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Benchwarmer News Archive - 2019

Some of the news from 2019


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  • New leagues for 2020 will be open soon.  In the meantime, there is now a list of orphan teams available to pick up and try to rebuild
    • Email me with your desired pickups
    • New to Benchwarmer Baseball?  You'll need to sign up for an account first.


  • Trade emails sent to addresses with and are getting rejected - so at this point to reduce the number of bounce backs sent back to BWB (and reduce the risk of getting flagged for too much spam), we're not sending out any trade notices to those addresses.


  • Two fixes for player salaries:
    • The salaries for players with no 2019 MLB stats is now correct.  For those players, I was mistakenly still copying "2019 Salary" into "Current Salary"
    • For all players - "Last year's salary" or "2019 salary" was incorrectly showing their 2018 salary, not the 2019 salary.  That is now fixed.


  • Some updates from Waterloo, Iowa as we left a day early to get most of the way home and took the long way to avoid most of the snow in Minnesota/Wisconsin:
    • Cash for playoff results and Player of the Year awards is still to come for teams - that should be credited this coming week and definitely by Saturday 12/7.
    • There are reports that some salaries look a little out of whack - for players with no stats in 2019.  Salvador Perez and Yoenis Cespedes were the examples cited.  I think I skipped a step for players with no stats - I'll take a look at that when I get back home and will fix as soon as I can.  12/2 update: FIXED


  • And we are underway for prep into 2020:
    • Salary cap cash has been distributed.  The 2020 salary cap is 40259 (was 38490 in 2019).
    • Free bonus teams have been distributed.
    • 2020 preliminary salaries are posted but are not yet final - I still need to go through and add in the premium salary adjustments for top MLB performers that will increase some salaries 1-30%.  My plan is to have all the salaries final by Friday night, Dec 6.
    • 2020 player positions are updated
      • Any player showing an "x" in their position didn't have any MLB stats in 2019, so I need to go back in and check what they did in the minors in 2019 (or maybe they didn't play at all) - their positions may change.
      • That usually takes a lot of time and will be finished sometime in mid-to-late December.
    • Player retention decisions for 2020 can now be made from your team roster pages.  Deadline to complete this is Sunday, January 19 - if you have a lot of teams, don't wait!!
    • First step before you can do any trading or pick your carryover players - indicate if you're keeping each of your teams in 2020.  You must answer "yes" before you may submit any trades or before anyone can contact you for trades.  Deadline is December 15 or we assume the unanswered teams become Orphans.
  • New leagues for 2020 will be opened soon.
  • As people indicate they're dropping teams, orphans will become available.
  • Trades are now open for a 2-week trading period, ending on Sunday, Dec. 15.  Following that will be a 3-week trade period open December 16-January 5.
  • You can submit payment any time starting now, but WAIT until Monday to pay for any packages (Cooperstown Club or Season Tickets) - there will be some specials for Cyber Monday.  If you're paying for teams individually and not as part of a package, you'll save $5 per team if you pay by December 15.
  • Upcoming schedule/deadlines (some changes are possible):
    • Now through Sunday, Dec. 15: Fall Trading Period 1
    • Monday, Dec. 16 though Sunday, Jan 5: Fall Trading Period 2
    • Sunday, Jan 19: Roster retention choices due
    • Sunday, Feb 2: Redistribution Draft choices due


  • We're close to being ready for prep into the 2020 season.  Later this week, you'll be able to indicate if you're keeping your team for next year and preliminary salaries and positions will be posted.  We'll have a couple of 2-week trading sessions and your selections for carrying over players on your roster into 2020 will be due in early January.


  • Benchwarmer Bash Final Results: The Natty Lights (Beer League) defeated The Curiousness of Your Potential Kiss (Beatleball) 4 games to 3.
    • Congratulations to team owner Jesse Roche
    • This is Jesse's 5th win in the BWB ultimate tournament, but the first time that he's won the Bash with a team that won it before - The Natty Lights won before in 2017 and was runner up in 2018.
    • This was Sherman Wan's 3rd time in the finals with this team, but he's still looking for the first title.


  • 2019 Benchwarmer Playoffs - We're down to the final two in the Benchwarmer Bash:
    • #1 Seed: The Natty Lights (108-42, Beer League champion) owner Jesse Roche
    • #3 Seed: The Curiousness of Your Potential Kiss (101-49, Beatleball champion) owner Sherman Wan
    • The Natty Lights were the Bash champions in 2017 and the runner up in 2018. Jesse has won the Bash 4 times before with 4 different franchises.
    • Sherman is seeking his first Bash title - but this team was Bash runner up under him in both 2007 and 2011.
    • Sherman already defeated another of Jesse's teams to make it this far - The Curiousness defeated Crumpton (Moneyball) 4-2 in the Semifinals.
    • See the bracket


  • Benchwarmer Bash -  Semifinals are complete - Games 1-7 posted.
  • We'll finish this off on Wednesday with the Finals.



  • Benchwarmer Bash -  We're down to the final 8 teams - Quarterfinals will post on Monday.  Check out the tournament bracket
  • Congratulations to the 2019 Federation Champions:
    • Aaron Federation: New York Library Detectives, A League About Nothing, Robert Elias
    • Bench Federation: The Natty Lights, Beer League, Jesse Roche - 4th straight title
    • Cobb Federation: The Curiousness of Your Potential Kiss, Beatleball, Sherman Wan
    • DiMaggio Federation: Miami County Mercenaries, Four Star, David Henning
    • Eckersley Federation: Crumpton Roches, Moneyball League, Jesse Roche - 4th straight title
    • Foxx Federation: Dave's Dynamo, Triple Crown League, David Henning
    • Gehrig Federation: Winston Wants Bangers for Breakfast, Grand Slam League, Jamison Reese
    • Hornsby Federation: Kingston Don Dadda, That's the Fact Jack League, Ricardo Alexander



  • Benchwarmer Bash -  Moves to the Federation round - Federation Semifinals complete Games 1-7 posted
  • Federation Finals will begin on Friday


  • Benchwarmer Bash -  Beginning this year, we start the Bash with competition at the Association level.  64 league champions advanced to Association Championships.
  • Monday night update - all 7 games of the Association Championship Series are now posted.
  • Winners of this round now move on to the Federation round.


  • The Benchwarmer Bash brackets are set up.  We'll start off with the Association Championships on Monday


  • 34 of 2018's 59 league champions repeated to win their division this year.  In the end, 14 repeated with a league championship in 2019 (the same number as last year):
    • A League About Nothing - New York Library Detectives (Robert Elias) - 3rd straight title
    • B Movie Actor League - Cyborg Avengers (David Henning)
    • Beer League - The Natty Lights (Jesse Roche)
    • Bleed Dodger Blue - New New York Mets (Daniel Foley, Jr.)
    • Blue and Gray League - Bradford Bluecoats (Jay Snyder)
    • Bronx Bombers League - Standing Stone Subtle Tsunami (Jay Synder)
    • Fenway Fenatics - Centauri Cosmic Conundrum (David Henning) - 3rd straight title
    • Hall of Fame League - Chicxulub Revolution (Sherman Wan)
    • Home of the Brave - Shawnee Fighting Eagles (David Henning)
    • Moneyball League - Crumpton Roches (Jesse Roche)
    • Original Six League - Hockey Pucks (Michael Lehman)
    • Perfect World League - Utopia Unicorns (David Henning) - 3rd straight title
    • That's the Fact Jack League - Kingston Don Dadda (Ricardo Alexander)
    • Triple Crown League - Dave's Dynamo (David Henning)
    • Jesse Roche's 4-year run as the champ of Murderers' Row with Crumpton Roches came to an end


  • Congratulations to BWB team owners who won multiple league championships in 2019: (see how this compares to 2018)
    • 15 titles: David Henning
    • 7 titles: Jason Kiernan
    • 5 titles: Michael Rudolph, Sherman Wan
    • 3 titles: Brian Haines, Michael Quinn
    • 2 titles: Leif Jonson, Jamison Reese, Jesse Roche, Jay Snyder, Danny Zaccaro
  • A new setup for the Benchwarmer Bash that now begins with Association championships means some new web pages and some structural changes for the schedule - I'm finishing up that work and the Bash should begin this weekend.
  • Preparations for 2020 - with new salaries and new positions coming up first - will begin next week.


  • Playoffs - Championship Week: Games 6 & 7 posted - See Playoffs for All Leagues
  • The Benchwarmer Bash field is all set - this year it's only for league champions - there are no wild card teams.  If your team is advancing into the Bash, you have one final opportunity to change your lineups - that lineup will remain in place for all the remaining series.  The deadline for lineup changes is Monday night, November 4, at midnight Eastern



  • Playoffs - Championship Week: Games 2 & 3 posted - See Playoffs for All Leagues
  • Find quick links to all your teams' playoff pages - including which teams are still active
  • There are changes this year to the Benchwarmer Bash:
    • We have a nice round number of 64 leagues this season, so there are no wild cards this year - only league champions will advance to the Benchwarmer Bash
    • We have 32 2-league Associations, so the first round this season is that 2 league champions will meet for an Association Championship - those winners will move to the Federation round and 8 Federation champions will compete for the ultimate Benchwarmer Bash crown.
    • In 2020, we should expect wild card teams at the Association level.
  • 2019 in Review:
    • Of the 59 league champions in 2018, 34 of them repeated as division winners - 22 are still alive with conference championships and a chance for a repeat league title.  (2018: 32 of 54 league champs in the previous season won their division - 22 repeated as conference champions)
  • Congratulations to owners still alive with multiple conference wins: (see how this compares to 2018)
    • 19 Teams - David Henning (out of 27 division winners) and Jason Kiernan (26)
    • 9 Teams - Sherman Wan (14)
    • 7 Teams - Ricardo Alexander (15)
    • 5 Teams - Michael Quinn (7) and Michael Rudolph (9)
    • 4 Teams - Roland Dupont (11), Brian Haines (5), Leif Jonson (7), Dave Matter (6), Jamison Reese (9), and Jay Snyder (9)
    • 3 Teams - Robert Elias (7), Andrew Lehman (5), Jon Swanson (3), and Danny Zaccaro (7)
    • 2 Teams - A Citarella (2), Michael Lehman (5), Tom McGraw (6), Jesse Roche (2), and Tom Twomey (2)



  • Schedule plan for Championship Week:
    • Wednesday - bracket and schedule setup - See Playoffs for All Leagues  (pitching matchups posted on Thursday)
    • Thursday night - Game 1 posted
    • Friday - Games 2 & 3
    • Saturday - Games 4 & 5
    • Sunday - Games 6 & 7
    • Subject to change


  • Playoffs: Week 1: Games 6 & 7 posted - See Playoffs for All Leagues
  • Don't forget - if you're still in it and you want to change your lineup for the 2nd week of the playoffs, the deadline is tomorrow night - Wednesday - at 11:59 PM Eastern.  You can reset your pitching rotation from scratch - you don't have to consider "games of rest" between the 1st and 2nd weeks of the playoffs.


