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Startup Draft - Phase Two - Part Three

Commissioners League

In order to complete rosters, we go through a second phase of the draft - kind of an enhanced free agency.  Each team has the opportunity to select eight rounds of players.  Transaction order is determined by cash remaining - with teams with the most cash left drafting first - as total team salary is a rough measure of team strength in the startup phase.  The order is changed after each round.


The results below show only the players signed.  They do not indicate players listed who were already selected or could not be placed due to salary or roster limitations.  They also do not note whether the players were signed as alternates or moved up from later rounds.


Phase Two Rules

League Draft Index

Round 1

Team Name Tm Prim Sal
St. Nido Kevin Kouzmanoff SD 3B 2593
Rusty Melvin Mora Bal 3B 2403
Airborne Aaron Rowand SF OF 2535
Greenville Johnny Cueto Cin SP 1880
Alfalfa Joe Crede Min 3B 934
South Park Travis Snider Tor OF 100
Bellerose Carlos Zambrano ChC SP 4220
Sara's Huston Street Col RP 1497
Budapest Glen Perkins Min SP 1503
Humpback Max Ramirez Tex C 100
California Armando Galarraga Det SP 2265
Elbow Deep Chase Headley SD OF 572
Benchwarmer Howie Kendrick LAA 2B 848
Shadow Ridge Ryan Freel Bal OF 349


Note - Turley attempted to sign a player, but doing so would have left only 468 in cash to spend on 6 more players (minimum salary = 100, so that's impossible).  Turley...you have only 920 in cash left and still need to pick 7 more players.

New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
St. Nido Muledinals 36580 17420 11
Alfalfa Leaf Hoppers 37621 16379 11
Greenville Steel Car 38135 15865 11
Rusty Cotta Team 38152 15848 11
Airborne Wheelie Boys 38734 15266 11
South Park Butters 41628 12372 27
The Dharma Initiative 43494 10506 25
Sara's 55-pound Chihuahuas 48389 5611 24
Budapest Buskers 48673 5327 24
Humpback Camels 48981 5019 26
Bellerose Dylan's team 49058 4942 24
Elbow Deep Brown Armers 51841 2159 15
California Speed Demons 52050 1950 25
Benchwarmer Orphans 52933 1067 25
Turley Cinder Blocks 53080 920 19
Shadow Ridge Steamrollers 53607 393 25



Round 2

Team Name Tm Prim Sal
St. Nido Andy Sonnanstine TB SP 2270
Alfalfa Lyle Overbay Tor 1B 2506
Greenville Fausto Carmona Cle SP 1953
Rusty Kelly Johnson Atl 2B 2015
Airborne Brandon Lyon Det RP 1311
South Park Rafael Furcal LAD SS 1223
Sara's Colby Rasmus StL OF 100
Budapest Dallas Braden Oak SP 514
Humpback Carlos Villanueva Mil RP 1028
Bellerose Sean Gallagher Oak SP 630
Elbow Deep Brendan Ryan StL 2B, SS 257
California Taylor Teagarden Tex C 100
Benchwarmer Jason Heyward Atl OF 100
Shadow Ridge Matt Murton Col OF 294


New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
St. Nido Muledinals 38850 15150 12
Airborne Wheelie Boys 40045 13955 12
Greenville Steel Car 40088 13912 12
Alfalfa Leaf Hoppers 40127 13873 12
Rusty Cotta Team 40167 13833 12
South Park Butters 42851 11149 28
The Dharma Initiative 43494 10506 25
Sara's 55-pound Chihuahuas 48489 5511 25
Budapest Buskers 49187 4813 25
Bellerose Dylan's team 49688 4312 25
Humpback Camels 50009 3991 27
Elbow Deep Brown Armers 52098 1902 16
California Speed Demons 52150 1850 26
Benchwarmer Orphans 53033 967 26
Turley Cinder Blocks 53080 920 19
Shadow Ridge Steamrollers 53901 99 26



Round 3

Team Name Tm Prim Sal
St. Nido Melky Cabrera NYY OF 1204
Airborne Gavin Floyd CWS SP 2696
Greenville Gary Sheffield Det OF 1617
Alfalfa George Sherrill Bal RP 969
Rusty Jeremy Bonderman Det SP 1510
South Park Jason Giambi Oak 1B 1741
Sara's Justin Smoak Tex 1B 100
Budapest Ryan Garko Cle 1B 1672
Bellerose Michael Bowden Bos SP 100
Humpback Clayton Richard CWS SP 200
Elbow Deep Royce Ring StL RP 131
California Angel Salome Mil C 100
Benchwarmer Alcides Escobar Mil SS 100


