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Startup Draft Central

Commissioners League

Check back on this page for information and results of the draft.


Current Status - Phase One live draft complete - Phase Two picks underway - Fourth submission is due Monday 3/2/09 at midnight Pacific.  Because so many teams have skipped the first two submissions, we've increased the number of rounds to 10.

Access the draft submission from your team roster.

Draft Rules

Startup Draft - Phase One

Financial Balances / Roster Size after Phase Two - Part Four

Team Total Salary Cap Left Total Players
Dharma Initiative 45022 8978 27
South Park Butters 50375 3625 40
Bellerose Dylan's team 50770 3230 32
Humpback Camels 51039 2961 31
California Speed Demons 52550 1450 30
St. Nido Muledinals 52736 1264 30
Rusty Cotta Team 52965 1035 30
Budapest Buskers 53099 901 34
Sara's 55-pound Chihuahuas 53134 866 40
Alfalfa Leaf Hoppers 53453 547 29
Airborne Wheelie Boys 53561 439 28
Turley Cinder Blocks 53780 220 26
Elbow Deep Brown Armers 53877 123 27
Shadow Ridge Steamrollers 53901 99 26
Greenville Steel Car 53901 99 27
Benchwarmer Orphans 53913 87 33





Phase Two

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Phase Two Rules

Examples from Phase Two drafts in 2008 for the Redbirds and Three of a Kind Leagues. (Note: we were late in the spring so we were drafting more than 8 rounds per submission).  Because of the Live Draft, teams are starting off with fewer than normal roster sizes.  It's likely we'll need at least four submissions for Phase Two.


We need to run Phase Two drafts until all teams have a legal roster.  To help you determine what your team needs, here's what each team is lacking:

At this stage, although 2 teams still need players, this is the end of the draft phase.  Teams now enter the normal transaction phase.


Team Batters Needed (minimum 14) Specific Positions Needed Pitchers Needed (minimum 12)
Bellerose 1 OK OK
Turley 1 2B OK


Notes: This chart refers to meeting the roster minimum requirements and may mean that minor leaguers are being used to qualify you at certain positions. There is also the strong possibility that a player with eligibility at multiple positions is counting at more than one position.  This is just a rough roster check - Please check your own roster to be sure.  You'll get a chance later on through free agency to make sure you have a valid lineup.  Since you can put pitchers in any spot regardless of "SP" or "RP" designation, we're merely counting pitchers, not determining whether or not you have the right mix of starters and relievers.


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