  • Playoffs: Week 1: Games 4 & 5 posted - See Playoffs for All Leagues
  • We'll continue on Tuesday
  • 2019 in Review:
    • Of 236 division winners from 2018, 103 repeated with division titles this season (101 of 216 repeated in last year)
    • 73 of the division winners from last season finished below .500 in 2019, 28 of them dropped all the way to last place this year.
    • From the 236 divisions that existed in 2017, 48 division winners in 2019 are franchises that never before won a division title.
    • Of the 59 league champions from 2017, 34 of them repeated as division winners this season. (32 of 54 league winners from 2017 won divisions in 2018).
    • 23 teams went "worst to first" - finishing in 4th place in 2018 and winning a division this year.
    • 13 teams had 100 losses in 2018 - 3 of them won their division this year


  • Playoffs: Week 1: Games 1-3 posted - See Playoffs for All Leagues
  • Games 4 & 5 will post on Monday night
  • Bottom Feeder quarterfinals are complete - we move on to the semifinals
  • Find quick links to all your teams' playoff pages - including which teams are still active
  • Congratulations to owners with multiple division wins: (see how this compares to 2018)
    • 27 Teams - David Henning
    • 26 Teams - Jason Kiernan
    • 15 Teams - Ricardo Alexander
    • 14 Teams - Sherman Wan
    • 11 Teams - Roland Dupont
    • 9 Teams - Jamison Reese, Michael Rudolph, Jay Snyder
    • 8 Teams - John Hula
    • 7 Teams - Robert Elias, Leif Jonson, Michael Quinn, Danny Zaccaro
    • 6 Teams - Dave Matter, Tom McGraw, Tom Twomey
    • 5 Teams - Ken DeGroot, Brian Haines, Andrew Lehman, Michael Lehman
    • 4 Teams - Jerry King, Don Kruse
    • 3 Teams - Skip Hohensee, Willis Lee, Jesse Roche, Jon Swanson
    • 2 Teams - Yuri Belova, A Citarella, Alonda Clifton, Phillip Dang, Mark Currie, Greg Flees, Daniel Foley, Jr.,Michael Gaston, Michael Horvitz, Jake Roberts, Doug Schnack


  • Week Twenty-six Transactions Posted - Week Twenty-seven deadline is set for Wednesday, October 30, at midnight EDT.
  • Playoff schedules updated to show probable starting pitchers.
  • This season, there were 9 divisional ties throughout BWB. In 2018, 14 divisions ended in ties - how did those teams in last year's tiebreaker games fare this season?
    • Batman League - Kilmer Division:
      • Winner: Liverpool Cavern Clubs (Michael Lehman) - This year: Finished tied for 3rd, 12 GB
      • Loser: Brinkley CP Bulldogs (Michael Quinn) - This year: Finished 2nd, 7 GB
    • Blame Canada League - Kenny Division:
      • Winner: Cincinnati Cardinals (Michael Horvitz) - This year: Finished 3rd, 17 GB
      • Loser: Banff Snowcaps (Dave Matter) - This year: Won the division by 2 games
    • Born to Run League - Latham Division:
      • Winner: Nebraska Grasshoppers (Rick Furtak) - This year: Won the division by 2 games
      • Loser: Ricky Being Ricky (Alonda Clifton) - This year: Finished 2nd, 2 GB
    • Fenway Fenatics - Cronin Division:
      • Winner: Centauri Cosmic Conundrum (David Henning) - This year: Won the division by 20 games
      • Loser: Scarlet Sox (Roland Dupont) - This year: Finished 3rd, 25 GB
    • K Street League - Sutton Division
      • Winner: Dawns Early Light (Ken Stevenson) - This year: Won the division again, this time by 13 games
      • Loser: Aksarben Bugeaters (Don Kruse) - This year: Finished 3rd, 18 GB
    • Longball League - Mays Division:
      • Winner: New Jersey Reign (Andrew Lehman) - This year: Finished 3rd, 14 GB
      • Loser: Danny's Wallbangers (Danny Zaccaro) - This year: Won the division by 1 game
    • Murderers' Row - Big Puma Division:
      • Winner: Walking Dead Pull Hitters (Alonda Clifton) - This year: Finished 3rd, 9 GB
      • Loser: Guttenberg Gandolfinis (Tom Twomey) - This year: Won the division by 2 games
    • Pacific Northwest League - Huskies Division:
      • Winner: Snoqualmie Owls (Sherman Wan) - This year: Finished 3rd, 10 GB
      • Loser: Wolf Bait (Roland Dupont) - This year: Finished 2nd, 4 GB
    • Reality Bites League - Fear Factor Division:
      • Winner: Minneapolis Coonhounds (Jon Swanson) - This year: Finished 3rd, 28 GB
      • Loser: Nashville Sounders (Jamison Reese) - This year: Under new ownership, finished 4th, 32 GB
    • Reality Bites League - Amazing Race Division:
      • Winner: Interlaken Cheese Transport (Sherman Wan) - This year: Finished 3rd, 14 GB
      • Loser: Gashouse Gorillas (Rob Behymer) - This year: Won the division by 1 game
    • Steel City League - Wagner Division:
      • Winner: Willie's Rebels (Michael Quinn) - This year: Finished 3rd, 29 GB
      • Loser: House of Lannister (Brian Haines) - This year: Won the division by 18 games
    • Steel City League - Traynor Division:
      • Winner: Hershey Special O.P.S. (David Henning) - This year: Won the division again. this time by 10 games
      • Loser: Patricia Avenue Cardinals (Michael Clancy) - This year: Under new ownership, finished 3rd, 11 GB
    • Superman League - George Reeves Division:
      • Winner: Hollywood Squares (Michael Lehman) - This year: Finished 4th, 14 GB
      • Loser: Bizarro Boys (Dave Matter) - This year: Finished 3rd, 7 GB
    • Superman League - Dean Cain Division:
      • Winner: Cincinnati Sluggers 1 (Michael Horvitz) - This year: Finished 2nd, 14 GB
      • Loser: Ames Twisters (Tom Kohl) - This year: Finished 4th, 24 GB


  • Playoff schedules are posted.  You can see the your league's playoff brackets from your league's home page - or you can check out the Playoffs for All Leagues page.
  • There may be a few links on the playoffs pages that don't yet work.
  • I may be able to get the first scores posted on Saturday, but it's most likely going to be on Sunday.



  • There were a few requests for more time on the lineups for the playoffs, so transactions/lineups are open again through Friday night at midnight Pacific (or, as shown on the website, Saturday at 3 AM Eastern)


  • Hey, I'm back in the U.S. - a day later than expected, so I was catching up with real life on Sunday instead of diving back into BWB, and am behind schedule on setting up the playoffs.  I have a busy schedule over the next couple days - but I'm going to try to get the playoff games started around the end of this week.
  • I don't plan to reopen the lineup setting for the first week of the playoffs, but if anyone needs more time, I can change my mind about that - let me know on Monday or Tuesday if you have some unfinished work.



  • The regular season is over and...BWB is taking some time off.
    • The playoffs are coming but will be delayed to run during the MLB World Series
    • With that, the deadline for transactions and lineup changes has been extended to Friday night, October 18, at midnight Eastern.  See all the transaction/lineup deadlines
    • There will still be a few updates on the site through Friday this week - I hope to have all the division/playoff tiebreakers sorted out and the playoff brackets posted by then.
  • With the 9 division tiebreakers done (and one race in The Kings of Queens we missed to list a couple days ago), we have our final 10 Division Champions: (See standings for all leagues)
    • Broadway League
      • The Hot Corner Division: The Lamb Seems Right Out Of Place Under Manmade Neon Lights (owner John Hula - 8th win in 2019) - Finished 2nd last season in league's first year
      • Riding The Pine Division: Times Square Pickpockets (owner Jon Swanson - 3rd win in 2019) - Finished 3rd, 18 GB in league's first season last year
    • Cleveland Rocks - Averill Division: Lake Erie Storm (owner David Henning - 27th win in 2019) - 5th division win - was league champ 2014-2016
    • Experts League - Web Division: Fantasy Couch (owner Andrew Eggers) - Repeat winner, 5th overall; League champ in 2010
    • Federal League - St. Louis Terriers Division: Kansas City Packers (owner Michael Quinn - 7th win in 2019) - First division win in league's 8th season; Best finish had been 2nd 4 times
    • The Kings of Queens - McGraw Division: Doc and Straw and Mookie!!! (owner Jason Kiernan - 27th win in 2019) - First division win in league's 10th season; Finished 2nd twice, but not since 2012
    • Marxball - Harpo Division: Phenway Phantoms (owner Danny Zaccaro - 7th win in 2019) - Also won the division in 2017
    • Reality Bites League - American Idol Division: Kingston Jamaicans (owner Ricardo Alexander - 14th win in 2019) - 6th consecutive title, 10th overall; League champ in 2015
    • Shadowball - Memphis Red Sox Division: Kingston Bob Marleys (owner Ricardo Alexander - 15th win in 2019) - 6th division win; League champ in 2013
    • Will Ferrell League - Blades of Glory Division: CO Springs Pirates (owner Chris Dressman) - 3rd consecutive division win - League champ in 2017


  • 9 division ties to break - Game results are in!
    • Broadway League - The Hot Corner Division: The Lamb Seems Right Out Of Place Under Manmade Neon Lights (John Hula) at Reese's Pieces (Jamison Reese)
      • Result: The Lamb Seems Right Out Of Place  10  Reese's  2 - Box
      • 2018 was the league's first season - Reese's won the division, while The Lamb was 2nd, 8 GB
      • Reese's won the season series 10-8
      • The Lamb won 5 out of 6 in their final two series in Weeks 23-25
      • Record for the last 10 games: The Lamb 8-2  Reese's 3-7
    • Broadway League - Riding the Pine Division: Rusty Nails (Roland Dupont) at Times Square Pickpockets (Jon Swanson)
      • Result: Times Square  7  Rusty  6 - Box
      • 2018 was the league's first season - Times Square finished 3rd (13 GB) and Rusty finished 4th (19 GB)
      • Times Square won the season series 10-8
      • Times Square won 5 of 6 in their final series in Weeks 24-25, but Rusty won Game 150 to force the tie.
      • Record for the last 10 games: Rusty 3-7  Times Square 6-4
    • Cleveland Rocks - Averill Division: Lake Erie Storm (David Henning) at Cleveland Hot Waxx (Alonda Clifton)
      • Result: Lake Erie  6  Loser  1 - Box
      • Lake Erie won the division in 4 straight seasons 2014-2017 with 3 league championships.  Cleveland has never won the division, with its best finish as 2nd place twice.
      • Lake Erie finished the season with an 11-game winning streak.  Cleveland won its final 3 games to maintain the tie.
      • The teams split their season matchups 9-9.  Cleveland gets home field with the better division record.
      • Cleveland swept a series in Week 23 and Lake Erie swept a series in Week 25
      • Record for the last 10 games: Lake Erie 10-0   Cleveland 5-5
    • Experts League - Web Division: NYC (Scott Swanay) at Fantasy Couch (Andrew Eggers)
      • Result: Fantasy  4  NYC  2 - Box
      • NYC has 2 division wins, but not since 2013.  Fantasy is the defending champ and has 4 total division titles.
      • The teams split their season matchups 9-9.  Fantasy gets home field with the better division record.
      • Fantasy won 4 of their final 6 games in Weeks 23-24
      • Record for the last 10 games: NYC 3-7  Fantasy 6-4
    • Federal League - St. Louis Terriers Division: Atlanta Kool Runnings (Ricardo Alexander) at Kansas City Packers (Michael Quinn)
      • Result: Kansas City  6  Atlanta  3 - Box
      • Atlanta is the 5-time defending division champ and won the league in 2014.  Kansas City has never won the division in the league's previous 7 seasons - it has 4 2nd-place finishes.
      • Kansas City won the season series 11-7
      • Kansas City won 4 of 6 in the final meetings between the teams in Weeks 23-25
      • Record for the last 10 games: Atlanta 5-5  Kansas City 7-3
    • Marxball - Harpo Division: New York Opera Company (Jon Swanson) at Phenway Phantoms (Danny Zaccaro)
      • Result: Phenway  6  New York  1 - Box
      • New York's highest finish in the league's 2 seasons has been 3rd.  Phenway won the division in 2017.
      • Phenway won the season series 10-8
      • New York won 4 of 6 head to head meetings in Weeks 23-24
      • Record for the last 10 games: New York 5-5  Phenway 2-8
    • Reality Bites League - American Idol Division: Real Thing (Roland Dupont) at Kingston Jamaicans (Ricardo Alexander)
      • Result: Kingston  2  Real  0 - Box
      • Real has only made the playoffs once - it won the division in 2006.  Real finished 2nd in 2018, but was 24 GB.  Kingston has won this division for the past 5 seasons and 9 overall.  Kingston has one league title - in 2015.
      • Kingston won the season series 12-6
      • Kingston swept Real in Week 25 and took 2 of 3 from Real in Week 25 - including a win in Game 150 to force the tie
      • Record for the last 10 games: Real 5-5  Kingston 4-6
    • Shadowball League - Memphis Red Sox Division: Kingston Bob Marleys (Ricardo Alexander) at Bingo Long's Travelling All-Stars (Jason Kiernan)
      • Result: Kingston  6  Bingo  5 - Box
      • Kingston has won the division 5 times, most recently in 2016-2017, and was league champ in 2013; Bingo Long's is the defending league champion and has 2 other division titles.
      • They didn't meet in a tiebreaker last year, but Bingo Long's won the division by 1 game over Kingston.
      • Bingo won the season series 11-7
      • Bingo won 5 of 6 of their final head to head games in Weeks 23-25
      • Record for the last 10 games: Kingston 8-2  Bingo Long's 7-3
    • Will Ferrell League - Blades of Glory Division: Whistling Dixie (Roland Dupont) at CO Springs Pirates (Chris Dressman)
      • Result: CO Springs  2  Whistling  1 - Box
      • CO Springs won the division in the league's first 2 seasons.  Whistling finished 2nd in 2017.
      • CO Springs won the season series 12-6
      • CO Springs won 4 of their final 6 games in Weeks 23-25
      • Record for the last 10 games: Whistling 4-6  CO Springs 7-3


