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Resolving Contested Draft Picks

Startup Draft - Big Red Machine League

See the Draft Rules for how these players were awarded.  Remember, that all contested players are placed first - so at the beginning, all teams have 51 million in unused salary cap cash - regardless of how many uncontested draft picks they had.

Salary 100: 8-5 Teams + Ranked #1 Salary 100: 4-2 Teams 7-6 Teams + Ranked #1 5-4 Teams 3 Teams 2 Teams
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Resolving Players with Salary > 100 - Picked by 5 to 4 teams

Six players were picked by 5 teams

Mike Clevinger (Salary 2476)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Russian 1412 1 250 250 17
Atlanta 2327 1 250 0 999
Lexington 0 0 0 0 11
Bottom 881 1 0 0 9
Sixteen Mile Stand 3477 1 0 0 24

Awarded to: Russian -- Reason: Two teams with the same bid - goes to team with lower payroll

Matt Olson (Salary 2412)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Russian 3888 2 250 250 4
Valley Forge 200 1 0 0 999
Superblood 1071 1 0 0 7
Atlanta 2327 1 0 0 999
Golden GR8S 4040 3 0 0 999

Awarded to: Russian -- Reason: Auction bid

Eloy Jimenez (Salary 1304)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Valley Forge 200 1 250 250 18
Joe Morgan 1188 1 250 0 5
Atlanta 2327 1 250 0 999
KC 3987 1 250 0 5
Nasty Boys 4181 1 0 0 6

Awarded to: Valley Forge -- Reason: Four teams with the same bid - goes to the lowest payroll

Mitch Garver (Salary 1126)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Joe Morgan 1188 1 0 0 26
Valley Forge 1504 2 0 0 999
KC 3987 1 0 0 10
Golden GR8S 4040 3 0 0 24
Nasty Boys 4181 1 0 0 18

Awarded to: Joe Morgan -- Reason: Lowest payroll

Brandon Woodruff (Salary 967)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Valley Forge 1504 2 250 250 13
Atlanta 2327 1 250 0 999
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 23
Superblood 1071 1 0 0 999
KC 3987 1 0 0 22

Awarded to: Valley Forge -- Reason: Auction bid - then lower team payroll

Ian Happ (Salary 521)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Dave Concepcion 217 1 250 250 14
Bottom 881 1 0 0 32
Atlanta 2327 1 0 0 999
Golden GR8S 4040 3 0 0 999
Junk Yard 5733 2 0 0 37

Awarded to: Dave Concepcion -- Reason: Auction bid

Eight players were picked by 4 teams

Walker Buehler (Salary 3384)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Lexington 0 0 0 0 8
Superblood 1071 1 0 0 3
Sixteen Mile Stand 3477 1 0 0 2
Golden GR8S 4040 3 0 0 999

Awarded to: Lexington -- Reason: Lowest team payroll

Yoan Moncada (Salary 2258)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Joe Morgan 2314 2 250 250 2
Atlanta 2327 1 250 0 999
Valley Forge 2471 3 250 0 999
Nasty Boys 4181 1 0 0 24

Awarded to: Joe Morgan -- Reason: Between 3 teams with the same bid, has the lowest total payroll

Ken Giles (Salary 2094)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Atlanta 2327 1 0 0 999
Sixteen Mile Stand 3477 1 0 0 26
KC 3987 1 0 0 14
Golden GR8S 4040 3 0 0 999

Awarded to: Atlanta -- Reason: Lowest payroll

Chris Paddack (Salary 2058)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Bottom 881 1 250 250 25
Atlanta 4421 2 250 0 999
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 9
Nasty Boys 4181 1 0 0 17

Awarded to: Bottom -- Reason: Auction bid, then payroll total

Craig Kimbrel (Salary 1645)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Dave Concepcion 738 2 500 500 12
Valley Forge 2471 3 250 0 999
Lexington 3384 1 0 0 29
Nasty Boys 4181 1 0 0 21

Awarded to: Dave Concepcion -- Reason: Higher bid

Daniel Santana (Salary 1479)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Superblood 1071 1 0 0 999
KC 3987 1 0 0 30
Nasty Boys 4181 1 0 0 15
Russian 6300 3 0 0 25

Awarded to: Superblood -- Reason: Lowest payroll

Austin Riley (Salary 418)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 30
Sixteen Mile Stand 3477 1 0 0 21
Joe Morgan 4572 3 0 0 33
Junk Yard 5733 2 0 0 33

Awarded to: Cincinnati -- Reason: Lowest payroll

Mitch Keller (Salary 200)

Team Total Salary Total Players Bid Bid Spent Rank
Sparky Anderson 0 0 250 250 19
Golden GR8S 4040 3 0 0 13
Atlanta 4421 2 0 0 999
Junk Yard 5733 2 0 0 34

Awarded to: Sparky Anderson -- Reason: Auction bid


Salary 100: 8-5 Teams + Ranked #1 Salary 100: 4-2 Teams 7-6 Teams + Ranked #1 5-4 Teams 3 Teams 2 Teams
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