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Rule Changes for 2011

Benchwarmer Baseball Rules Index

As the season and then off season progresses, check here for the latest changes to rules

Last update:  November 21, 2010.

The written version of the rule book is also available, but it is a few years old.  If there is a conflict, the online version is now the guide.

Here are the 2010 changes ...

0.0 Uncategorized

Cash for Orphan Teams

Added 11/21/10

It turns out this rule isn't codified, so it will eventually be added in an appropriate place in the rules.

When owners pick up an orphan team, in most cases that team has significant problems and needs a lot of help.  These owners will get extra Benchwarmer Bucks to help them rebuild the team and shape it the way that they would desire.  Since BWB began, this cash value has been 2 million.  In part because many owners pick up an orphan as their first team and are thrust into learning the game at the same time they are starting to rebuild, the cash award will be increased to 4 million for 2011 - allowing them some additional room for trial and error with their first moves.

10.0 Minor Leagues


To Be Modified Soon   See the full rule

There's been a change in the way minor league results have been scored.  This will be outlined over the winter.



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