New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
St. Nido Muledinals 40054 13946 13
Alfalfa Leaf Hoppers 41096 12904 13
Rusty Cotta Team 41677 12323 13
Greenville Steel Car 41705 12295 13
Airborne Wheelie Boys 42741 11259 13
The Dharma Initiative 43494 10506 25
South Park Butters 44592 9408 29
Sara's 55-pound Chihuahuas 48589 5411 26
Bellerose Dylan's team 49788 4212 26
Humpback Camels 50209 3791 28
Budapest Buskers 50859 3141 26
Elbow Deep Brown Armers 52229 1771 17
California Speed Demons 52250 1750 27
Turley Cinder Blocks 53080 920 19
Benchwarmer Orphans 53133 867 27
Shadow Ridge Steamrollers 53901 99 26



Round 4

Team Name Tm Prim Sal
St. Nido Santiago Casilla Oak RP 446
Alfalfa Alexi Casilla Min 2B 829
Rusty Jack Cust Oak OF 1724
Greenville Ryan Theriot ChC SS 2065
Airborne Luis Castillo NYM 2B 1236
South Park Josh Anderson Atl OF 166
Sara's Madison Bumgarner SF SP 100
Bellerose Jonathan Albaladejo NYY RP 100
Humpback Wade LeBlanc SD SP 100
Budapest Neil Walker Pit 3B 100
Elbow Deep Kevin Frandsen SF 2B 177
California Brett Wallace StL 3B 100
Benchwarmer Chris Getz CWS 2B 100


New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
St. Nido Muledinals 40500 13500 14
Alfalfa Leaf Hoppers 41925 12075 14
Rusty Cotta Team 43401 10599 14
The Dharma Initiative 43494 10506 25
Greenville Steel Car 43770 10230 14
Airborne Wheelie Boys 43977 10023 14
South Park Butters 44758 9242 30
Sara's 55-pound Chihuahuas 48689 5311 27
Bellerose Dylan's team 49888 4112 27
Humpback Camels 50309 3691 29
Budapest Buskers 50959 3041 27
California Speed Demons 52350 1650 28
Elbow Deep Brown Armers 52406 1594 18
Turley Cinder Blocks 53080 920 19
Benchwarmer Orphans 53233 767 28
Shadow Ridge Steamrollers 53901 99 26



Round 5

Team Name Tm Prim Sal
St. Nido Brian Schneider NYM C 841
Alfalfa Jason Schmidt LAD SP 649
Rusty Michael Cuddyer Min OF 1394
Greenville Joe Inglett Tor 2B, OF 670
Airborne Yuniesky Betancourt Sea SS 1764
South Park Jonathon Niese NYM SP 100
Sara's John Baker Fla C 262
Bellerose Matt Clement Tor RP 248
Humpback Yorvit Torrealba Col C 526
Budapest Trevor Plouffe Min SS 100
California Brian Matusz Bal SP 100
Elbow Deep Robb Quinlan LAA 1B, 3B 248
Benchwarmer Brent Lillibridge CWS SS 100


New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
St. Nido Muledinals 41341 12659 15
Alfalfa Leaf Hoppers 42574 11426 15
The Dharma Initiative 43494 10506 25
Greenville Steel Car 44440 9560 15
Rusty Cotta Team 44795 9205 15
South Park Butters 44858 9142 31
Airborne Wheelie Boys 45741 8259 15
Sara's 55-pound Chihuahuas 48951 5049 28
Bellerose Dylan's team 50136 3864 28
Humpback Camels 50835 3165 30
Budapest Buskers 51059 2941 28
California Speed Demons 52450 1550 29
Elbow Deep Brown Armers 52654 1346 19
Turley Cinder Blocks 53080 920 19
Benchwarmer Orphans 53333 667 29
Shadow Ridge Steamrollers 53901 99 26



Round 6

Team Name Tm Prim Sal
St. Nido Mark Ellis Oak 2B 1672
Alfalfa Khalil Greene StL SS 1541
Greenville J.D. Drew Bos OF 1697
Rusty Gerald Laird Det C 898
South Park Nick Hundley SD C 233
Airborne Andy LaRoche Pit 3B 243
Sara's Hong-Chih Kuo LAD RP 1140
Bellerose Philip Humber Min SP 100
Humpback Jeffrey Karstens Pit SP 204
Budapest Hank Conger LAA C 100
Elbow Deep Josh Kinney StL RP 108


New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
St. Nido Muledinals 43013 10987 16
The Dharma Initiative 43494 10506 25
Alfalfa Leaf Hoppers 44115 9885 16
South Park Butters 45091 8909 32
Rusty Cotta Team 45693 8307 16
Airborne Wheelie Boys 45984 8016 16
Greenville Steel Car 46137 7863 16
Sara's 55-pound Chihuahuas 50091 3909 29
Bellerose Dylan's team 50236 3764 29
Humpback Camels 51039 2961 31
Budapest Buskers 51159 2841 29
California Speed Demons 52450 1550 29
Elbow Deep Brown Armers 52762 1238 20
Turley Cinder Blocks 53080 920 19
Benchwarmer Orphans 53333 667 29
Shadow Ridge Steamrollers 53901 99 26