  • 47 Division Champions from the September 26 games: (See standings for all leagues)
    • Anchorman League
      • Jennings Division: Brick Barometers (owner Tom Twomey - 5th win in 2019) - Only team to win this divison in the league's six seasons - 3 league championships
      • Chancellor Division: Penny Arcade Hustlers (owner Jamison Reese - 7th win in 2019) - First division win - finished 2nd twice in the league's previous 5 seasons
      • Reasoner Division: Chicago Mashers (owner Jason Kiernan - 21st win in 2019) - 2-time defending league champion - 4th straight division win division win
    • Beatleball - Lennon Division: Rome Gladiators (owner Danny Zaccaro - 4th win in 2019) - Repeat winner - 6th overall; League champ in 2012
    • Beer League - Malt Division: Canadian Moosehead (owner Michael Gaston) - Repeat winner - 6th overall
    • Birdland - Eddie Murray Division: Troop C Lion Tamers (owner Bret Kahler) - Finished 2nd in 2018, the league's first season
    • Blame Canada League
      • Eric Division: Frigid Pink Ladies of the Arctic Night (owner Jamison Reese - 8th win in 2019) - 3rd straight year on top, 5th overall; League champion in 2011
      • Kenny Division: Banff Snowcaps (owner Dave Matter - 6th win in 2019) - Also won in 2016
    • Bleed Dodger Blue League
      • Reese Division: Aksarben Krusaders (owner Don Kruse - 4th win in 2019) - 3rd consecutive division win, 7th overall - league champ in 2017
      • Sutton Division: New New York Mets (owner Daniel Foley, Jr. - 2nd win in 2019) - Won final 12 games of the season to take 4th division crown - defending league champ
    • Born to Run League
      • Raines Division: Central City Flashes (owner David Henning - 24th win in 2019) - Finished 2nd in the league's previous 2 seasons
      • Latham Division: Nebraska Grasshoppers (owner Rick Furtak) - Repeat winner
    • Bronx Bombers League - DiMaggio Division: Harlem Hillbillies (owner Roland Dupont - 6th win in 2019) - First trip to playoffs since 2012
    • Chevy Chase League - Fletch F. Fletch Division: Lampoon's Play Baseball (owner Jason Kiernan - 22nd win in 2019) - First division win since 2010, 4th overall; League champ in 2010
    • Cleveland Rocks - Harder Division: Feller's Fireballers (owner Jason Kiernan - 23rd win in 2019) - Best previous finish had been 3rd place
    • Deuces Wild League
      • Cobb Division: Cincinnati Big Red Machine (owner Michael Horvitz) - First trip to playoffs since 2010; 2009 league champion
      • Brett Division: November Nine (owner Danny Zaccaro - 5th win in 2019) - 6th division title; League champion in 2016
    • Firemen League - Eckersley Division: Friendly Assassins (owner Roland Dupont - 7th win in 2019) - First division win after 2 consecutive 2nd place finishes
    • Four Star League - MacArthur Division: Men Injecting Men 2 Still Roided Up (owner Christian Ingram) - 5th division win
    • Geek Pride League
      • Zuckerberg Division: Orphanville Pickpockets (owner Michael Horvitz - 2nd win in 2019) - First division win - 2nd place last season
      • Berners-Lee Division: Strange Things (owner Roland Dupont - 8th win in 2019) - First division win - had finished 2nd in 2017
    • Golden Throat League - Ernie Harwell Division: Erebor Dragons (owner David Henning - 25th win in 2019) - Repeat winner, 7th overall; League champion in 2011
    • Gone But Not Forgotten League - New York Giants Division: New York GIANTS (owner Michael Lehman - 5th win in 2019) - Inaugural season
    • Grand Slam League - Ramirez Division: Winston Wants Bangers for Breakfast (owner Jamison Reese - 9th win in 2019) - First trip to the playoffs
    • Hall of Fame League - Cobb Division: Seventh Heaven (owner Roland Dupont - 9th win in 2019) - 5th division championship; League winner in 2007
    • Minnie & Paul League - Blyleven Division: Tondara Ninjas (owner Mike Cerny) - First division crown in league's 9th season
    • Murderers' Row
      • Big Puma Division: Guttenberg Gandolfinis (owner Tom Twomey - 6th win in 2019) - 3rd division win - first since 2016
      • Big Donkey Division: France UEFA Euros (owner Leif Jonson - 7th win in 2019) - Repeat title, 5th overall
    • North Siders League
      • Jenkins Division: Amsterdam Rhinos (owner Doug Schnack - 2nd win in 2019) - 3rd division win - League champ in 2015
      • Sutter Division: Wrigleyville Bryzzo Souvenirs (owner Jason Kiernan - 24th win in 2019) - 3rd division win - first since 2015
    • Perfect World League - Kenny Rogers Division: Utopia Unicorns (owner David Henning - 26th win in 2019) - 2-time defending league champ - has 3 overall
    • Reality Bites League - Amazing Race Division: Gashouse Gorillas (owner Rob Behymer) - First trip to playoffs since 2007 in a league championship season
    • Shadowball - Pittsburgh Crawfords Division: Stockholm Socialists (owner Jon Swanson - 2nd win in 2019) - First division win in the league's 15th season; Had finished 2nd 8 times
    • Silver Screen League - Major League Division: Jobu's Rum Runners (owner Michael Rudolph - 9th win in 2019) - Also won the division in 2017
    • Superman League
      • George Reeves Division: Jor El Cards (owner Andrew Lehman - 3rd win in 2019) - 1st division title in league's 8th season; Previously finished 2nd 4 times
      • Brandon Routh Division: Metropolis Ites (owner Jason Kiernan - 25th win in 2019) - Defending league champion (also 2016) and 4th consecutive division win
    • That's the Fact Jack League
      • Caddyshack Division: Spackler Gopher Patrol (owner Jay Snyder - 9th win in 2019) - 4th consecutive title
      • Lost in Translation Division: The Thing Under the Bed (owner Andrew Lehman - 4th win in 2019) - Repeat winner
    • They Might Be Giants - Marichal Division: Hampton Flashes (owner Roland Dupont - 10th win in 2019) - Defending league champion
    • ThirtyThirtysomething League Raul Mondesi Division: Friday Knight Hipsters (owner Andrew Lehman - 5th win in 2019) - Inaugural season
    • Three of a Kind League
      • Wagner Division: Florida Simple Solutions (owner Skip Hohensee - 3rd win in 2019) - 3rd consecutive division win, 5th overall; League champ in 2013
      • Connor Division: Maryland Marauders (owner Michael Gaston - 2nd win in 2019) - 3rd division win - first since 2014
    • Triple Crown League
      • Yastrzemski Division: Seattle Slew (owner Sherman Wan - 14th win in 2019) - First division win since 2011 when taking a league championship
      • Medwick Division: World War Z (owner Danny Zaccaro - 6th win in 2019) - 4th straight division win - this one came down to the final week
    • Whiff League
      • Andres Gallaraga Division: Connecticut Nutmegs (owner Brian Strevig) - Inaugural season
      • Jose Canseco Division: New Day (owner Roland Dupont - 11th win in 2019) - Inaugural season


  • The ability to set your lineups for the playoffs has been open since Week 25 transactions posted on 9/15.  The deadline is tentatively set for this Sunday at 1 PM Eastern, but that will be extended.
    • You can also cut players or move them to IR - there are no free agent signings.  This is the final chance to cut anyone this season.
    • You will later have a chance to reset your lineups again for the 2nd week of the playoffs.


  • Week 25 is complete - Games 149-150 posted - See results
    • Well...we're not quite finished - we have 8 division ties to break (details to be announced Friday afternoon/evening)
    • See standings for all leagues
    • Game 151 tiebreaker scores are expected to post on Saturday night or Sunday.
    • Around BWB


  • Almost 1/4 of our divisions are not yet decided - 57 races remain active heading into the final 2 games of the season, including a remote possibility of a 4-way tie in Marxball. Here's today's update on the close races around BWB.
  • The next score update will most likely be delayed until Thursday.


  • 38 Division Champions from the September 23 games: (See standings for all leagues)
    • Batman League
      • Keaton Division: Infinity Island Shadows (owner Robert Elias - 6th win in 2019) - 2-time defending league champion; 7th consecutive division win - also won the league in 2013-2014
      • Clooney Division: Bruce Wayne Is A Sissy (owner Jamison Reese - 6th win in 2019) - First division win in league's 10th season; Finished 2nd 4 times, including last year
    • Beatleball - Harrison Division: Big Mack Attack (owner Tom McGraw - 5th win in 2019) - 16th season for the league - FIRST DIVISION WIN (finished 2nd 4 times - most recently in 2017)
    • Beer League - Water Division: Elsinore Hosers (owner A Citarella) - 5th division win but first since 2012; 2008 league champion
    • Blame Canada League - Kyle Division: Aurora Borealis (owner Sherman Wan - 13th win in 2019) - 3rd straight playoff berth, 4th overall; League titles in 2017 and 2014
    • Born to Run League - Coleman Division: Runnin' Redbirds Circa late 80's (owner Jason Kiernan - 18th win in 2019) - Finished 2nd in league's previous 2 seasons
    • Five Boroughs League
      • Brooklyn Division: Coney Island Babies (owner Michael Lehman - 3rd win in 2019) - Best previous finish had been 3rd place (twice)
      • Queens Division: Hostile Take-over (owner Danny Zaccaro - 2nd win in 2019) - Repeat winner, 3rd overall
      • Bronx Division: Oklahoma Noodlers (owner Phillip Dang - 2nd win in 2019) - 2nd division win
    • Four Star League
      • Eisenhower Division: Georgetown Canal Mules (owner Yuri Belova) - 3rd division win - first time since 2013
      • Patton Division: Miami County Mercenaries (owner David Henning - 17th win in 2019) - 5th consecutive division crown, 7th overall; only one league title in 2011
    • Golden Throat League - Jack Buck Division: Atlantic City Hi-Rollers (owner Tom McGraw - 6th win in 2019) - First division win in league's 14th season; Finished 2nd last year and 3 other seasons
    • Gone But Not Forgotten League - St. Louis Browns Division: Veekville Gaedels (owner A Citarella - 2nd win in 2019) - Inaugural season
    • Home of the Brave - Maranville Division: Twin Cities Lakers (owner Sam Campbell) - Repeat winner
    • Longball League
      • Mays Division: Danny's Wallbangers (owner Danny Zaccaro - 3rd win in 2019) - First division win since 2006; League champ in 2005
      • McGwire Division: Risky Business (owner Roland Dupont - 4th win in 2019) - 2nd division win - first since 2015
      • Killebrew Division: McGwire and Sosa Race in 98 (owner Jason Kiernan - 19th win in 2019) - 7th division crown (first since 2016); League champ in 2015
    • Minnie & Paul League - Carew Division: Old Hickory Longshots (owner Ken DeGroot - 5th win in 2019) - Repeat winner, 5th overall title; League champ in 2011
    • Motor City League - Horton Division: Gratiot Cards (owner Michael Quinn - 5th win in 2019) - 3rd straight division win - 5th overall; looking for first league crown
    • North Siders League
      • Williams Division: Carolina Swamp Foxes (owner Robert Elias - 7th win in 2019) - 3rd division win
      • Sandberg Division: Waypoint Spartans (owner David Henning - 19th win in 2019) - 4th division title - league champ in 2014
    • Original Six League - Rangers Division: Hockey Pucks (owner Michael Lehman - 4th win in 2019) - Defending league champion
    • Phightin' Phils League - Alexander Division: Fairborn Flying Angels (owner David Henning - 20th win in 2019) - 3rd consecutive division win, 5th overall; League champ in 2015
    • Royal Flush League - Patek Division: Bedrock Sonic Clubs (owner David Henning - 21st win in 2019) - Only team to win this division in the league's 5 seasons; won league title in 2015
    • Shadowball - Birmingham Black Barons Division: Bedrock Water Buffaloes (owner Leif Jonson - 6th win in 2019) - League champion in 2016-2017; 5th division title
    • Steel City League - Mazeroski Division: Carnegie Mellons (owner Dave Matter - 5th win in 2019) - Repeat division winner
    • That's the Fact Jack League - The Life Aquatic Division: Groundhog Central Weather Prognosticators (owner John Hula - 6th win in 2019) - First trip to playoffs - finished 2nd twice
    • They Might Be Giants
      • Terry Division: Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head (owner John Hula - 7th win in 2019) - 4th division title
      • Ott Division: California Dreamin' Team (owner David Henning - 23rd win in 2019) - 3rd division win; league champ in 2016
    • Three of a Kind League - Beckley Division: Wyalusing Whiffers (owner Jay Snyder - 8th win in 2019) - Defending league champion; 6th consecutive division title (8th overall); League champ also in 2012
    • Wes Anderson League Bottle Rocket Division: Surfin USA Looking for Bill Murray (owner Jason Kiernan - 20th win in 2019) - Inaugural season
    • White Elephant League
      • Jackson Division: Rising Stars (owner Roland Dupont - 5th win in 2019) - Finished 2nd last season in league's first year
      • Hunter Division: Red Hot Elephant Fritters (owner Alonda Clifton - 2nd win in 2019) - Finished 3rd, 24 GB, last season in league's first year
    • Will Ferrell League
      • Talledega Nights Division: Kentucky Bluegrass (owner J.C. Freeman) - First division crown
      • Stranger Than Fiction Division: Foggy Bottom Plumbers (owner Yuri Belova - 2nd win in 2019) - Finished 4th in both of league's first 2 seasons
    • Winners Circle League - Galvin Division: Charlotte Racers (owner Sheldon Price) - New owner this year, but 7th division win for the franchise; 4 league championships


