42350 2 37


Goes to PA


Travis Snyder (100)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Baldwin 44000 0 999
Backwoods 43049 2 16
Kylertown 42773 2 999
Ohio 42711 1 17
Guadalajara, Mexico 2011 42563 1 23


Baldwin gets someone on the roster.


12 players picked by 4 teams.


Starting with...Hanley Ramirez (Salary 5502)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Baldwin 43900 1 999
Kylertown 42773 2 999
PA 42699 2 999
Pittsburgh 41624 2 7




B.J. Upton (2485)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
New Brighton 44000 0 999
Mars 43391 1 3
Oakdale 42350 2 2
Pittsburgh 41624 2 4


New Brighton gets their first player


Brian McCann (2176)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Uranus 44000 0 7
Guadalajara, Mexico 2011 42563 1 28
New Brighton 41515 1 999
Baldwin 38398 2 999




Jonathan Broxton (1794)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Ohio 42711 1 34
PA 42699 2 999
Oakdale 42350 2 17
Pittsburgh 41624 2 17




Chien-Ming Wang (1784)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Nash 42811 1 11
Kylertown 42773 2 999
Oakdale 42350 2 20
New Brighton 41515 1 999




Heath Bell (1751)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
White Bear 44000 0 999
Raging 43182 1 13
Pittsburgh 41624 2 19
Nash 41027 2 7


White Bear with their first addition


Joey Votto (1569)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Backwoods 43049 2 7
Kylertown 42773 2 999
PA 42699 2 999
Ohio 40917 2 6




Alex Gordon (1552)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Minnesota 42982 2 12
PA 42699 2 999
Ohio 40917 2 32
Baldwin 38398 2 999




Jacoby Ellsbury (1404)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Mars 43391 1 13
Kylertown 42773 2 999
Oakdale 42350 2 10
Nash 41027 2 3




Chris Carpenter (896)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Raging 43182 1 10
PA 42699 2 999
Minnesota 41430 3 23
Ohio 40917 2 25




Asdrubal Cabrera (709)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Kylertown 42773 2 999
White Bear 42249 1 999
Uranus 41824 1 18
Blaine 40962 1 999




Matt LaPorta (100)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Oakdale 42350 2 32
Kylertown 42064 3 999
Backwoods 41480 3 17
Minnesota 41430 3 32




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