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Resolving Contested Draft Picks

Startup Draft - Phightin' Phils League

See the Draft Rules for how these players were awarded.  Remember, that all contested players are placed first - so at the beginning, all teams have 46 million in unused salary cap cash - regardless of how many uncontested draft picks they had.

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We wrap this up with the players selected by just 2 teams...55 players to go through.


Start off with Ryan Braun (Salary 6096)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Kalas City 39989 4 18
Backwoods 39718 10 999


Kalas City gets him based on open cap room.  Unless it's mentioned otherwise, that's the reason for all the awards on this page.


Adrian Gonzalez (5637)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
SGV 39869 7 26
California 38883 4 6




Carlos Gonzalez (5466)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
The Washington 41677 4 999
Hannibal 41533 5 16


The Washington


Joe Mauer (3886)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Camden 42469 5 5
Hannibal 41533 5 28




Mat Latos (3759)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Screaming 42062 5 999
Camden 38583 6 8




Max Scherzer (3750)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Screaming 38303 6 999
SGV 34232 8 9




Shin-Soo Choo (3677)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
FV 42246 3 999
Boyertown 41313 2 8




Shane Victorino (3561)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Upper Dublin 42643 4 19
Philadelphia 38413 3 3


Upper Dublin


Ryan Zimmerman (3495)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Upper Dublin 39082 5 11
The Washington 36211 5 25


Upper Dublin


Martin Prado (3223)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
John 42045 4 9
Philadelphia 38413 3 4




Francisco Rodriguez (2939)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Upper Dublin 35587 6 37
Kalas City 33893 5 27


Upper Dublin


Neftali Feliz (2939)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Parkwood 40058 3 9
Towson 38628 2 4




Dallas Braden (2893)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
La Playa 42493 2 36
Upper Dublin 32648 7 23


La Playa


Victor Martinez (2530)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Backwoods 39718 10 999
La Playa 39600 3 11




Josh Beckett (2159)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
FV 38569 4 999
Philadelphia 38413 3 2




Jose Reyes (2018)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Screaming 34553 7 999
Kalas City 33893 5 21




Ian Kinsler (1970)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
California 38883 4 9
Kalas City 33893 5 9




Wade Davis (1964)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
John 38822 5 15
The Washington 36211 5 24




Brad Lidge (1742)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Philadelphia 38413 3 11
The Washington 36211 5 23




Kenley Jansen (1252)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Boyertown 41313 2 26
California 36913 5 14




J.A. Happ (1194)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Hannibal 41533 5 20
FV 36410 5 999




Ian Desmond (1175)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
John 36858 6 17
The Washington 36211 5 21




Gordon Beckham (1152)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Hannibal 40339 6 25
Towson 38628 2 14




Neil Walker (1044)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Parkwood 37119 4 12
FV 36410 5 999




Tommy Hunter (983)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
The Washington 36211 5 999
John 35683 7 24


The Washington


Jason Motte (925)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Towson 38628 2 30
Camden 38583 6 31




Tyler Colvin (837)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Parkwood 36075 5 15
John 35683 7 27




Jose Tabata (804)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
The Washington 35228 6 10
Upper Dublin 32648 7 10


The Washington


Matt LaPorta (678)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Towson 37703 3 34
Upper Dublin 32648 7 20




James McDonald (658)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
John 35683 7 26
SGV 34232 8 33




Justin Smoak (613)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Camden 38583 6 13
Towson 37025 4 26




Derek Holland (604)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Towson 37025 4 21
Screaming 32535 8 999




David Freese (328)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Hannibal 39187 7 27
The Washington 34424 7 999




Jordan Zimmermann (328)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Boyertown 40061 3 20
Upper Dublin 32648 7 24




Andrew Cashner (315)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
SGV 34232 8 35
Upper Dublin 32648 7 27




Jed Lowrie (282)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Hannibal 38859 8 34
Backwoods 37188 11 14




Mike Dunn (254)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
La Playa 39600 3 32
Hannibal 38577 9 22


La Playa


Jarrod Saltalamacchia (247)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Hannibal 38577 9 35
John 35025 8 37




Josh Thole (241)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Towson 36421 5 40
Parkwood 35238 6 19




Peter Bourjos (201)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
California 36913 5 999
John 35025 8 21




Lorenzo Cain (175)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
California 36712 6 999
The Washington 34424 7 17




Brandon Allen (110)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
California 36537 7 16
The Washington 34424 7 14




Christopher Archer (100, P, "Ar")

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Backwoods 37188 11 18
Kalas City 33893 5 26




Phillippe Aumont (100, P, "Au")

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
La Playa 39346 4 34
Parkwood 35238 6 29


La Playa


Brandon Beachy (100, P, "B")

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Backwoods 37088 12 28
SGV 33917 9 37




Jeremy Jeffress (100, P, "J")

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
California 36427 8 999
Parkwood 35238 6 32




Casey Kelly (100, P, "K")

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Backwoods 36988 13 19
Towson 36180 6 12




Tyler Matzek (100, P, "Ma")

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Hannibal 38330 10 38
Backwoods 36888 14 26




Shelby Miller (100, P, "Mi")

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Camden 37970 7 23
Kalas City 33893 5 11




J.P. Arencibia (100, C)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Backwoods 36888 14 6
SGV 33917 9 12




Yonder Alonso (100, 1B)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Towson 36180 6 33
John 35025 8 34




Brett Lawrie (100, 2B)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Backwoods 36788 15 17
Kalas City 33893 5 25




Brent Morel (100, 3B)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Backwoods 36688 16 30
Screaming 32535 8 19




Christian Colon (100, SS)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Towson 36080 7 36
Kalas City 33893 5 24




Finally, Michael Choice (100, OF)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
California 36327 9 999
Towson 35980 8 37




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