  • 43 Division Champions from the September 21 games: (See standings for all leagues)
    • American Association - Philadelphia Athletics Division: New York Supermen (owner Jake Roberts - 2nd win in 2019) - First division title; best finish had been 3rd place twice
    • B Movie Actor League - Brisco County Jr. Division: San Francisco Dharmanauts (owner John Hula - 3rd win in 2019) - 2nd trip to the playoffs - previously won in 2016
    • Batman League
      • Kilmer Division: Winged Vengeance (owner John Hula - 4th win in 2019) - First division win since 2014
      • Bale Division: Wayne Dark Crusaders (owner David Henning - 13th win in 2019) - Repeat division winner, 3rd overall
    • Birdland
      • Jim Palmer Division: Them Olde Black Crows (owner Jamison Reese - 4th win in 2019) - Repeat winner
      • Frank Robinson Division: Edgar's Ravens (owner Alonda Clifton) - Defending league champion
    • Born to Run League - Cobb Division: Quad Cities Stealing Home (owner Tom Kohl) - League champion in 2017
    • Broadway League - Take Me Out Division: Jekyll & Hyde Singing in the Chicago Rain (owner Jason Kiernan - 12th win in 2019) - Finished 2nd in 2018, the league's first season
    • Cleveland Rocks - Doby Division: Shaky Heights Bombers (owner Jim Meyer) - 3rd straight division win, 4th overall; league champ in 2017
    • Commissioners League
      • Frick Division: Midwest Reclamation Project (owner David Henning - 14th win in 2019) - 3rd division win; league title in 2016
      • Ueberroth Division: Kenesaw Mountaineers (owner Sherman Wan - 7th win in 2019) - 4th straight division title, 7th overall; only made the league finals once in 2010
    • Federal League - Baltimore Terrapins Division: Okefenokee Gators (owner Willis Lee - 2nd win in 2019) - First trip to playoffs in league's 8th season; best previous finish had been 2nd in 2013
    • Fenway Fenatics - Doerr Division: Georgia Yellow Jackets (owner Willis Lee - 3rd win in 2019) - First division win in the league's 9th season; Had finished 2nd once (2013)
    • Firemen League - Smith Division: House of Leary (owner Brian Haines - 4th win in 2019) - 4th division title - league champ in 2017 and 2012
    • Four Star League - Bradley Division: Exsangui Nation (owner Sherman Wan - 8th win in 2019) - 2-time defending league champ; 4th division win
    • Geek Pride League
      • Dorsey Division: Clark & Addison (owner Mike DeSmedt) - 4th division title, first since 2016
      • Tomlinson Division: Three Dollar Bill (owner Tom McGraw - 3rd win in 2019) - First playoff appearance since 2015
    • Grand Slam League - Ventura Division: Moons Over My Hamate (owner Sherman Wan - 9th win in 2019) - Defending league champ - 3rd straight division win
    • Grunge League - Stone Temple Pilots Division: Plush sung by Percival Edmund (owner JJason Kiernan - 13th win in 2019) - Finished 2nd last season in league's first year
    • Hall of Fame League - Wagner Division: Boar's Nest (owner Tom Twomey - 3rd win in 2019) - 12th division win - back after a 2-year absence; 3 league titles
    • The Kings of Queens - Koosman Division: Kansas Bucks (owner Greg Flees - 2nd win in 2019) - 4th consecutive division win - 9th overall; looking for first league title
    • Marxball - Groucho Division: Sanity Clause & the Seven Elves (owner Sherman Wan - 10th win in 2019) - 3rd straight playoff trip; league champ in 2017
    • Minnie & Paul League
      • Oliva Division: Minoso & Waner (owner Jason Kiernan - 14th win in 2019) - 3rd division win, first since 2016; League champion in 2015
      • Viola Division: Riverdale Robot Refugees (owner David Henning- 15th win in 2019) - 4th division title; League champ in 2017
    • Motor City League
      • Greenberg Division: Mt Pleasant Bomb Squad (owner Jason Kiernan - 15th win in 2019) - Repeat winner, 5th overall; League champ in 2016
      • Gehringer Division: Alcubierre-Obousy Skunkworks (owner Sherman Wan - 11th win in 2019) - 2nd division win - first since 2013
    • Murderers' Row - Big Ed Division: Crumpton Roches (owner Jesse Roche - 3rd win in 2019) - 4-time defending league champion - 7th straight division win
    • Pacific Northwest League
      • Huskies Division: Portland Thinkers (owner Daniel Foley, Jr.) - 3rd title; League champion in 2017
      • Ducks Division: Griffey, Edgar, and The Big Unit Ride Again (owner Jason Kiernan - 16th win in 2019) - 3rd consecutive division title
    • Perfect World League
      • David Cone Division: Oklahoma Black Gold (owner Michael Lehman) - First division championship in the league's 10th year; Finished 2nd 3 times but not since 2014
      • David Wells Division: Adrenaline Mob (owner Brian Haines - 5th win in 2019) - 5th playoff trip - league champion in 2011
    • Phightin' Phils League
      • Roberts Division: Steak Sandwich Fanatics of Philadelphia (owner Jason Kiernan - 17th win in 2019) - 2nd playoff trip - previously won division in 2016
      • Ashburn Division: Wadsworth Whiffers (owner Michael Rudolph - 7th win in 2019) - 2nd division win - also won in 2017
    • Redbirds League - Brock Division: Hello Wisconsin Stoners (owner Michael Lehman - 2nd win in 2019) - First division win in league's 14th season; had finished 2nd only once in 2009
    • Royal Flush League - Quisenberry Division: Runner Runner Royal Flush (owner John Hula - 5th win in 2019) - First title - had finished 2nd in 2015
    • Scooby Doo League - Velma Division: Big City Blue Falcons (owner Mark Currie - 2nd win in 2019) - 3rd consecutive division title, 4th overall
    • Silver Screen League
      • Bad News Bears Division: Venice Beach Old Timers (owner Ken DeGroot - 4th win in 2019) - 2nd division win - first since 2014
      • Bang the Drum Slowly Division: Vegas Big Losers (owner Tom McGraw - 4th win in 2019) - Also making 2nd trip to playoffs and first since 2014
      • Angels in the Outfield Division: Sonic Boom (owner Jamison Reese - 5th win in 2019) - Won division in 2017 also
    • South Siders League - Minoso Division: Melton's Meltdowns (owner Michael Rudolph - 8th win in 2019) - First division crown after 2 consecutive 2nd place finishes
    • Wes Anderson League
      • The Life Aquatic Division: Tinseltown Tomfoolery (owner Tom Twomey - 4th win in 2019) - Inaugural season
      • The Darjeeling Limited Division: Mysterium Tremendum (owner David Henning - 16th win in 2019) - Inaugural season
    • Winners Circle League - Spahn Division: Pur & Kleen Water Company (owner Sherman Wan - 12th win in 2019) - League champ in 2017 - 2nd division win


  • 21 Division Champions from the September 18 games: (See standings for all leagues)
    • A League About Nothing - Kramer Division: NYC2ATL Pee Wee Blackbirds (owner Ricardo Alexander - 12th win in 2019) - 3rd straight division crown
    • B Movie Actor League - Bubba Ho-tep Division: Fantasy Island (owner Roland Dupont - 3rd win in 2019) - Also won in 2017
    • Beatleball - Starr Division: Volkswagon Hipsters (owner Jason Kiernan - 7th win in 2019) - 3rd consecutive division win - 8th overall; looking for first league title
    • Blue and Gray League - Sherman Division: Lincoln Logs (owner Andrew Lehman) - Repeat winner - 5th overall; 2012 league champ
    • Bronx Bombers League - Rizzuto Division: Reese's Pieces (owner Jamison Reese - 2nd win in 2019) - Repeat title - 5th overall
    • Deuces Wild League - Biggio Division: Sugarland Cards (owner Michael Quinn - 4th win in 2019) - 5th title - first since 2016
    • Experts League - Airwaves Division: Stateroom Egg Boilers (owner Jason Kiernan - 8th win in 2019) - 8th division win - first since 2016; 2-time league champ
    • Fenway Fenatics - Fisk Division: South City White Rats (owner Justin Juengel) - Repeat winner - 3rd time overall
    • Hall of Fame League - Ruth Division: Vice City Gamblers (owner Jerry King - 4th win in 2019) - 7th division title - first since 2015; League champ in 2006
    • Home of the Brave
      • Mathews Division: Chop This! (owner Sherman Wan - 6th win in 2019) - Repeat winner
      • Nichols Division: Mohawk Valley Iroquois (owner Michael Rudolph - 6th win in 2019) - Repeat winner
    • K Street League
      • Blyleven Division: Italian Stallions (owner Tom McGraw - 2nd win in 2019) - First division win since 2008 - 4th overall; 2008 league champion
      • Seaver Division: Wayne Mad Generals (owner Robert Elias - 5th win in 2019) - 2-time defedning league champ; 4th division win
    • Original Six League
      • Bruins Division: Powerplay Goals (owner Jamison Reese - 3rd win in 2019) - Finished 2nd last season in league's first year
      • Black Hawks Division: Super Mario All Stars!!! Now With Sid the Kid!!! (owner Jason Kiernan - 9th win in 2019) - Repeat winner
    • Shadowball - Chicago American Giants Division: Norfolk Thoroghbreds (owner William Stingle) - Repeat winner - 4th overall; 2011 League champion
    • South Siders League - Walsh Division: South Pole Blizzards (owner Jason Kiernan - 10th win in 2019) - Defending league champion
    • That's the Fact Jack League - Stripes Division: Kingston Don Dadda (owner Ricardo Alexander - 13th win in 2019) - Defending league champ; 3rd straight division win (took about a month longer than last year)
    • ThirtyThirtysomething League Jeff Bagwell Division: Oklahoma Black Gold (owner Phillip Dang) - Inaugural season
    • Tobacco Road League
      • Tar Heels Division: Jordan's Jammers (owner Jason Kiernan - 11th win in 2019) - Inaugural season
      • Demon Deacons Division: Carmel Surfer Boys (owner Andrew Lehman - 2nd win in 2019) - Inaugural season


