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Resolving Contested Draft Picks

Startup Draft - Grunge League

See the Draft Rules for how these players were awarded.  Remember, that all contested players are placed first - so at the beginning, all teams have 53 million in unused salary cap cash - regardless of how many uncontested draft picks they had.

Salary 100: 10-5 Teams + Ranked #1 Salary 100: 4-2 Teams 7-6 Teams + Ranked #1 5-4 Teams 3 Teams 2 Teams
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Resolving Players with Salary > 100 - Picked by 5 to 4 teams

8 players were picked by 5 teams

Edwin Diaz (Salary 1986)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Plush 132 1 750 500 4
Saturn 1028 1 250 0 27
Death Valley 0 0 0 0 22
Fastball Underhand Curve Knuckleball 1444 1 0 0 7
Tennessee 1934 1 0 0 22

Awarded to: Plush -- Reason: Higher bid

Jose Berrios (Salary 1681)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Slap 1659 2 500 500 3
Evil Empire 0 0 250 0 999
Death Valley 0 0 0 0 21
Fastball Underhand Curve Knuckleball 1444 1 0 0 13
Tennessee 1934 1 0 0 16

Awarded to: Slap -- Reason: Higher bid

Arodys Vizcaino (Salary 1286)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Atlanta 0 0 0 0 18
Evil Empire 0 0 0 0 999
Slap 3340 3 0 0 13
Honking 4854 1 0 0 12
Is This 8595 3 0 0 21

Awarded to: Atlanta -- Reason: Two teams with zero payroll - goes to the team that gave him a draft rank

Josh Hader (Salary 709)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Death Valley 0 0 0 0 39
Evil Empire 0 0 0 0 999
Saturn 1028 1 0 0 999
Fastball Underhand Curve Knuckleball 1444 1 0 0 29
Honking 4854 1 0 0 13

Awarded to: Death Valley -- Reason: Two teams with zero payroll - goes to the team that gave him a draft rank

Matt Olson (Salary 325)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Smells Like 2804 1 500 500 3
Evil Empire 0 0 250 0 999
Slap 3340 3 250 0 2
Saturn 1028 1 0 0 3
Garrett Park 1200 1 0 0 999

Awarded to: Smells Like -- Reason: Highest bid

Ozzie Albies (Salary 306)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Atlanta 1286 1 250 250 4
Smells Like 3129 2 250 0 2
Is This 8595 3 250 0 3
Death Valley 709 1 0 0 29
Tennessee 1934 1 0 0 8

Awarded to: Atlanta -- Reason: Three teams with the same bid; goes to team with the lowest payroll

Lucas Giolito (Salary 200)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Is This 8595 3 250 250 5
Kentucky 0 0 0 0 7
Death Valley 709 1 0 0 26
Atlanta 1592 2 0 0 13
California 7046 1 0 0 999

Awarded to: Is This -- Reason: Auction bid

Jeimer Candelario (Salary 161)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Kentucky 0 0 0 0 29
Death Valley 709 1 0 0 40
Atlanta 1592 2 0 0 28
California 7046 1 0 0 999
Is This 8795 4 0 0 22

Awarded to: Kentucky -- Reason: Lowest payroll

13 players were picked by 4 teams

Bryce Harper (Salary 3086)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Tennessee 1934 1 1250 1000 3
Atlanta 1592 2 750 0 8
Kentucky 161 1 0 0 5
Honking 4854 1 0 0 14

Awarded to: Tennessee -- Reason: Highest bid

Freddie Freeman (Salary 3073)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Death Valley 709 1 0 0 4
Atlanta 1592 2 0 0 9
Smells Like 3129 2 0 0 20
Honking 4854 1 0 0 2

Awarded to: Death Valley -- Reason: Lowest payroll

Madison Bumgarner (Salary 3026)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Saturn 1028 1 500 250 29
Garrett Park 1200 1 0 0 8
Fastball Underhand Curve Knuckleball 1444 1 0 0 3
Death Valley 3782 2 0 0 2

Awarded to: Saturn -- Reason: Auction bid

Marwin Gonzalez (Salary 1805)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Kentucky 161 1 250 250 15
Fastball Underhand Curve Knuckleball 1444 1 0 0 14
Death Valley 3782 2 0 0 15
Tennessee 5020 2 0 0 5

Awarded to: Kentucky -- Reason: Auction bid

Chris Taylor (Salary 1519)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Kentucky 1966 2 0 0 27
Slap 3340 3 0 0 16
Tennessee 5020 2 0 0 10
Pine Knot 6482 1 0 0 6

Awarded to: Kentucky -- Reason: Lowest payroll

Chad Green (Salary 1127)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Evil Empire 0 0 0 0 999
Fastball Underhand Curve Knuckleball 1444 1 0 0 28
Saturn 4054 2 0 0 999
Honking 4854 1 0 0 999

Awarded to: Evil Empire -- Reason: Lowest payroll

Sean Doolittle (Salary 1057)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Smells Like 3129 2 250 250 16
Garrett Park 1200 1 0 0 999
Fastball Underhand Curve Knuckleball 1444 1 0 0 32
Kentucky 3485 3 0 0 33

Awarded to: Smells Like -- Reason: Auction bid

Garrett Richards (Salary 574)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
California 7046 1 250 250 7
Garrett Park 1200 1 0 0 999
Fastball Underhand Curve Knuckleball 1444 1 0 0 26
Honking 4854 1 0 0 999

Awarded to: California -- Reason: Auction bid

Luke Weaver (Salary 448)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Kentucky 3485 3 250 250 6
Smells Like 4186 3 250 0 6
Saturn 4054 2 0 0 11
Honking 4854 1 0 0 11

Awarded to: Kentucky -- Reason: Two teams with the same bid - goes to team with lower payroll

Austin Barnes (Salary 345)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Smells Like 4186 3 0 0 34
Tennessee 5020 2 0 0 29
Pine Knot 6482 1 0 0 25
California 7620 2 0 0 999

Awarded to: Smells Like -- Reason: Lowest payroll

Nicky Delmonico (Salary 203)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Atlanta 1592 2 0 0 21
Slap 3340 3 0 0 999
Kentucky 3933 4 0 0 28
Smells Like 4531 4 0 0 39

Awarded to: Atlanta -- Reason: Lowest payroll

Jesse Winker (Salary 167)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Hey Man 748 1 250 250 12
Fastball Underhand Curve Knuckleball 1444 1 0 0 40
Saturn 4054 2 0 0 23
Smells Like 4531 4 0 0 26

Awarded to: Hey Man -- Reason: Auction bid

Luiz Gohara (Salary 114)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Atlanta 1795 3 250 250 2
Fastball Underhand Curve Knuckleball 1444 1 0 0 21
Kentucky 3933 4 0 0 9
Saturn 4054 2 0 0 24

Awarded to: Atlanta -- Reason: Auction bid


Salary 100: 10-5 Teams + Ranked #1 Salary 100: 4-2 Teams 7-6 Teams + Ranked #1 5-4 Teams 3 Teams 2 Teams
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