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Resolving Contested Draft Picks

Startup Draft - Anchorman League

See the Draft Rules for how these players were awarded.  Remember, that all contested players are placed first - so at the beginning, all teams have 38 million in unused salary cap cash - regardless of how many uncontested draft picks they had.

Salary 100: 13-7 Teams Salary 100: 6-2 Teams 13-7 Teams 6-5 Teams 4-3 Teams 2 Teams
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Resolving Players with Salary 100 - Picked by 6 to 2 teams

First up, Kolten Wong, picked by 6 teams

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Swayze's 38000 0 999
Detroit 37900 1 10
Chicago 37900 1 26
Cooperstown 37900 1 26
Aruba 37900 1 34
Las Vegas 37900 1 999


Swayze's is the only team listed with full cap space left.


Kris Bryant was picked by 5 teams

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Smelly 38000 0 999
Cooperstown 37900 1 3
Las Vegas 37900 1 3
Cincinnati 37900 1 25
Dan's 37900 1 27


Smelly gets him based on cap space.

Three players picked by 4 teams.

First up, Javier Baez (100, SS, "B")

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Chicago 37900 1 7
Dan's 37900 1 10
Detroit 37900 1 34
Smelly 37900 1 999


After tiebreaker #1 (salary cap), tiebreaker #2 is fewest players signed in that category (position player) and all have 1.  Tiebreaker #3 is fewest total players (all 1), and #4 is fewest players signed at that position (SS) which doesn't eliminate anyone either.  That brings us to tiebreaker #5, draft rank, which puts him on Chicago.


Alexander Guerrero (100, SS, "G")
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Baseball 38000 0 32
Swayze's 37900 1 5
Las Vegas 37900 1 9
Detroit 37900 1 11

Baseball is the only one here without a player yet.

George Springer (100, OF)
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Cooperstown 37900 1 1
Will the Thrill 37900 1 30
Cincinnati 37900 1 36
Smelly 37900 1 999

Smelly already has a position player which rules them out via tiebreaker #2.  Again, we get to tiebreaker #5, so Cooperstown gets him via draft rank.

Five players picked by 3 teams.
First up is Jameson Taillon (100, P)
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Detroit 37900 1 9
Aruba 37900 1 21
Cooperstown 37800 2 24

It's between Detroit and Aruba.  Neither has a pitcher yet...we cycle through to tiebreaker #5, draft rank, so it's Detroit.

Francisco Lindor (100, SS, "L")
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
No Where 38000 0 35
Baseball 37900 1 33
Detroit 37800 2 15

Goes to No Where based on cap space left.

Chris Owings (100, SS, "O")
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Penny Arcade 38000 0 20
Laugh-In 38000 0 35
Baseball 37900 1 8

Between Penny Arcade and Laugh-In and for their first player, draft rank will be the tiebreaker - so Penny Arcade gets him.

Addison Russell (100, SS, "R")
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
No Where 37900 1 36
Will the Thrill 37900 1 39
Cooperstown 37800 2 20

No Where already has a position player, Will the Thrill doesn't, so that's the destination.

Clint Frazier (100, OF)
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Laugh-In 38000 0 36
Cincinnati 37900 1 26
Will the Thrill 37800 2 16

Laugh-In due to cap space

Six players picked by 2 teams
Yordano Ventura (100, P)
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Grand Rapids 38000 0 29
Detroit 37800 2 31

Grand Rapids with more cap room left.

Jonathan Schoop (100, 2B)
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Aruba 37900 1 22
Baseball 37900 1 39

Both teams have position players, neither has a 2B - so Aruba gets him with higher draft rank.

Colin Moran (100, 3B)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Laugh-In 37900 1 34
Will the Thrill 37800 2 20


Laugh-In gets him based on cap space.

Austin Meadows (100, OF, "M")
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Cincinnati 37900 1 28
Will the Thrill 37800 2 34

Cap left put him at Cincinnati

Gregory Polanco (100, OF, "P")
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Las Vegas 37900 1 18
Smelly 37900 1 999

Same cap space, both already have a position player, neither has an outfielder yet.  Down to draft rank and that goes to Las Vegas

Jorge Soler (100, OF, "S")
Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Aruba 37800 2 25
Cincinnati 37800 2 35

Aruba has 2 position players, while Cincinnati has a position player and a starting pitcher, so based on Tiebreaker #2, Cincinnati gets him.


Salary 100: 13-7 Teams Salary 100: 6-2 Teams 13-7 Teams 6-5 Teams 4-3 Teams 2 Teams
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