  • 29 Division Champions from the September 16 games: (See standings for all leagues)
    • American Association - Louisville Colonels Division: Arkansas Travelers (owner Michael Quinn - 3rd win in 2019) - 2nd time in the playoffs - last trip was 2015
    • B Movie Actor League - Burn Notice Division: Cyborg Avengers (owner David Henning - 8th win in 2019) - Defending league champ - 3rd straight division win
    • Birdland - Brooks Robinson Division: NYC2ATL Jr. Eagles (owner Ricardo Alexander - 8th win in 2019) - Finished 2nd in 2018, the league's first season
    • Blue and Gray League
      • Grant Division: Bradford Bluecoats (owner Jay Snyder - 4th win in 2019) - Defending league champion, 4th straight division win
      • Lee Division: Atlanta Mighty Mythtakes (owner David Henning - 9th win in 2019) - 5th division win - league champion in 2017 and 2011
    • Broadway League - Rounding Third Division: NYC2ATL Evil Empire (owner Ricardo Alexander - 9th win in 2019) - Defending league champion
    • Bronx Bombers League - Gehrig Division: Standing Stone Subtle Tsunami (owner Jay Snyder - 5th win in 2019) - Defending league champion - 5th straight division win
    • Chevy Chase League
      • Ty Webb Division: Rummerfield Riverhorses (owner Jay Snyder - 6th win in 2019) - 3rd consecutive title, 5th overall; League champ in 2017
      • Clark W. Griswold, Jr. Division: Cool Dudes (owner Roland Dupont - 2nd win in 2019) - Back to playoffs after 2-year absence, 8th title; 2012 league champion
    • Deuces Wild League - Musial Division: Washington Insiders (owner Don Kruse - 2nd win in 2019) - 3rd straight division win, 8th overall; League winner in 2015
    • Firemen League - Franco Division: Medford Madmen (owner Jake Roberts) - First division win in league's 8th season; Best finish had been 2nd in 2017
    • Five Boroughs League - Staten Island Division: Midtown Millionaires (owner David Henning - 10th win in 2019) - Defending league champion - also won division and league in 2016
    • Golden Throat League - Bob Prince Division: Azilum Antoinettes (owner Jay Snyder - 7th win in 2019) - 4th straight division win; league champion in 2017
    • Gone But Not Forgotten League - Brooklyn Dodgers Division: Larry, Pedro, Kenny Hill and the 1994 Expos (owner Jason Kiernan - 5th win in 2019) - Inaugural season
    • Grunge League - Soundgarden Division: Smells Like Teenage Sweat (owner Jamison Reese) - Finished 3rd last year in the league's first season
    • K Street League
      • Sutton Division: Dawns Early Light (owner Ken Stevenson) - 2nd straight title, 4th overall
      • Perry Division: Hawaii Islanders (owner Mark Currie) - 5th division win
    • Murderers' Row - Big Poison Division: Palookaville Pugs (owner Sherman Wan - 5th win in 2019) - Repeat winner, 7th overall; League champion in 2014
    • Original Six League - Red Wings Division: Yzermen Than Me Have Told Me What To Do (owner John Hula - 2nd win in 2019) - Repeat division winner
    • Pacific Northwest League - Beavers Division: Torrance Longshots (owner Ken DeGroot - 3rd win in 2019) - 2016 league champion; 2nd division win
    • Redbirds League
      • Dean Division: Orion's Solar Kings (owner David Henning - 11th win in 2019) - Defending league champion - 5th straight division win
      • Slaughter Division: Middle Age Krusaders (owner Don Kruse - 3rd win in 2019) - 5th division title - League champion in 2017 and 2010
    • Royal Flush League - Otis Division: Medina County Mathematicians (owner Michael Rudolph - 5th win in 2019) - 2nd division win - also on top in 2015
    • Scooby Doo League - Fred Division: Georgia Swamp Monsters (owner Willis Lee) - Repeat title, 3rd overall; league champ in 2016
    • ThirtyThirtysomething League Willie Mays Division: Gant's Galloping Ghosts (owner Jason Kiernan - 6th win in 2019) - Inaugural season
    • Tobacco Road League Wolfpack Division: Cape Fear Blockade Runners (owner Robert Elias - 4th win in 2019) - Inaugural season
    • Triple Crown League - Robinson Division: Dave's Dynamo (owner David Henning - 12th win in 2019) - Defending league champion; 4 previous division wins and 4 league championships
    • Wes Anderson League Rushmore Division: Atlanta Red Eagles (owner Ricardo Alexander - 12th win in 2019) - Inaugural season
    • White Elephant League - Williams Division: NYC2ATL Black Eagles (owner Ricardo Alexander - 11th win in 2019) - Repeat winner


  • 21 Division Champions from the September 13 games: (See standings for all leagues)
    • A League About Nothing Peterman Division: New York Library Detectives (owner Robert Elias - 3rd win in 2019) - 2-time defending league champion
    • American Association
      • Pittsburgh Alleghenys Division: Area 51 ET's (owner Jerry King - 3rd win in 2019) - First division win - team finished 2nd twice before, including 2018
      • Cincinnati Red Stockings Division: Buckeye Bombers (owner David Henning - 6th win in 2019) - 4th division win - league champion in 2015
    • B Movie Actor League - My Name is Bruce Division: Don't Let Me Down (owner Jason Kiernan - 3rd win in 2019) - First time on top - best previous finish had been 3rd place
    • Beer League - Hops Division: Kingfisher Ale Slammers (owner Tom Twomey) - 9th consecutive division win; Only league championship was 2011
    • Chevy Chase League - Emmit Fitz-Hume Division: Gashouse Gorillas (owner Michael Quinn - 2nd win in 2019) - First division title since 2012 - 5th overall
    • Commissioners League - Giamatti Division: Towanda Teetotalers (owner Jay Snyder - 2nd win in 2019) - 2-time defending league champion - looking for 4th overall
    • Federal League
      • Brooklyn Tip-Tops Division: Wrigley Bleacher Bums (owner Jason Kiernan - 4th win in 2019) - Returns to playoffs for first time since 2015
      • Buffalo Buffeds Division: Provence Renegades (owner Ken DeGroot - 2nd win in 2019) - Best previous finish had been 2nd place (3 times)
    • Fenway Fenatics - Boggs Division: Plymouth Panthers (owner Mark Aisenbrey) - Repeat winner; Has advanced to the finals with previous 4 division wins, but looking for first league championship
    • Grand Slam League - Murray Division: Dushore Dopplegangers (owner Jay Snyder - 3rd win in 2019) - Third consecutive division win
    • Hall of Fame League - Cooperstown Division: Chicxulub Revolution (owner Sherman Wan - 4th win in 2019) - 12th division title in 19 seasons; Defending league champion
    • Home of the Brave - Niekro Division: Shawnee Fighting Eagles (owner David Henning - 7th win in 2019) - Defending league champion
    • The Kings of Queens - Hernandez Division: Heffernan's Henchmen (owner Michael Rudolph - 4th win in 2019) - First division crown; best previous finish in 9 seasons was 2nd in 2012
    • Moneyball League - Scott Hatteberg Division: Jenks Jerks (owner Tom Twomey - 2nd win in 2019) - 3rd time on top - most recent playoff berth was 2016
    • Motor City League - Newhouser Division: Atlanta Wolverines (owner Ricardo Alexander - 6th win in 2019) - 2-time defending league champ; 4th division title
    • Redbirds League - Smith Division: Brazil 2014 Canarinho (owner Leif Jonson - 5th win in 2019) - 5th straight title, 8th oveall - League champion in 2016
    • South Siders League - Fox Division: Wimpy's Hawks (owner Dave Matter - 3rd win in 2019) - First division win - 2 previous 2nd place finishes, including last year
    • Three of a Kind League - Speaker Division: Mt. Eaton Hooters (owner Dave Matter - 4th win in 2019) - 1st win since 2015 - League champion in 2014 & 2015
    • Will Ferrell League - Old School Division: Kingston Bad Bwoys (owner Ricardo Alexander - 7th win in 2019) - Defending league champion
    • Winners Circle League - Alexander Division: Vandalay Architects (owner Don Kruse) - 4th straight title; 5th overall - no league wins yet


  • 21 Division Champions from the September 11 games: (See standings for all leagues)
    • A League About Nothing Newman Division: Wild Men (owner Roland Dupont) - First division title
    • Blame Canada League - Stan Division: House of Trudeau (owner Brian Haines - 2nd win in 2019) - Repeat winner, 6th overall; League champ in 2016
    • Bleed Dodger Blue League - Campanella Division: Wisconsin Dawgs (owner Greg Flees) - 4th straight title, 7th overall; League champ in 2012
    • Cleveland Rocks - Boudreau Division: North Coast Wahoos (owner Michael Rudolph - 3rd win in 2019) - 1st division win in league's 7th season; finished 2nd twice
    • Commissioners League - Chandler Division: Budapest Buskers (owner Jon Swanson) - 2nd division win in 11 seasons
    • Experts League - Print Division: Mayan Warriors (owner Robert Elias - 2nd win in 2019) - Defending league champ; 5th division win
    • Firemen League - Wagner Division: Kingston Reggae Boys (owner Ricardo Alexander - 4th win in 2019) - 3rd consecutive title; 6th in 7 years - looking for first league championship
    • Grunge League Hole Division: Kentucky McGraws (owner Tom McGraw) - Finished 3rd, 27 GB in league's first season last year
    • The Kings of Queens - Harrelson Division: Waynedale Golden Bears (owner Dave Matter - 2nd win in 2019) - First division title in the league's 10th season - had finished 2nd 4 times
    • Longball League - Robinson Division: Trinidad Island Vikings (owner Leif Jonson - 3rd win in 2019) - 10th division title - back after losing 101 games in 2018; 3-time league champ
    • Moneyball League - David Justice Division: TINSTAAPP Leifs (owner Leif Jonson - 4th win in 2019) - 3rd division crown; League champ in 2016
    • Pacific Northwest League - Cougars Division: North By Northwest Crop Dusters (owner Danny Zaccaro) - 5th division win, first since 2016; 3-time league champ
    • Perfect World League - Randy Johnson Division: Erie Seawolves (owner Doug Schnack) - 1st division win in the league's 10th season; had finished 2nd only once (2016)
    • Steel City League
      • Wagner Division: House of Lannister (owner Brian Haines - 3rd win in 2019) - 3rd division win in 6 seasons
      • Traynor Division: Hershey Special O.P.S. (owner David Henning - 4th win in 2019) - Only team to win this division in the league's 6 seasons; no league titles yet
    • Superman League - Dean Cain Division: Fusilli Jerries (owner John Hula) - 3rd division win for the franchise
    • ThirtyThirtysomething League Ron Gant Division: Atomic Oxygen (owner Jim Duzyk) - Inaugural season
    • Tobacco Road League Blue Devils Division: Kingston Ganja Smokers (owner Ricardo Alexander - 5th win in 2019) - Inaugural season
    • Triple Crown League - Klein Division: Underwater Flying Submarines (owner Jason Kiernan) - 4th consecutive win, 6th overall; Won league crown in 2016 and 2017
    • Whiff League Wille Stargell Division: Global Stars on 45 (owner David Henning - 5th win in 2019) - Inaugural season
    • White Elephant League - Fingers Division: Who's on First? Abbott or Costello (owner Jason Kiernan - 2nd win in 2019) - Repeat winner


  • Free agent signings are closed for the season.  The only available transactions now are cuts and moves to IR.