Round 7

Team Name Tm Prim Sal
St. Nido Jason Bartlett TB SS 1241
Alfalfa Ben Zobrist TB SS 300
South Park Travis Ishikawa SF 1B 123
Rusty Jack Wilson Pit SS 975
Airborne Ben Francisco Cle OF 1020
Greenville Michael Bourn Hou OF 770
Sara's Juan Francisco Cin 3B 100
Bellerose Dan Murphy NYM OF 179
Elbow Deep Eric Stults LAD SP 229


New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
The Dharma Initiative 43494 10506 25
St. Nido Muledinals 44254 9746 17
Alfalfa Leaf Hoppers 44415 9585 17
South Park Butters 45214 8786 33
Rusty Cotta Team 46668 7332 17
Greenville Steel Car 46907 7093 17
Airborne Wheelie Boys 47004 6996 17
Sara's 55-pound Chihuahuas 50191 3809 30
Bellerose Dylan's team 50415 3585 30
Humpback Camels 51039 2961 31
Budapest Buskers 51159 2841 29
California Speed Demons 52450 1550 29
Elbow Deep Brown Armers 52991 1009 21
Turley Cinder Blocks 53080 920 19
Benchwarmer Orphans 53333 667 29
Shadow Ridge Steamrollers 53901 99 26



Round 8

Team Name Tm Prim Sal
St. Nido Rich Hill Bal SP 1213
Alfalfa Latroy Hawkins Hou RP 642
South Park Steven Pearce Pit OF 128
Rusty Beau Mills Cle 1B 100
Greenville Justin Speier LAA RP 873
Airborne Emmanuel Burriss SF 2B, SS 297
Sara's Joshua Fields CWS 3B 357
Bellerose Rocco Baldelli Bos OF 244
Elbow Deep Scott Richmond Tor SP 134


New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
The Dharma Initiative 43494 10506 25
Alfalfa Leaf Hoppers 45057 8943 18
South Park Butters 45342 8658 34
St. Nido Muledinals 45467 8533 18
Rusty Cotta Team 46768 7232 18
Airborne Wheelie Boys 47301 6699 18
Greenville Steel Car 47780 6220 18
Sara's 55-pound Chihuahuas 50548 3452 31
Bellerose Dylan's team 50659 3341 31
Humpback Camels 51039 2961 31
Budapest Buskers 51159 2841 29
California Speed Demons 52450 1550 29
Turley Cinder Blocks 53080 920 19
Elbow Deep Brown Armers 53125 875 22
Benchwarmer Orphans 53333 667 29
Shadow Ridge Steamrollers 53901 99 26



Round 9

Team Name Tm Prim Sal
Alfalfa Greg Golson Tex OF 100
St. Nido Jeff Baker Col 1B, 2B 672
Rusty Fernando Tatis NYM OF 536
Airborne Tom Gorzelanny Pit SP 1371
Greenville Fernando Rodney Det RP 437
Bellerose Anderson Hernandez Was 2B 111
Elbow Deep Ryan Tucker Fla SP 111


New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
The Dharma Initiative 43494 10506 25
Alfalfa Leaf Hoppers 45157 8843 19
South Park Butters 45342 8658 34
St. Nido Muledinals 46139 7861 19
Rusty Cotta Team 47304 6696 19
Greenville Steel Car 48217 5783 19
Airborne Wheelie Boys 48672 5328 19
Sara's 55-pound Chihuahuas 50548 3452 31
Bellerose Dylan's team 50770 3230 32
Humpback Camels 51039 2961 31
Budapest Buskers 51159 2841 29
California Speed Demons 52450 1550 29
Turley Cinder Blocks 53080 920 19
Elbow Deep Brown Armers 53236 764 23
Benchwarmer Orphans 53333 667 29
Shadow Ridge Steamrollers 53901 99 26



Round 10

Team Name Tm Prim Sal
Alfalfa Cha Seung Baek SD SP 860
St. Nido Jesse Crain Min RP 839
Rusty Jeremy Sowers Cle SP 621
Greenville Andrew Brackman NYY SP 100
Airborne Garrett Olson Sea SP 919
Elbow Deep Alberto Callaspo KC 2B 273


New Cap / Pick Order

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
The Dharma Initiative 43494 10506 25
South Park Butters 45342 8658 34
Alfalfa Leaf Hoppers 46017 7983 20
St. Nido Muledinals 46978 7022 20
Rusty Cotta Team 47925 6075 20
Greenville Steel Car 48317 5683 20
Airborne Wheelie Boys 49591 4409 20
Sara's 55-pound Chihuahuas 50548 3452 31
Bellerose Dylan's team 50770 3230 32
Humpback Camels 51039 2961 31
Budapest Buskers 51159 2841 29
California Speed Demons 52450 1550 29
Turley Cinder Blocks 53080 920 19
Benchwarmer Orphans 53333 667 29
Elbow Deep Brown Armers 53509 491 24
Shadow Ridge Steamrollers 53901 99 26



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