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Resolving Contested Draft Picks

Startup Draft - They Might Be Giants League

See the Draft Rules for how these players were awarded.  Remember, that all contested players are placed first - so at the beginning, all teams have 42 million in unused salary cap cash - regardless of how many uncontested draft picks they had.


For resolution purposes, any player rank left at zero was changed to "999" (to allow for sorting).

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We resolve in order of the count of teams selecting a player - starting with the ones picked most often.


Brett Lawrie was selected by 11 Teams

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Edgewater 42000 0 1
Hampton 42000 0 1
San Jose 42000 0 1
Long Island 42000 0 2
California 42000 0 3
KC 42000 0 3
Belgium 42000 0 4
Des Moines 42000 0 4
Centre County 42000 0 8
Detroit 42000 0 9
Cincinnati 42000 0 21


Three teams ranked him #1, and of those teams, San Jose gets him based on random draw.


There are three players picked by 10 teams.  In this situation we resolve in descending order of salary.


First up, Brandon Beachy (Salary 1973)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Outer Banks 42000 0 9
Lombardi Street 42000 0 15
Haight-Ashbury 42000 0 16
Detroit 42000 0 17
KC 42000 0 17
Jamaican 42000 0 25
Belgium 42000 0 28
California 42000 0 999
Centre County 42000 0 999
Edgewater 42000 0 999


All the teams picking him have their full salary cap left.  Of the 7 teams that ranked him, Outer Banks had him highest and gets him.


Next, Andrew Bailey (1545)
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
KC 42000 0 11
Cincinnati 42000 0 15
Haight-Ashbury 42000 0 17
Lombardi Street 42000 0 18
Detroit 42000 0 22
Belgium 42000 0 29
California 42000 0 999
Edgewater 42000 0 999
San Jose 41779 1 16
Outer Banks 40027 1 3

Outer Banks is out of the running due to cap space left, so the team that gets him based on draft ranking is KC


Matt Moore (100)
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Belgium 42000 0 1
California 42000 0 1
Centre County 42000 0 1
Haight-Ashbury 42000 0 1
Long Island 42000 0 1
Istanbul 42000 0 2
Cincinnati 42000 0 4
Detroit 42000 0 4
Lombardi Street 42000 0 23
KC 40455 1 15

California gets him based on random draw.


4 players picked by 9 teams...we start with Mike Stanton (1861)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Jamaican 42000 0 3
Long Island 42000 0 3
Lombardi Street 42000 0 4
Belgium 42000 0 7
Detroit 42000 0 7
Centre County 42000 0 999
California 41900 1 6
San Jose 41779 1 2
KC 40455 1 23


Between two teams....Jamaican gets him on random draw.


Buster Posey (524)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Des Moines 42000 0 2
Belgium 42000 0 3
Detroit 42000 0 3
Centre County 42000 0 5
Cincinnati 42000 0 9
Lombardi Street 42000 0 16
California 41900 1 5
San Jose 41779 1 17
KC 40455 1 18


Des Moines based on draft rank.


 When the salaries are identical, we resolve in order of the player's listed primary position in baseball scoring (all OF = 7, DH = 8) - 2 players have salary 100.  Both are when the position is the same, we go in alphabetical order.


Trevor Bauer (100, P, "B")

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Haight-Ashbury 42000 0 14
Belgium 42000 0 20
Lombardi Street 42000 0 20
Detroit 42000 0 27
Centre County 42000 0 999
Edgewater 42000 0 999
Istanbul 42000 0 999
California 41900 1 10
San Jose 41779 1 20


Of the teams with the full cap space left, Haight-Ashbury had him ranked highest.


Addison Reed (100, P, "R")
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Long Island 42000 0 18
Cincinnati 42000 0 23
Lombardi Street 42000 0 27
Belgium 42000 0 32
Hampton 42000 0 999
California 41900 1 20
Haight-Ashbury 41900 1 22
San Jose 41779 1 15
KC 40455 1 28

Goes to Long Island based on draft rank.


Two guys picked by 8 teams.
Dustin Ackley (596)
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Lombardi Street 42000 0 7
Detroit 42000 0 13
Cincinnati 42000 0 17
Belgium 42000 0 25
Centre County 42000 0 999
Istanbul 42000 0 999
KC 40455 1 2
Jamaican 40139 1 11

For teams with full cap left, Lombardi Street had the highest rank.

Yonder Alonso (121)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Detroit 42000 0 16
Cincinnati 42000 0 25
Centre County 42000 0 999
Edgewater 42000 0 999
California 41900 1 7
Haight-Ashbury 41900 1 9
San Jose 41779 1 32
KC 40455 1 14


To Detroit based on rank.


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