  • 9 Division Champions from the September 7 games: (See standings for all leagues)
    • A League About Nothing Elaine Division: WHO DAT! (owner Skip Hohensee - 2nd win in 2019) - Repeat winner
    • Beatleball - McCartney Division: The Curiousness of Your Potential Kiss (owner Sherman Wan - 3rd win in 2019) - 9th consecutive title; 13th overall
    • Bleed Dodger Blue League - Drysdale Division: Southeast Northern State Westerners (owner Leif Jonson - 2nd win in 2019) - Repeat title, 5th overall; 2011 league champ
    • Fenway Fenatics - Cronin Division: Centauri Cosmic Conundrum (owner David Henning - 2nd win in 2019) - League champion 3 of the last 4 seasons, going for 3rd in a row
    • Grunge League Alice in Chains Division: Saturn Ringers (owner David Henning - 3rd win in 2019) - Finshed 2nd last year in league's first season
    • Marxball - Chico Division: Orrville Knights (owner Michael Rudolph - 2nd win in 2019) - Lost 95 games last year; finished 4th in both of league's previous seasons
    • Moneyball League - Ron Washington Division: Paso Robles Zinfindels (owner Ken DeGroot) - 2nd time on top (also 2017)
    • Phightin' Phils League Klein Division: Mt. Eaton Fox Squirrels (owner Dave Matter) - 2-time defending league champion
    • They Might Be Giants - Hubbell Division: Herrickville Haberdashers (owner Jay Snyder) - Repeat winner, 5th overall; 2012 league champion


  • 6 Division Champions from the September 6 games: (See standings for all leagues)
    • Beer League - Yeast Division: The Natty Lights (owner Jesse Roche - 2nd win in 2019) - Defending league champion (4 total); 10th straight division title
    • Blue and Gray League - Jackson Division: Charleston Cannon Fodder (owner Jerry King - 2nd win in 2019) - 10th division win in 11 seasons; 3-time league champion
    • Bronx Bombers League - Ford Division: Violent Delights (owner Sherman Wan - 2nd win in 2019) - Repeat division winner
    • Marxball - Zeppo Division: Kingston FC (owner Ricardo Alexander - 2nd win in 2019) - Repeat win
    • Reality Bites - Bachelor Division: Memphis Bighitters (owner Michael Quinn) - 9th division win; League champ in 2011
    • Steel City League - Kiner Division: Atlanta Golden Krust (owner Ricardo Alexander - 3rd win in 2019) - 3rd division crown


  • 3 Division Champions from the September 4 games: (See standings for all leagues)
    • Reality Bites - Fear Factor Division: Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympians (owner Leif Jonson) - First playoff berth since 2009, when they won league championship; 4th overall title
    • Scooby Doo League - Daphne Division: North DeLisle Rangers (owner Sherman Wan) - Defending league champion; 4th division title
    • Whiff League - Sammy Sosa Division: Center City Flashbacks (owner Charlie Penn) - Inaugural season


  • 4 Division Champions from the September 2 games: (See standings for all leagues)
    • Experts League - Blogs Division: Sumer Anunnaki (owner Brian Haines) - 4th division win - first since 2015; League champ in 2014
    • Gone But Not Forgotten League - Philadelphia Athletics Division: Center City Flashbacks (owner David Henning) - Inaugural season
    • Scooby Doo League - Shaggy Division: Rittman Corked Bats (owner Michael Rudolph) - Repeat division winner - 3rd overall
    • Winners Circle League - Mathewson Division: Los Angeles Baconators (owner Jerry King) - 4th consecutive division championship


  • Reminder - this is the final week to sign free agents for the regular season/post season.


  • 3 Division Champions from the September 1 games: (See standings for all leagues)
    • Anchorman League - Rather Division: Roto Baseball Thunder (owner Skip Hohensee) - Repeat division winner, 3rd in franchise history
    • Golden Throat League - Haray Carey Division: Atlanta Gangsters (owner Ricardo Alexander) - First division title since 2007 - looking for first league championship
    • South Siders League - Faber Division: El Dorado Conquistadors (owner Robert Elias) - 4th straight division win; League champ in 2017


  • Roughly about the same time every year...congratulations to our first Division Champion: (See standings for all leagues)
    • Moneyball League - Art Howe Division: Crumpton Roches (owner Jesse Roche) - 7th division title in league's 7 seasons; Defending league champ and won 2 other times


  • A reminder of what's coming up of importance in the BWB calendar - See the season schedule for details.
    • Week 23 - deadline Sunday 9/1 - "roster expansion" - taxi squad and minor league players can fill in as an extended bench for the final three weeks of the season - See the rules regarding September call ups
    • Week 24 - deadline Sunday 9/8 - final week to sign free agents for the 2019 season/post-season


  • Reminder: Every 5 weeks we change the transaction deadline day to better match the mapping between MLB games and BWB games.  Starting this week, and for Weeks 21-25 our lineup/transaction deadlines are due on Sundays at 1 PM Eastern
  • This is your final chance to move any players to the Prospects Roster.  Week 21 is the final week to make that move.


  • Trades are closed for the 2019 season


  • Don't forget - starting with Week 16 games, the financial aspects of regular season performance changed:
    • The reward for each win changed from 50K to 75K (and goes to 100K starting in Week 21)
    • The funds to help 4th place teams were reduced and goes to zero for the final 5 weeks of the season
    • Don't leave cash on the table for your team next season by becoming a completely non-competitive team the rest of the way


  • This week is the trade deadline!


  • With Game 100 scored and posted, we've hit the 2/3 mark of the regular season


  • Planning Ahead - Taking a look at the upcoming schedule
    • Week 19 - Deadline Monday, August 5 - this will be a short week with deadline moved to Monday night
    • Week 20 (8/12/19) - Trade deadline
    • Week 21 (8/18/19)
      • Weekly deadlines move to Sundays at 1PM Eastern
      • Final week to move any players to the prospect roster
    • Week 23 - "Roster expansion" begins - for games in Weeks 23-25, taxi squad and minor league players may fill in for lineup holes
    • Some dates may be subject to change - check the schedule for the entire season


  • Of 3,072 games in BWB for Week 16, the results of 184 changed with the pitching corrections.
    • 320 Teams had a different win total for Week 16 after the game corrections:
      • 13 teams had +2 wins
      • 149 teams had +1 win
      • 142 teams had -1 win
      • 15 teams had -2 wins
      • 1 team had -3 wins


  • See the email sent out tonight about some game-scoring errors.  I will need to rescore all of Week 16.  Game results have been cleared out but the original box score files and standings are still present - those will be overwritten when the games are redone.
  • I'll try to get the week rescored and posted by late Wednesday night.


  • In case you're seeing missing contract extensions, in the email sent out to all owners on Sunday morning, I listed among the items to consider:
    • 7. There is no “sign and trade” in BWB – you can’t do a contract extension on a player and trade him away in the same week (but you COULD extend him this week and trade him next week).
    • About 13 contract extensions across all of BWB were discarded this week because those players were also involved in trades. In the processing order of transactions, trades come before extensions, so once the trade occurs, the original team no longer has the player to do the contract extension.


  • Week 17 is the final week for contract extensions - deadline is Tuesday night
  • During the transaction period right before the contract deadline, each team gets an extra 1000 in cash (See rules)
  • That cash has been distributed and added to team cash balances during the Week 16 transaction processing


  • There are no more salary rebates this season when you cut players.
  • The signing salary for any free agent is now fixed - you will pay a prorated 40% of the 2019 salary for any player you sign for the remainder of the season.
  • For Week 16 lineups - you may reorder your pitching rotation from scratch - we will not check on games of rest between Weeks 15 and 16 - it's our version of the All Star Break.


  • OK - we have a little situation based on the number of games the Tigers have not yet played due to weather (and really the White Sox too as for the moment they're only ahead of Detroit by a day).  When we process weekly transactions for a given week, we use the game results from 2 weeks earlier to set transaction order and cash distribution.  For example, this week when we do Week 15 transactions, we're using the game results from Week 13, which just ended on Saturday.
    • No problem for this week - we're set a couple of days before the deadline - but the All Star Break will now interfere.
    • The real problem comes for Week 16 transactions, with a scheduled deadline of Monday, 7/15.  The Tigers play their final game to map to BWB Week 14 on Monday, 7/15 - meaning I can't score games until Tuesday...and likely can't set the transaction order until Wednesday and that would be the earliest day that I could process the transactions.  There will be similar issues in the next couple of weeks after that, so these are the changes in transaction/lineup deadlines:
      • This week - Week 15 - no change in date, but will extend to midnight Eastern time on Tuesday night
      • Week 16: Deadline changed from Mon 7/15 to Wed 7/17 (midnight Eastern)
      • Week 17: Deadline changed from Mon 7/22 to Tue 7/23 (midnight Eastern)
      • Week 18: Deadline changed from Mon 7/29 to Tue 7/30 (7 PM Eastern)
      • Then I think that by Week 19 we can get back to the regular schedule - with deadline on Mon 8/5.
      • See the changes listed on the season listing of schedule/deadlines
    • Note - I'm setting these deadlines back so that I believe that I can set the transaction order on the same day I process transactions.  But I probably won't be able to post the updated order very far ahead of the weekly deadline, if at all.  Sorry - you'll have to estimate the order from the previous week.
  • I could just keep the listed deadlines, but I won't be able to process transaction submissions any sooner, so if the deadlines are not pushed back, you'll have fewer days in between posting of results and when your next list is due.
  • This may need to change again, depending on weather.


  • Reminder - This is the final week to release players and get a prorated salary rebate for 2019 - Deadline is Tuesday night at 7 PM Eastern


  • With Game 75 in the books we have reached the halfway mark of the regular season.


  • It appears that my outgoing email has been blocked, and as near as I can tell, the broadcast blast I sent out on Tuesday afternoon to announce the deadline extension was the last message received by the outside world.  I've got a ticket in with my web provider to get this fixed, but with the holiday, I'm not expecting anything today.  So, if you're waiting on a reply from me, it may be a little while.
  • The unfortunate death of Tyler Skaggs means that he will be removed from all rosters and from the player list.  This happened too close to the weekly deadline to act on it during Week 14, so nothing changed this week and if he's in a rotation and has a queued start, his stats will count during Week 13 and/or 14 games.  Effective for Week 15, he'll be off all rosters - you can cut him, but if you don't the BWB league office will remove him.  You will get a salary rebate if applicable.  See the BWB rule covering this


  • This is the final week to release players and get a prorated salary rebate for 2019 (salary rebates do continue for trades)
  • Tigers game postponed on Tuesday pushes us back another day for the next game score.  We'll hit the halfway point of the season with a posting of Games 73-75 on Thursday.


  • With Brendan McKay coming up to the majors and still a 2-way player and likely to be used that way, we've made him a 2-way player in BWB and added pitching eligibility for him.


  • Planning Ahead - Taking a look at the upcoming schedule
    • Week 15 (7/9/19) - This is the final week to release players and get a prorated salary rebate for 2019
    • Week 16 (7/15/19)
      • Weekly deadlines shift to Monday nights
      • All teams receive an extra 1000 in cash
      • "All Star Break" - Reorder your pitching rotation without concern about games of rest between Weeks 15 & 16
    • Week 17 (7/22/19) - Final week to sign contract extensions for 2020 and beyond
    • Week 20 (8/12/19) - Trade deadline
    • Some dates may be subject to change - check the schedule for the entire season


  • As Week 12 games begin, we've got three weeks of games within your division


  • Reminder - this is your first chance to sign 2019 first round draft picks.  To give you a little extra time for your picks, the weekly deadline on Tuesday night is extended until midnight Pacific.


  • First round draft picks of 2019 are now in the player list.  You can sign them this week.
    • There is a slight risk in signing draft picks - if the player does not sign by the MLB deadline (July 12), the player is immediately removed from your roster and from the BWB player list.
    • How to find the picks?  On the player selection screen, use the "Other" filter and you'll find an option for "First Round (2019)"
    • You'll also find them by looking for players who are new to the list in Week 12, although they will be mixed in with other players added this week by making their first MLB appearances.


  • Reminder - Transaction submissions and lineup changes are now due on Tuesdays at 7 PM Eastern!
  • First round draft picks will be available NEXT WEEK - you'll find them in the player list after Week 11 transaction results post on Tuesday night.
  • Orphan Special - there are still a handful of orphan teams for this season - you can grab any orphan for the remainder of the 2019 season for just $10 (regular price $35)
    • 4 of the 6 available orphans currently have the #1 pick each week in transactions and already have some of this season's top prospects.  One other team is at #2 and the last one is picking at #4.


  • Note: Every 5 weeks we change the transaction deadline day to better match the mapping between MLB games and BWB games.  Starting this week, and for Weeks 11-15 our lineup/transaction deadlines are due on Tuesdays


  • Planning Ahead - Taking a look at the upcoming schedule
    • Week 10 (6/5/19) - Final transaction/lineup deadline to fall on Wednesday
    • Week 11 (6/11/19) - Transaction/lineup deadline moves to Tuesdays
    • Week 12 (6/18/19) - First week that 2019 first round draft picks will be available to sign - check for them in the Player list after the Week 11 transaction results are posted (estimated for 6/12/19)
    • Week 15 (7/9/19) - This is the final week to release players and get a prorated salary rebate for 2019
    • Week 16 (7/15/19) - All teams receive an extra 1000 in cash
    • Week 17 (7/22/19) - Final week to sign contract extensions for 2020 and beyond
    • Some dates may be subject to change - check the schedule for the entire season


  • With Game 50, we've reached a milestone point of the season - 1/3 of the regular season is complete


  • Winless no more - South Park in the Commissioners League won not just once, but twice against first-place Towanda.  Win #1 came in Game 16.


