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Resolving Contested Draft Picks

Startup Draft - Anchorman League

See the Draft Rules for how these players were awarded.  Remember, that all contested players are placed first - so at the beginning, all teams have 38 million in unused salary cap cash - regardless of how many uncontested draft picks they had.

Salary 100: 13-7 Teams Salary 100: 6-2 Teams 13-7 Teams 6-5 Teams 4-3 Teams 2 Teams
Startup Draft Index Contested Draft Picks Benchwarmer Baseball Home

Resolving Players with Salary  > 100 - Picked by 12 to 9 teams

2 players were selected by 12 teams. We award in descending order of salary.


First up, Gerrit Cole (Salary 741)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Dan's 38000 0 4
Grand Rapids 38000 0 4
Penny Arcade 38000 0 6
Smelly 38000 0 6
Aruba 38000 0 10
No Where 38000 0 11
Las Vegas 38000 0 14
Cooperstown 38000 0 16
Cincinnati 38000 0 19
Baseball 38000 0 23
Detroit 38000 0 29
Swayze's 38000 0 999


Reminder...we're not counting salary 100 players now.  Starting over in a sense.

We cycle through to tiebreaker #5 - draft rank - so then it's random draw between Dan's and Grand Rapids...Dan's wins out.

Michael Wacha (483)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Cincinnati 38000 0 1
Swayze's 38000 0 3
Laugh-In 38000 0 4
Smelly 38000 0 4
Las Vegas 38000 0 6
Aruba 38000 0 8
Penny Arcade 38000 0 8
Cooperstown 38000 0 12
Chicago 38000 0 27
No Where 38000 0 29
Detroit 38000 0 32
Dan's 37259 1 2


Cincinnati with the highest draft rank.

2 players picked by 11 teams.

Trevor Rosenthal (1284)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Laugh-In 38000 0 11
Penny Arcade 38000 0 11
Will the Thrill 38000 0 11
Cooperstown 38000 0 21
Detroit 38000 0 28
No Where 38000 0 30
Aruba 38000 0 39
Brick 38000 0 999
Swayze's 38000 0 999
Cincinnati 37517 1 23
Dan's 37259 1 16


Down to three teams with draft rank 11 - Penny Arcade wins the random draw.


Jurickson Profar (405)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Brick 38000 0 4
Detroit 38000 0 6
No Where 38000 0 7
Las Vegas 38000 0 8
Aruba 38000 0 11
Baseball 38000 0 12
Swayze's 38000 0 13
Chicago 38000 0 36
Smelly 38000 0 999
Cincinnati 37517 1 12
Dan's 37259 1 8


With the highest draft rank, Brick

2 players picked by 10 teams

Yasiel Puig (992)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Grand Rapids 38000 0 3
Aruba 38000 0 6
Las Vegas 38000 0 7
Smelly 38000 0 8
Swayze's 38000 0 12
Detroit 38000 0 17
Cooperstown 38000 0 28
Cincinnati 37517 1 2
Dan's 37259 1 1
Penny Arcade 36716 1 2


Among the teams with full cap space left, Grand Rapids has the highest draft rank.

Evan Gattis (761)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Smelly 38000 0 9
Baseball 38000 0 10
Laugh-In 38000 0 13
Las Vegas 38000 0 17
Will the Thrill 38000 0 18
Aruba 38000 0 32
Chicago 38000 0 37
Cincinnati 37517 1 11
Dan's 37259 1 30
Penny Arcade 36716 1 22


Smelly with the draft rank.

2 players picked by 9 teams

Sonny Gray (551)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Cooperstown 38000 0 2
Laugh-In 38000 0 2
Baseball 38000 0 4
Las Vegas 38000 0 15
Aruba 38000 0 17
Swayze's 38000 0 999
Dan's 37259 1 15
Smelly 37239 1 999
Penny Arcade 36716 1 4


Two teams with the same draft rank...Cooperstown gets the random draw.


Khristopher Davis (206)

Team Cap Left Total Players Rank
Baseball 38000 0 6
Laugh-In 38000 0 7
Aruba 38000 0 12
No Where 38000 0 25
Swayze's 38000 0 999
Brick 37595 1 6
Dan's 37259 1 19
Smelly 37239 1 999
Penny Arcade 36716 1 12


For the teams with full cap space, Baseball has the highest rank.


Salary 100: 13-7 Teams Salary 100: 6-2 Teams 13-7 Teams 6-5 Teams 4-3 Teams 2 Teams
Startup Draft Index Contested Draft Picks Benchwarmer Baseball Home


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