  • Let's try to answer a question before it's asked: When is Vlad Jr. going to be available to sign?
    • BWB only adds a player to the list once he plays a game in MLB - and the stats are available the day after the debut.
    • BWB adds new players just once per week - this gives 5-7 days typically to allow everyone a chance to get in and submit a claim.  Players are posted at the same time that transactions/lineups are processed.
    • For the week that just closed with a Thursday deadline (and the process to run transactions beginning Thursday night), players would have had to have had the first appearance on Wednesday.  With Vlad's debut on Friday, he will not appear on the player list until after we process/post Week 5 transactions.
    • So, look for Guerrero to be available for the first time for Week 6 - with deadline Wednesday, May 8 (transaction order determined by the win-loss records following Week 4, so there's nothing more you can do to affect your waiver position).


  • Our final undefeated team - Wrigley Bleacher Bums (Federal League, owned by Jason Kiernan) lost in its 13th game, 5-3 to Trump.
  • There's still one team searching for win #1 - Andrew Lehman's South Park Butters (Commissioners League) is 0-15.  They're getting closer?  3 of the last 4 losses have been in extra innings.  But coming up is a 3-game series against 1st place Towanda (13-2).


  • Perfect - and not so perfect: After 10 games, we've got 3 teams left with a perfect 10-0 record.  Jason Kiernan has 2 of them: Wrigley in Federal League and Big Tall in Fenway Fenatics.  Robert Elias has the other one with Cape Fear in the new Tobacco Road League.  Meanwhile, there are still 10 teams across BWB that have yet to get their first win.
    • Update after Game 12 - Jason Kiernan's Wrigley Bleacher Bums is the final team remaining with a perfect 12-0 record.  There are now only 3 teams left looking for their first win.


  • It's a little early in the season - 14/15ths of the regular season still remains - but here's our 1-page look at comparing teams across all the leagues in the BWB universe: Around BWB


  • Weekly league stats will generally appear a day after the final games of the week post
  • Starting with Week 3 transactions, we now base our weekly transaction order on the standings.  There's a 2-week delay - so the standings now at the end of Week 1 will determine the picking order for Week 3.  This will also typically post about a day after the week is completed.  There are a lot of ties to break early in the season, so at this point it takes a little longer - the current plan is to have the transaction order updated for Week 3 by late Monday night.


  • It's BWB Opening Day!  Week 1 Begins - Game 1 posted - See results
    • The next score update - for Games 2 & 3 - is expected on Wednesday night - we have enough MLB games played already to score through Game 3 - I just needed extra time on Game 1 to make sure everything works right and get some of the kinks out.
  • Among the different multiteam tools for those of you who have a lot of teams, you can view the transaction results for all of your teams on one page


  • 2019 Schedule posted - you can see this in a number of ways:
    • Weekly schedule for your entire league - this is the link I'll post on the home page when we score games, it's also available on your league's home page and in the footer of every web page - the "Results" link.  This page will show the results and links to box scores.
    • Full season schedule for your league - a text representation of each 3-game series for this year.  It's also available as a link on the league home page and on the weekly schedule.  This page will not show game results.
    • Full season schedule for your team - A running record of all your games (or check out another team), including YTD record at each game, a link to the box score, and a look at upcoming pitching matchups (available once I get the Week 1 lineups from everyone).  This is available from a link at the top of the weekly schedule page.
  • You might be asking...when do we start playing games?
    • First, understand the Five Game Gap - if you're new to BWB or just need a reminder, check out the explanation of how MLB games map to BWB games
    • So we need to wait until all teams play MLB game #6 to get to BWB game #1. 
    • 4 teams did not play their 6th game until Friday night - so the soonest we would have been able to post results for BWB game #1 would have been Saturday
    • But with the late-drafting leagues, we are running a bit behind.  Lineups are due for Week 1 games on Monday night.  Look for the first game results to come on Tuesday night or Wednesday night.  From there on - we'll typically have results posted every 2-3 days.


  • Reminder - Week One Transaction/Lineup Deadline - Monday, April 8 at 7 PM Eastern
  • One thing to be clear about on the delayed enforcement of the maximum cash balance - think about the contract extensions this week as a Week 0.5 for transactions - we'll do the contract extensions first and then enforce the 7000 team balance limit.  Then we'll do the remainder of the transactions for Week 1.  If you are currently under 7000 in cash - and then you cut/trade players so that the salary rebate puts you over 7000, you will not be penalized.


  • Week Zero Transactions Posted
    • Any teams with cash balances above 5000 were slated to be cut down to that level (exceptions: new leagues, new owners taking over orphan teams, and orphans adopted on or after Week -2) - however, see the special extension below
    • Teams were then provided with an extra 2000 in Opening Day cash
    • Players may start getting added to the player list from here on out - as they appear in their first MLB game
      • Players are only added at the time of the posting of transaction results - so you don't have to be searching daily for new additions.
      • You'll find the new players in the player/free agent list - find the drop down box for "New in 2019" - players are listed by the first transaction week in which they can be signed.
  • Week One Transaction/Lineup Deadline - modified to Monday, April 8 at 7 PM Eastern
  • Maximum Cash Balance - enforcement delayed
    • In trying to cut people a break, I sent out a list of teams that were over the maximum cash balance and offered to have them send me contract extensions via email - after thinking about that, I realized this would a) create a lot of manual work and b) delay the process for everyone else to work on setting lineups
    • So, to put at least a little bit of order into this, these teams still have a chance to use their cash before losing it.
      • Because all teams have been given 2000 in cash for Opening Day, the new maximum balance is 7000
      • The teams on the list can only work their cash down via contract extensions
      • Use the normal contract extension form to submit your choices
      • Before we process Week 1 transactions, we'll run a special contract extension round only.  After those extensions are processed, any of the teams that still have balances over 7000 will be cut down to that amount.
      • Then we'll move on to run Week 1 transaction submissions as normal.
      • The deadline to complete this is the same as the Week 1 transaction deadline - Monday 4/8 at 7 PM EDT
      • Only the teams on this list need to be concerned about this


  • Reminder: your teams' cash balances need to be below 5000 after processing this week's transactions or the balance will be cut down to 5000.  Need to take a quick pass again to see where you stand?  Check out the all my transactions page which now displays the estimated cash balance for you after the transactions.
  • Some of you with many teams may be coming down to the wire checking your cash balances and getting your roster ready - it won't affect any knowledge of MLB information, so I'm extending the deadline one more time - Week Zero Transactions due on Tuesday morning, 8 AM Eastern.  (Why not later in the day, just before games start?  This way I can download the transaction submissions and maybe process them on Tuesday during the day).
  • There's a lot going on, so here's a recap of the upcoming deadlines:
    • Tuesday morning 4/2 - 8 AM EDT: Week Zero transactions
    • Thursday night 4/4 - 7 PM EDT: Week One transactions and set lineups for Week One games. This will likely be pushed back.
  • Making some long-needed fixes to transaction error checking - this is a work in progress:
    • Sunday - completed: Error-checking now handles count of players when you already have players on your roster who are labeled as "prospects."  Before - players on your prospect roster were incorrectly counted as part of your 40-man roster, so that even if you weren't making any transactions this week, you'd get flagged for being over 40 players if your normal roster + your prospects were greater than 40
    • Sunday - completed: Fixed 40-man errors for signing players directly to IR or directly to prospects
    • Sunday - completed: Calculated IR fee into your net cash balance after transactions
    • Sunday - compleatd: Calculated prospect fee into your net cash balance after transactions
    • Future - changes include:
      • Checking if your total prospects will go over the limit of 5
      • Eventually, figuring in roster/cash changes from trades into the transaction limits


  • Reminders about Week Zero Transactions - due Monday night at midnight Pacific time Tuesday morning at 8 AM Eastern :
    • Teams in returning leagues must get their cash balances at or below 5000 after all transactions are complete this week - if you do not, your team's balance will be reduced to 5000.
    • All teams get 2000 in extra cash this week.  If you need it, you can actually use the cash for transactions, meaning you can let your balances get down to -2000 and still be OK.
  • ThirtyThirtySomething League Draft - Phase Two Draft - Part Three is complete
    • See the league draft index for a link to the results
    • Rosters are posted and team finances updated
    • All teams have a legal roster - so we now move into regular weekly transactions (Week Zero is due Monday night)
  • Whiff League Draft - Phase Two Draft - Part Three is complete
    • See the league draft index for a link to the results
    • Rosters are posted and team finances updated
    • All teams have a legal roster - so we now move into regular weekly transactions (Week Zero is due Monday night)


  • ThirtyThirtySomething League - Phase Two Draft, Part Two posted
    • See the league draft index for details
    • Rosters populated and finances updated
    • We're not quite at a legal roster for all teams, so we need a Part 3 - list is now open
    • Deadline for Phase Two, Part Three list submission is Sunday 3/30 at 2 PM Eastern
  • Whiff League - Phase Two Draft, Part Two posted
    • See the league draft index for details
    • Rosters loaded and finances updated
    • We continue Phase Two draft until all teams have a legal roster - we're very close. The list for Part 3 is now open.
    • Deadline for Phase Two, Part Three list submission is Sunday 3/31 at noon Eastern


  • Gone But Not Forgotten League Draft - Phase Two Draft - Part Three is complete
    • See the league draft index for details
    • Rosters populated and finances updated
    • All teams have a legal roster - so we now move into regular weekly transactions (Week Zero is due Monday night)
  • Wes Anderson League Draft - Phase Two Draft - Part Two is complete
    • See the league draft index for a link to the results
    • Rosters are posted and team finances updated
    • All teams have a legal roster - so we now move into regular weekly transactions (Week Zero is due Monday night)


  • The Week Zero transaction order was just reset
    • For returning leagues, it's the same as it was in the Redistribution Draft - based on the 2018 standings with the 4 playoff teams in the last 4 slots
    • For new leagues (at the moment, only Tobacco Road was reset) it's in order of team total payroll (ascending)
    • The order does not change for Weeks 1 and 2 - then starting in Week 3 it will change weekly depending on 2019 standings
  • Because of the late-ending drafts, the Week Zero transaction deadline is pushed back to Monday night, 4/1 at midnight Eastern
  • ThirtyThirtySomething League - Phase Two Draft, Part One posted
    • See the league draft index for details
    • Rosters populated and finances updated
    • We continue Phase Two draft until all teams have a legal roster, the list for Part 2 is now open - access the draft list from your team roster.  2 teams need to successfully sign 11 players, so we're setting the list to 18 rounds.
    • Deadline for Phase Two, Part One list submission is Saturday 3/30 at noon Eastern


  • Whiff League - Phase Two Draft, Part One posted
    • See the league draft index for details
    • Rosters loaded and finances updated
    • We continue Phase Two draft until all teams have a legal roster, the list for Part 2 is now open - access the draft list from your team roster
    • Deadline for Phase Two, Part Two list submission is Thursday night 3/28 at midnight Eastern


  • Gone But Not Forgotten League Draft - Phase Two Draft - Part Two - Posted
    • See the league draft index for details
    • Rosters populated and finances updated
    • Three teams still do not have a legal roster, so we'll do a Part Three of the draft - it's a quick turnaround...
    • Deadline for Phase Two, Part Three list submission is Wednesday night 3/27 at Midnight Eastern
  • Week Minus 1 Transactions Posted - Week Zero deadline is extended out to Saturday, March 30 at Midnight Pacific (3/31/19 3 AM EDT)
  • See the notes about what you need to do for Week Zero transactions - a big reminder is that you need to get your teams' cash balances below 5000 by this week.


  • Wes Anderson League - Phase Two Draft, Part One posted
    • See the league draft index for details
    • Rosters loaded and finances updated
    • We continue Phase Two draft until all teams have a legal roster, the list for Part 2 is now open - access the draft list from your team roster
    • Deadline for Phase Two, Part Two list submission is Wednesday night 3/27 at 7 PM Eastern
  • ThirtyThirtySomething League - Phase One Draft - Complete!
    • See the league draft index for details
    • Rosters populated and finances updated
    • Phase Two draft is now open - access the draft list from your team roster - deadline for Phase Two, Part One list submission is Tuesday night 3/26 at midnight Eastern


  • We're getting down to the wire for the final touches on your rosters heading into the season.
    • Week -1 transactions are due Sunday night at midnight EDT
    • Week Zero transactions are due Thursday, March 28 (but with drafts just finishing, this may get extended) - teams in returning leagues will lose any cash balance left over 5000 at that time (and then all teams get an extra 2000).  Starting a couple of years ago, there are exceptions to this rule:
      • Any orphan teams acquired by an owner for his/her initial season of BWB are not subject to the maximum cash balance
      • Any orphan teams acquired where the extra 4000 cash is credited on Week -2 or later does not have to quickly reduce (We're currently in Week -1, so pick up an orphan now and your cash is safe)
      • And - any teams currently in orphan status will not be subject to a cut.
      • See the rule
    • Week 1 lineups will be due on Thursday, April 4


  • Whiff League Draft - Phase One Draft Complete!
    • See the league draft index for details
    • Rosters populated and finances updated
    • Phase Two draft is now open - access the draft list from your team roster - deadline for Phase Two, Part One list submission is Monday night 3/25 at midnight Eastern
  • It's MLB Opening Day! (kind of...)  If you're new to BWB this year or need a reminder, do these games in Japan count?
    • Yes and no.  Pitching performances will count - but hitting stats don't count until MLB teams play their 6th game of the season.
    • Do you have to set lineups for these games?  No - you'll set your BWB lineups for Week 1 of our season by April 4.  Knowing a few performances ahead of time won't wreck the season.
    • Check out the rules about which games count


  • Wes Anderson League - Live Draft Results Posted
    • See the league draft index for details
    • Rosters loaded and finances updated
    • Phase Two draft is now open - access the draft list from your team roster - deadline for Phase Two, Part One list submission is Saturday night 3/23 at midnight Eastern
  • ThirtyThirtySomething League - League is full!
    • See the league draft index - The page has links to past drafts to show you some examples of how it works and who gets picked a lot and how bidding works.
    • Phase One draft lists are open - access a link on your team's roster page. We're at a point in the preseason where we need to move fast: The deadline for Phase One is Thursday afternoon, March 21 at NOON Eastern


  • Gone But Not Forgotten League Draft - Phase One - Draft complete
    • See the league draft index for details
    • Rosters populated and finances updated
    • Phase Two draft is now open - access the draft list from your team roster - deadline for Phase Two, Part One list submission is Thursday night 3/21 at midnight Eastern


  • Tobacco Road League Draft - Phase Two Draft - Part Four is complete
    • See the league draft index for a link to the results
    • Rosters are posted and team finances updated
    • All teams have a legal roster - so we now move into regular weekly transactions (deadlines on Sunday night)


  • We need a little more time for some of the newly-joined team owners to get familiar with the site/process and so we need to extend a couple of draft dates:
    • UPDATED: Whiff League - extended from Monday night at midnight Eastern to Saturday night, March 16 at midnight Eastern
    • Gone But Not Forgotten League - due to the Whiff League extension, I'll push this back a day - deadline extended from Wednesday night at midnight Eastern to Thursday night, March 14 at midnight Eastern


  • Welcome to Benchwarmer Baseball - It's a unique form of fantasy baseball as we play 150 individual head-to-head games in a season simulated from daily MLB stats - this isn't a Rotisserie game.
    • We have only a few open teams remaining for new 2019 leagues - sign up now!
    • This is fantasy baseball 365 days a year.  In early January, teams cut down their 40-man rosters to a maximum of 28 players that they can carry over onto their 2019 squads.  They just wrapped up the annual Redistribution Draft, where teams that finished poorly last season get some advantages to try to rebuild for this year and the future. For the remainder of the preseason, they'll be putting their finishing touches on the Opening Day rosters.
    • Check out the Benchwarmer Baseball Tour for an introduction.
    • Check out our list of new leagues for 2019 that you can join to begin your dynasty.  Or, if you'd like to attempt to turn around a struggling team, view our available orphan teams ...pick up an existing team and rebuild it, rather than start from scratch.
      • If you're a first-time owner, you play under the "rookie rate" of $35 for your first team (normal price, $65)
      • Orphan teams are also just $35 - about 1/2 the normal price.
      • If you're interested, your first step is to sign up here.  Then go ahead and pick out a new league or check out the orphan list again.
    • Are you already a BWB team owner and want to add teams?  Check first to see if you have an available bonus team from 2018 or else add new teams here.  Email us if you want an orphan team and we'll set you up.


  • A quick note on transactions and errors - it looks like I still need to fix any errors about roster size related to prospects - that was something left over from last summer.  I won't have it fixed tonight but will see what I can do for next week.
  • The FILL UP THE NEW LEAGUES SPECIAL is extended through Wednesday night at midnight Pacific - see the note below from March 6 for more details.
  • Wes Anderson League is almost full - This is a LIVE DRAFT with one more open spot at the moment - see the list of new leagues in order to join
    • Live draft time will be Friday night, March 15 at 10 PM Eastern
    • If you signed up for that league and can't do it, you can switch to the ThirtyThirtySomething League that will use the list draft format.  If you can't do that list draft or really only wanted to do a live draft, let me know and I can remove your team from Wes Anderson.
    • See the league draft index to view results of the live drafts is previous seasons.
  • Gone But Not Forgotten League - League is full!
    • See the league draft index - The page has links to past drafts to show you some examples of how it works and who gets picked a lot and how bidding works.
    • Phase One draft lists are open - access a link on your team's roster page. We're at a point in the preseason where we need to move fast: The deadline for Phase One is Monday night, March 11 at midnight Eastern


  • Whiff League - League is full!
    • See the league draft index - The page has links to past drafts to show you some examples of how it works and who gets picked a lot and how bidding works.
    • Phase One draft lists are open - access a link on your team's roster page. We're at a point in the preseason where we need to move fast: The deadline for Phase One is Monday night, March 11 at midnight Eastern


  • FILL UP THE NEW LEAGUES SPECIAL.  We're trying to fill out 4 more new leagues for the 2019 season.  Our full draft process takes at least a couple weeks, so we need to fill them as soon as possible to make sure they run and are ready for the start of the season.
    • If you're new to BWB and want to try us out, sign up here and use the promo code FILL - you'll get your teams for just $10 (save $25 off the "rookie rate")
    • If you already have a team, no promo code is necessary - just click here to add 1 or more teams - you'll get the same $10 price (I'll fix it on the back end after you sign up)
    • Once you sign up you should be able to join a league right away - grab a spot before they are gone!
    • This special expires Sunday night, March 10, at midnight Pacific.


  • Tobacco Road League Draft - Phase Two Draft - Part Three is complete
    • See the league draft index for a link to the results
    • Rosters are posted and team finances updated
    • We don't yet have every team with a legal roster - so Phase Two draft lists are now open again.  The deadline for Phase Two, Part Four is Wednesday night, March 6 at midnight EST


  • Redistribution Draft - Rounds 3-5 posted
  • We now move on to our regular weekly transactions throughout the preseason
    • Deadlines are every Sunday night at midnight EST until Week Zero, when the deadline switches to Thursdays
    • All transactions are open - trades, cuts, free agent signings, contract extensions, move to IR, move to prospect roster
    • You get an 80% salary rebate for any player you cut; salary rebates in trades are 100%
    • There is a 1-week delay between when you sign a player and when he is available for your lineup - so, in order to have your Opening Day roster ready for Week 1, you must have a legal roster by the end of signings on Week Zero.  That gives you five weeks of transactions.
    • The deadline for Transaction Week -4 is Sunday night, March 3 at midnight EST
  • All teams received an extra 1000 in cash to help cover prospect roster costs (there's a fee of 250 to put a player there).  However, you are not required to use the cash for prospects - for teams short on cash and not yet with a legal roster, you can use it for regular transactions as well.
  • The next cash distribution is for 2000 during Week Zero.


  • Michael Lehman - when you get a chance contact me about Murderers' Row and Moneyball League
  • Reminder - updated draft lists for the Redistribution Draft (rounds 3-5) are due tonight at midnight EST - No changes are necessary, but it's an optional chance for you to rework the list
  • We're a little bit more than a month out from Opening Day, so it's time to think about payment for your 2019 teams.  For returning owners, your deadline to pay isn't until Opening Day.  If you are playing a lot of teams, you might want to check out one of the two package plans.


  • Tobacco Road League Draft - Phase Two Draft - Part Two is complete
    • See the league draft index for a linke to the results
    • Rosters are posted and team finances updated
    • Phase Two draft lists are now open again.  The deadline for Phase Two, Part Three is Friday night, March 1 at midnight EST



  • Tobacco Road League Draft - Phase Two Draft - Part One is complete
    • See the league draft index for a linke to the results
    • Rosters are posted and team finances updated
    • Phase Two draft lists are now open again.  The deadline for Phase Two, Part Two is Monday night, Feb 18 at midnight EST



  • Tobacco Road League Draft - Phase One Draft is complete
    • See the league draft index - All contested picks are resolved
    • Rosters are posted and team finances updated
    • Phase Two draft lists are now open.  The deadline for Phase Two, Part One is Wednesday night, Feb 6 at midnight EST


  • Transaction Order is now reset for the Redistribution Draft and off-season free agency.  League champions draft last, runners-up are 15th, and the remaining division winners draft 13th and 14th.


  • Results of carryover choices posted.  View the Transactions page to see the cuts in your league.
  • The 2019 Redistribution Draft is now open.  You'll have just about 3 full weeks to make your selections (see the link on your team roster).  Deadline is Sunday night 2/3/19 Midnight EST.
  • For more information, see the rules regarding the Redistribution Draft
  • There's nearly 3 weeks to do your list for Round 1, but you should consider building for all 5 rounds
    • Then, after Feb 3, we post the results of only Round 1 only - any drafted players will be removed from the remainder of your lists.
    • You'll have 2 weeks to redo draft lists (if you choose), then we post the results of only Round 2 (again removing drafted players from your rounds 3-5)
    • Then one more week for an optional redo of your draft lists, and we post the results of Rounds 3-5
  • The season calendar of deadlines is posted, but the deadlines for the Redistribution Draft are:
    • Sun 2/3 - First submission - we post results for Round 1
    • Sun 2/17 - Adjust your lists for Rounds 2-5 - we post results for Round 2
    • Sun 2/24 - Adjust your lists for Rounds 3-5 - we post results for the remaining 3 rounds
  • The draft order is not yet updated - check back later this week
  • With all the cuts - the Trade Rumors list is cleared out in our annual deletion of everything.
  • Any players on your Prospect Roster have been moved back to your 40-man roster.  You can begin to move players to prospect status again after the Redistribution Draft.


  • Tonight is the deadline to pick which players you're keeping on your roster for 2019.  You can check all of your teams for errors on your carryover selections.  Deadline is Sunday night at midnight Pacific
  • For orphan teams assigned between 12/31 and 1/12, your orphan cash has just been distributed in a special financial update so that you can judge your team's finances accordingly. (Foster parents not included - that cash is distributed when a permanent owner is assigned).
  • All orphan teams currently have foster owners - thanks for the volunteers!


  • Reminder - Roster carryover choices are due on Sunday night at midnight Pacific (1/14/19, 3AM EST)
  • 108 New players added to the list based on the 40-man rosters
    • This is the only player addition until after Opening Day
    • To find them - In the filter/search area of the player lists, look for the "New in 2019" menu
  • Luis Valbuena, who died in a car crash last month, was removed from the BWB player list and automatically removed from the rosters of 10 BWB teams.


  • Final offseason culling of the player list - 131 players removed from the game, including just 1 who was on a BWB roster - Henderson Alvarez (who was automatically removed from any BWB rosters).
  • Position for all players for 2019 are now finalized (after checking all the minor league players).
  • Next step is to add the new players into the game based on MLB 40-man rosters - shooting to get them posted by Sunday night.



  • Happy New Year!
  • Week Thirty Transactions Posted - These are the trades in the Fall trading period #2
    • Trades are now closed until after the Redistribution Draft is completed in February.
    • Your picks for which players you'll keep on your roster in 2019 are due on Sunday night, January 13 at midnight Pacific (1/14/19, 3AM EST)
    • 125 players were removed from the game on the basis of retirement or signing to play in foreign ball, including these 8 that were on BWB rosters: Chris Anderson, Cody Ege, Jose Fernandez, Jeff Ferrell, Casey Kelly, John Lackey, Jefry Marte, and Jake Thompson.  Those players have been automatically deleted from any BWB rosters.
  • Coming later this week - planned to post by the end of next weekend:
    • Minor league results for 2018, including financial bonus awards
    • New players added to the list for 2019
    • I have to look at the transaction order for the Redistribution Draft and will need to reset it (criteria are a bit different in season vs. off season)
    • There are some page/site fixes to come as well
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